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Behind Bloodshot Blue Eyes

Crackle Kapone

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Crackle Kapone is a rapper from a small town in North Carolina. His previous album Trailer Made was covered on this site and now we’re going to take a look at his latest release, Behind Bloodshot Blue Eyes. The vast majority of the album has very different beats thus sounding unique, but a few flaws with vocals and repetitiveness exist.

1. Never Stumble
2. Be Me
3. Luck
4. On It
5. Nowhere to Go (feat. Demolish)
6. Tears of the Tearless
7. Hollow-Cost
8. Directions
9. The Insiders (feat. Intrinzik)
10. Triumph Livin
11. Time (feat. T.O.N.E-z)

The opener “Never Stumble” gives away to a simple beat and a straightforward approach. Crackle Kapone’s verses cover the topic of basically surviving. His lyrics aren’t rushed and they seem to fit in place. Also noticeable is that he changes his vocal delivery and pace with each separate verse, and he sounds good doing it. One downside to the track is the chorus, as although Crackle’s voice can sound diverse, I just didn’t like the high-toned delivery on that specific part. It sounds a bit croaked and almost like he’s pushing himself way too hard. “On It” is another song with this flaw, except in the chorus for that song, he intentionally sounds more raspy. Although I don’t like the style, the rasp actually makes him sound a tad batter.

The piano and casual claps on “Hollow-Cost” fit the song perfectly. Crackle manages to keep the flow perfectly, but then his vocal delivery on the chorus is a let down. In this song though, he attempts to sing rather than scream, and it comes out worse than the previously mentioned choruses.

The piano is actually a solid foundation throughout the album. Crackle Kapone obviously loves blending the keys with his beats. The track “Tears of the Tearless” is a short piano instrumental, and although it sounds talented, the track is just short and useless. I expected a segue at the very least, but none of that. “Hollow-Cost” and “Be Me” feature the instrument heavily, and it actually meshes quite well with the rest of the music.

“The Insiders” has a hard-hitting beat and talks about the misfortunes of the lower class and the less lucky ones. Besides the vocals in the chorus, it’s a very promising track and sticks out. “Directions” has a retro electronica beat around it, and I have a mixed reaction in terms of if it flows with Crackle’s vocal delivery. As I said, these beats are very diverse from one another, and I look at that as a very positive thing. “Luck” has a southern horrorcore rap style, with the guitar and campfire claps matched with his vocals. He doesn’t do a horrible job, but it’s not a standout track.

The final track “Time” features T.O.N.E-z and it’s a good closer. The lyrics are a farewell to the listener and the music is soothing enough to end the album. T.O.N.E-z’s fast lyrical delivery is a good addition and since he’s hardcore producing constantly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he helped with the music as well.

To sum it all up, in regards to the previous efforts, Crackle Kapone has a solid followup on his hands. Although some vocal flaws exist and he doesn’t master certain musical styles, the album is overall a diverse effort from first to last.

Favorite Tracks:

  1. The Insiders
  2. Time
  3. Be Me
  4. Never Stumble
  5. Luck


  • 28 Minutes 53 Seconds

Record Label:

  • Dustin Rhynes

Release Date:

  • 01/27/2014





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