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Sunset Ammunition

MicLordz & Sauce Funky

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In 2008, Mic Lordz released “Sunset Ammunition”. This unheard Canadian flavor is now being heard on the World of Webs Tour here in the United States but it’ll now be heard again here! So load up your guns and let’s listen!

1. Intro
Interviews from fans who like them….now that’s a way to start an album. These guys have a bond with their fans just like ICP has a bond with the juggalos. Sets the tone to the next song.
N / A

2. Start the Show
Ladies and gentlemen it’s time to start the show! The energy is just like hundreds of people waiting to start rocking. Much like any concert, we all await that moment till the curtains open and start moshing! “Are you ready to go!?”
3 / 5

3. Funk You Up
Now this sounds very old school! Almost like an 80’s Run DMC with Rage Against the Machine blending it in. It’ll really funk you up! With great rap flows covering up the guitars racing up the funk, it’ll keep you either headbanging or dancing…yes I said dancing.
4 / 5

4. First I’m Gonna…
“You gotta take chances, everything is so mainstream nowadays.” Mic Lordz are taking it to us through a first person view of what we all wanna do one day then what to do the next. We all have a little inspiration and very few have the balls to grab the wheel and steer. I’m digging this one, it’s a real life down to earth track that all of us can relate to. What does it mean to to you?
4 / 5

5. Roll With Me
Do you wanna roll with the Mic Lordz or ride with them? A great “Get drunk, get laid, get stoned” track with what they bring best….funk!
4 / 5

6. Why U So?
Hahaha…okay a story about a girl wanting a guy to buy her drinks all night…or about a money hungry bitch?! Guys don’t be fooled from a girl wanting a bandwagon of your money! Watch your wallet and ask her “Why U so money hungry!”.
3 / 5

7. All My People
Now this one calls for the ones who support the Mic Lordz. Much like how being down with the clown, down for the krown and whatever you follow, the Mic Lordz are for their people. Rise up, make a stand and make them submit!
4 / 5

8. Rebelling…(R.A.P.E)
A story of a really touchy abusive story of a broken boy in a broken home, turning cold and becoming a true definition of a twisted rebel. “She said no but he wouldn’t listen”. This track is a true and very bold statement to the robbing of innocence in the act called “rape”. Quite damaging? Yes. Quite true. Very. Quite real? Better believe it. The ending is sweet because justice through a gun and a knife is sweet!
5 / 5

9. Intervention
We all have that one person we know who is abusing substance and the Mic Lordz bring it to you, without the T.V. show being in a documentary. Only guitars, rhymes and realism speak the word of healing. Pretty good track but sounds pretty repetitive in the musical sound.
3 / 5

10. Smooth
Ah the original version of Smooth. Compared to the acoustic version on “Drop”, I have to say the acoustic takes the cake on this one Don’t pass this one up however, this version is still great!
3 / 5

11. We Get Live
Here we go! The energy returns again with just more rock and funk bringing even more noise! You can’t ever find a track you don’t like and it’ll even make you scream like your name’s Ric Flair “Woooooooo!”
4 / 5

12. Dirty
Ever feel like you’re in the gutter? Ever feel like you’re the reason you’re screwing up? We all feel dirty at one point and this song it laced up dirty. Good track, less funk but more rock. Not much else can be said however, the Mic Lordz can tell one hell of a story and they always seem to involve a chick they just met. Hahaha!
3 / 5

13. Sunset Daze
Ah, yet another feel good track to end another album. Coming with more of a west coast ska sound, this track really brings up some good vibes. Much like how the Kottonmouth Kings always bring us some tangerine skies and positive vibes, this one really brings it from the great white north. For a long track going a total of 10 mins 43 sec, this one is blended perfectly in length.
5 / 5

Verdict: Pick up this album! This one is truly a must buy for all rock fans out there who dig a little funk, old school sound and new school sounds blended together. Mic Lordz are really a force in music to be reckoned with. Pick this one up too, you won’t be disappointed!


Release Date:

  • 11/11/2008


  • Carlos "Dallas" Esquivel


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