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Reaction Upon First Listen: AMB The Garcia Brothers
March 27, 2014
5:11 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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scruffy said
this is why is believe that the warlock isnt a juggalo.  he just has the music.  thats all.  

i dont think hes ever said anything close to, 'i am a juggalo'.  but i do think he has said plenty that makes me think otherwise.  

eg, how he would rather watch a freestyle rap battle, than attend the gathering.  


lol well to be fair it wasnt just a battle rap (nor was it freestyle) it was like the gathering of battle rap.. & ive never been to a gathering so maybe if i have id get the hype.. 


March 27, 2014
5:18 pm

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to be fair.  

The Warlock said 

ive never been to a gathering so maybe if i have id get the hype..     

The Warlock did not say 

i am a juggalo.  

you dont get the hype?  


yeah, whats so big about the gathering?  just a bunch of hype.  not like the gathering of battle rap.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 27, 2014
5:28 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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scruffy said
to be fair.  

The Warlock said 

ive never been to a gathering so maybe if i have id get the hype..     

The Warlock did not say 

i am a juggalo.  

you dont get the hype?  


yeah, whats so big about the gathering?  just a bunch of hype.  not like the gathering of battle rap.  


im not really a people person, hate camping, would cost way more.. could be wrong tho & is prob way fresher who knows.. and i am a juggalo. in my eyes at least.. could care less what anyone else thinks.. happy sir?


March 27, 2014
5:44 pm
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in reference to the talk about esham... esham is an ungreatful bitch. that is all lol

March 27, 2014
5:47 pm
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scruffy said
this is why is believe that the warlock isnt a juggalo.  he just has the music.  thats all.  

i dont think hes ever said anything close to, 'i am a juggalo'.  but i do think he has said plenty that makes me think otherwise.  

eg, how he would rather watch a freestyle rap battle, than attend the gathering.  



Ouch... A little harsh, there, scruffy...


The Warlock said 
ive never been to a gathering so maybe if i have id get the hype.. 


Okay, I retract that... The harshness may have been justified after all lol.

March 27, 2014
5:58 pm

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entrappedmind said
Ouch... A little harsh, there, scruffy...   

a little.  just a little.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

March 27, 2014
8:56 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Asperger's Boys. There I said it again. @patjoyce i don't mind, because it shows that more than one person knows the truth about how to perceive a lunatic. We are in the same boat.

@luckynumbrxiii you have been on top since the get go. I don't think you can reach him if he hasn't been touched at this point.

March 27, 2014
9:09 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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The GOTJ wasn't even a camping outfit until 2003. Ive been to the first fucking five GOTJ. there is no "hype". If you are a media-made decision-maker, then the "hype" is that thur GOTJ is nothing but a bunch of slothy drug addled cracker scrubs. In reality, thisis ffaar from the truth. But what makes a better story for the @the-warlock type recluse/narrow-minded lost souls? Yep. Like the majority, its easier to say "yuck they're just barbarians" when in actuality the GOTJ is full of great people overall.

March 27, 2014
9:15 pm
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LuckyNumbrXIII said 

I dunno where I'm going with this.  

I feel exactly the same way, halfway through damn near every post I make. Don't feel bad heh.

March 27, 2014
9:42 pm
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This cd Is sick! Fuck the haters

March 27, 2014
9:51 pm

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scruffy said

entrappedmind said
Ouch... A little harsh, there, scruffy...   

a little.  just a little.  


1460059_718990681455195_707392873_n.jpgImage Enlarger


March 27, 2014
9:56 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
And I don't have to be a rapper to listen to an album and say I don't like it, without someone telling me I can't see talent.  Seriously, Warlock.  I mean, I'm not even taking it personal.  I just wanna let you know that if you do that shit in real life, people will just yes you to death and ultimately not want to talk with you.

lol i swear yall are fuckin retarded.. sorry & shit but ive repeated myself one too many times to constantly be told my opinion is the opposite of what it really is.. can yall muthafuckas not comprehend or somethin? if youre not gonna read my post please keep my name out of yours.. and this goes for everybody.. clearly i fuckin said in response to OMD i believe that you dont have to rap to see fuckin talent.. 


March 27, 2014
10:00 pm
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He's getting mad now. Not one single "haha". 


Just a thought.....if you keep hearing something, maybe the problem isn't us. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is the person who won't listen, and needs to be told repeatedly. Like I said, just a thought.

March 27, 2014
10:10 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
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& clearly i am the problem.. i dont know what i did to yall..


March 28, 2014
1:35 am
영덕, South Korea

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LTB said
If you can't call them talented for their rap game, which I can't wrap my head around but wont digress upon, then at least you can call them talented on the beat production. All of it was produced by Otis at The Lotus Pod

I feel similarly about AMB as I do Ces Cru. I feel like both of these groups have gotten to be good (subjective) rappers through trying really fucking hard and practicing, rather than natural talent. I feel Ces Cru is much better, but I can still respect AMB (even if I don't really enjoy their music)

March 28, 2014
1:58 am
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Pat is the biggest loser here.  Haha true.  Just look at all his posts. He's more pathetic then randy. I might be young dumb and full of cum, in my balls!


