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Been Committed

Mental Cases

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Formed in Cornville, Arizona, in 2004, the rap group Mental Cases consists of Psikosis & Tha Skeptic, accompanied by their producer DJ Trebloff.  Mental Cases has released numerous albums and a mixtape thus far, with guest appearances by: Kung Fu Vampire,  Bizzare of D12, Mars, Twisted Insane, Krayzie Bone, The Jokerr, and more.  They’ve also opened shows for national acts: Anybody Killa, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, and Stevie Stone.  This group is currently signed to the record label Dirty Dezert Music, which was established in 2014.


Track Listing

  1. Intro ft. Rob Burson
  2. AZ Anthem
  3. Murder ft. Mars
  4. Hustle
  5. Possession ft. Sara Marcy
  6. Ratchet ft. Posidub
  7. Neva Sunny
  8. The Kings Interlude
  9. The Quick and the Dead ft. Twisted Insane, JL of Bhood & Kamikazi
  10. Been Committed
  11. Opposite Side ft. Hopeless Child
  12. Call from Kegan the CreepAss
  13. Around The Fire
  14. World Against Us ft. Kung Fu Vampire & Nukie
  15. Asylum ft. The Jokerr
  16. DIFGTBAJ ft. Phuzzy Nizzos


Track Reviews

  1. Intro ft. Rob Burson – An intro with a simple yet effective drum based beat, spoken softly, yet creepily, does the trick in describing the feel of the upcoming album, and introducing the group.  N/A
  2. AZ Anthem – This track leads into the group repping their home state of Arizona.  A solid beat with good rhythm    The hook to AZ Anthem does just what you would think it would, it proclaims the groups love for it’s home state, simple, short, yet effective.  The groups verses have a good mixture of slow clear pronunciation and faster rapping between the two artists.  4/5
  3. Murder ft. Mars – Another simple beat starts off immediately with a simple short hook.  The hook starts off nicely but ends with a repetitive “Get back”.  The first two verses of this track certainly outshine the hook with good lyrics and flow, very good work.  The hook again starts off effectively, but ends slow and repetitive.  The third verse falls WAY short from the first two verses bringing the track down. 3.5/5
  4. Hustle – A fast paced beat accompanies a faster verse nicely right off the bat.  The chopping done by the artist in the first verse has a very good flow leading into a very well done hook which slows down the track for a head bobbing hook that fans might enjoy repeating along with the song.  Again a faster paced verse flows very nicely with the entertaining beat of this track in the second verse, ending the track nicely.  4.5/5
  5. Possession ft. Sara Marcy – A shaky hook starts off this track with a simple beat.  The verses do a good job of saving the track for the most part, but the hook takes too much to make it thoroughly enjoyable.  3/5
  6. Ratchet ft. Posidub – A humorous intro leads into a short quick hook to another faster paced beat.  The verses in this track are well done with keeping up with the beat and maintaining a clear flow.  The full hook following each verse is done very well, quite enjoyable.  4/5
  7. Neva Sunny – An interesting first few bars introduce this nicely done west coast feeling beat.  The artists get right into it flowing nicely with the beat blending very well with the effects of the music.  A basically non existent hook, leads into the second verse almost immediately.  3.5/5
  8. The Kings Interlude – Both artists split the first and only verse to this track flowing quickly with a fast carnival sounding beat.  4/5
  9. The Quick and the Dead ft. Twisted Insane, JL of Bhood & Kamikazi – This track starts with a solid fast paced beat and some good sound bites.  The first verse to this track is simply an insane chopping verse, setting the tone for an impressive track.  The hook consists simply of soundbites, leading quickly into the next verse.  This track is a 100% pure chopping track done VERY well by all artists involved.  A more hard hitting hook would have accompanied these amazing verses well.  However the hook does not take away from the track so much as to hurt it’s entertainment value.  5/5
  10. Been Committed – A heavy sounding beat starts off the title track immediately with a solid verse.  A nicely done simple yet great hook holds this track together with entertaining start and stop points.  4/5
  11. Opposite Side ft. Hopeless Child – A slow beat sets the tone for a more laid back track.  The verses reflect the feeling of the beat, however the third verse hits the hardest.  3.5/5
  12. Call From Keegan the CreepAss – A humorous telephone skit, with great dialogue entertains the listener nicely.  N/A
  13. Around The Fire – The track immediately starts off with a sexual theme with a decent beat, and another non existent hook.  3/5
  14. World Against Us ft. Kung Fu Vampire & Nukie – An entertaining beat starts off with some interesting dialogue.  A horrorcore track to the core, with all solid and impressive verses clearly keeping up with the feel of the track.  Pure entertainment.  4.5/5
  15. Asylum ft. The Jokerr – This track immediately starts off with a classic dialogue hook from The Jokerr leading into each verse.  All around solid track.  4/5
  16. DIFGTBAJ ft. Phuzzy Nizzos – A slower laid back beat sets the tone for a Juggalo themed track showing love for the family.  A simple hook for a simple track works nicely.  A track that every Juggalo will enjoy.  All solid verses that flow nicely with the beat.  4.5/5


Overall Review:  Mental Cases has a solid flow to the entire album, however with so many simple to almost non existent hooks the album was not as hard hitting as it could have been.  Very entertaining tracks for the most part, good variety, some impressive features, and hard work line the making of this album.  Definitely worth giving a listen to.  Most underground listeners will find at least a few tracks on this album that they will enjoy hearing frequently.

Favorite Tracks:

  1. The Quick and the Dead ft. Twisted Insane, JL of Bhood & Kamikazi
  2. World Against Us ft. Kung Fu Vampire & Nukie
  3. Hustle


  • 44 Minutes 40 Seconds

Record Label:

  • Dirty Dezert Music

Release Date:

  • 10/25/2014





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