But I come on here and you make me laugh lol. but not because your funny because your not funny. But because your a douche bag. i probably said this before. 




March 28, 2014
2:11 am
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I didn't mean that your loser from all your posts.  Your a loser Because all your posts you bitch like a lil girl lol.  And you get off at trying to piss people off. Your viagra isn't working lol? Well keef it real pat always. 




March 28, 2014
2:13 am
영덕, South Korea

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The Warlock said


& clearly i am the problem.. i dont know what i did to yall..

I feel like one of these days Warlock is gonna snap and just ban a bunch of motherfuckers lol. Mods can do that, right?


But I agree the album is kind of boring, but I like it much better than anything I have ever heard from AMB before, sounded more consistent.


To be 100% honest though, I can't tell the difference between Otis and Bones. I don't know which guy is which, and I DEFINITELY would not be able to tell the difference between them if I saw them in person (Which I have).

I say congrats to them, and fuck you to everyone else because I am the only one with an authoritative view of the objective talent that musicians hold.

March 28, 2014
2:16 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
The way I see it, there are many factors that make something good.  


Talent, originality, marketability are probably the most important.  Then the X factor is personal taste.


Eminem has talent and marketability... x factor is, my personal taste is I don't like him, he seems like an overconfident douche from the suburbs that made up his troubled childhood to try and market a juggalo-like fan base.


Insane Clown Posse have originality, marketability, and my personal taste is I like them.  The seem genuine.  That's important to me.  They weren't born with a god given talent, but I'll be damned if they didn't learn the craft.  They're definitely, at the very least above average songwriters.  


Twiztid have originality, marketability, talent, and I like them.  The difference is, in the X factor, I feel like they have horrible business sense and make really stupid decisions that ultimately leave them not really profiting from their work.  Hopefully this time, they'll be successful and not end up back on Psy.


Now let's look at Axe Murder Boyz.

Let's just say for the sake of argument, they have talent.  I'd beg to differ, but people seem to see something in them that I don't.  Fine.  Talent, no originality, 50/50 marketability.  My personal feelings is I don't like them.  They seem to force their rap personas.  It causes them to sometimes over compensate with lyrics.  They bite off of my favorite rappers, so while they may have a sound that I like... I liked it better when it came from it's originator.  


I dunno where I'm going with this.  


TL;DR, yes personal taste does make a difference, but there are tangible qualities that you can discuss among these artists. I didn't even cover them all.  There's raw talent vs. sharpened skill.  There's subject matter.  In the case of Psy, there's character development and story telling.  


So I'm ranting again.  


Basically I don't have to be an astronaut to look at the Challenger launch and say, "Someone fucked up."  And I don't have to be a rapper to listen to an album and say I don't like it, without someone telling me I can't see talent.  Seriously, Warlock.  I mean, I'm not even taking it personal.  I just wanna let you know that if you do that shit in real life, people will just yes you to death and ultimately not want to talk with you.

One thing to remember is that even the most complex guitar solo might still sound like crap compared to a simple four note guitar riff. Raw multiple syllable talent does not mean that you sound good. Sometimes simplified lines create a much bigger impact. Especially for live shows, tis why Kanye The God Of Rap Music West simplified his lyrics on Graduation. He felt his live shows weren't live enough because of his songs.

Point is, talent in music is more then how well you can play a guitar or how fast you can rap or how many different words you can rhyme together or even how great your punch lines are. It's about how you put it all together. The fact that anybody (Eminem, Esham, ICP, Kanye West, AMB, Hopsin, Tech N9ne, etc.) can put together a song that makes people, even if it's just one person, say, "yeah, that's some dope shit" and keep them lost in their own audio dimension then I say that person has talent. Even if it's just a touch. So saying that any artist who has a fan base that excitedly awaits their releases has no talent is pretty hateful.


Oh, and saying that Eminem "made up his troubled child hood to market a juggalo-like fan base" is some flat out hate too. Though you put a 'seems like' in front of that hate comment it's a lot like I said 'seems like warlock is a talentless loser who is just trying to pander to a juggalo crowd" (which you know I don't really think you're a talentless loser, Warlock, just using an example, don't get your anus enflamed). You are just making up assuming insults towards Eminem just because you don't like his music for whatever reason. BTW his attitude is the same exact attitude you'd find in ICP or Esham or even with Twiztid.


March 28, 2014
2:21 am
영덕, South Korea

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Lucem Ferre said
One thing to remember is that even the most complex guitar solo might still sound like crap compared to a simple four note guitar riff. Raw multiple syllable talent does not mean that you sound good. Sometimes simplified lines create a much bigger impact. Especially for live shows, tis why Kanye The God Of Rap Music West simplified his lyrics on Graduation. He felt his live shows weren't live enough because of his songs.

In my Humble Opinion, Graduation is Kanye's Best album, hands down. From the music to the artwork, killer shit. Brb gonna go smoke, hope I don't get arrested.

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