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2015 Meetup Massacre
July 13, 2015
3:05 pm
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ScottieD said

ScottieD said
I know we're getting down to crunch time, but I just wanted to show you what the shirts looked like.  (Will have pics of the backs soon!)  He will be finishing up and shipping today!  I'll have them by the end of the week...just in time for our excursion!  GATHER!!!

11026257_10207282350924834_5148649610073251660_o.jpgImage Enlarger

And here's the back:11709896_10207283599156039_1442442180940670308_o.jpgImage Enlarger

those shirts look badass! I waited to long to get one because I didn't know if I would be going but now that I am I'm SOL...if by the last day you have one that no one came for though I will be more than happy to buy one. Im a 2x but I will buy any size and just save it or give it to my wife to wear. Either way if someone stiffs you on getting theirs put me on the "stand by" list. I'm good on the loot for it

July 13, 2015
3:19 pm

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I ordered an extra shirt. Its a large. If it fits you can have it.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
July 13, 2015
3:36 pm
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Psyral Infection said
I ordered an extra shirt. Its a large. If it fits you can have it.

I wish i fit into a large nowadays frown but If someone else wants it who can actually fit it it I would rather them get it but if no one else claims it I'll buy it off you 

July 13, 2015
4:24 pm
Springfield VA
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Ill take Psyrals extra large in trade for my extra XL if that works for you homie

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :


"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

July 14, 2015
3:16 pm
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OCJ_Brendan said
We sir now have a meetup.  If anyone else would like to join it please drop by and say waddup to us.



Dates: July 22,23

Time: 5-6pm  Thats 1700-1800.

Location: FLH trailer (Big Ballers)


While its not required to bring me a gift for nailing down the time and place...I do accept them if they are of the drug/booze/currency persuasion.  

Just keeping it around. People tend to not go back and read so you know....

July 14, 2015
3:26 pm
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CellE2057 said

OCJ_Brendan said
We sir now have a meetup.  If anyone else would like to join it please drop by and say waddup to us.



Dates: July 22,23

Time: 5-6pm  Thats 1700-1800.

Location: FLH trailer (Big Ballers)


While its not required to bring me a gift for nailing down the time and place...I do accept them if they are of the drug/booze/currency persuasion.  

Just keeping it around. People tend to not go back and read so you know....

That's cool an' all but the meetups are EACH DAY as some ninjas have kinda missed the point of the whole thing as HANGING OUT with each other for a while and not just looking at each other's faces and grabbing a t-shirt.... It's up to you if you wanna hang out but that doesn't mean that others won't be chillin' there on any given day within those times... maybe walking down to the Main Stage together (at which point we all can spread out as we all see fit... whatever)...

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

July 14, 2015
3:33 pm
Scottie D
Dallas, TX
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Just for those who are keeping tabs...the shirts were shipped yesterday and should be in my hands tomorrow!  

Whoop Whoop ScottieD :

July 14, 2015
3:47 pm

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Cheshyr said 
That's cool an' all but the meetups are EACH DAY as some ninjas have kinda missed the point of the whole thing as HANGING OUT with each other for a while and not just looking at each other's faces and grabbing a t-shirt....   


i would say that the first two would be the 'officialiest' of the meetups. anything else we come up with is kinda bonus time. 


id like to add that meetupping will commence as early as two or more ninjas meetup.  im plannin to be around well before five, assumin scottie isnt chasin me off his porch with a broom. 

plus, theres whatever meetings happen before gates. 


hell, the whole gathering is one big meetup massacre, to me.  theres nothin happenin on the schedule this year, that i wouldnt blow off for a massacre. 


re shirts:  swift. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

July 14, 2015
3:57 pm
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scruffy said

Cheshyr said 
That's cool an' all but the meetups are EACH DAY as some ninjas have kinda missed the point of the whole thing as HANGING OUT with each other for a while and not just looking at each other's faces and grabbing a t-shirt....   


i would say that the first two would be the 'officialiest' of the meetups. anything else we come up with is kinda bonus time. 

id like to add that meetupping will commence as early as two or more ninjas meetup.  im plannin to be around well before five, assumin scottie isnt chasin me off his porch with a broom. 

plus, theres whatever meetings happen before gates.  
hell, the whole gathering is one big meetup massacre, to me.  theres nothin happenin on the schedule this year, that i wouldnt blow off for a massacre. 
re shirts:  swift. 

Oh I agree, looking at the schedule there ARE a couple of events that take place during the entirety of the 5-6p time (Faygo Launching, Wedding and artists etc) but if you ain't got shit else tuh do and you ain't got a crew... show up and see if there's someone to hang with.

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

July 14, 2015
4:06 pm
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Cheshyr said

That's cool an' all but the meetups are EACH DAY as some ninjas have kinda missed the point of the whole thing as HANGING OUT with each other for a while and not just looking at each other's faces and grabbing a t-shirt.... It's up to you if you wanna hang out but that doesn't mean that others won't be chillin' there on any given day within those times... maybe walking down to the Main Stage together (at which point we all can spread out as we all see fit... whatever)...

Well damn, it appears that I should have read back a few pages and noticed that it was an everyday thing. Gotta appreciate the irony though. 

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and hangin out for a bit. As far as a shirt goes, it'd be cool to scoop one up if there's any extras but that's about it. 

July 14, 2015
4:10 pm
Springfield VA
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CellE2057 said

Cheshyr said

That's cool an' all but the meetups are EACH DAY as some ninjas have kinda missed the point of the whole thing as HANGING OUT with each other for a while and not just looking at each other's faces and grabbing a t-shirt.... It's up to you if you wanna hang out but that doesn't mean that others won't be chillin' there on any given day within those times... maybe walking down to the Main Stage together (at which point we all can spread out as we all see fit... whatever)...

Well damn, it appears that I should have read back a few pages and noticed that it was an everyday thing. Gotta appreciate the irony though. 

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and hangin out for a bit. As far as a shirt goes, it'd be cool to scoop one up if there's any extras but that's about it. 

Ive now got two extra shirts as my homie just canceled on me.  I can give @phreakcore the 2x @celle2057 theres an XL if you want it or I can trade it to @psyral-infection for his Large.


Im the douche bag that truncated the "official" meetup to the first two days.  Shame on me....I wont lose a wink of sleep over it though because only one person seems bent outta shape about it and after all

Scruffy said

hell, the whole gathering is one big meetup massacre, to me.  theres nothin happenin on the schedule this year, that i wouldnt blow off for a massacre. 


Scruffy always says

There it is

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :

scruffy, bayAreaShaman

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

July 14, 2015
4:21 pm
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OCJ_Brendan said

Ive now got two extra shirts as my homie just canceled on me.  I can give @phreakcore the 2x @celle2057 theres an XL if you want it or I can trade it to @psyral-infection for his Large.

 That would be awesome. I'll buy whatever shirt isn't preferred/claimed off of you. I'm either going to cut it up in some weird ass way to wear it OR it's getting put on my wall so the size isn't really an issue for me. 

Im the douche bag that truncated the "official" meetup to the first two days.  Shame on me....I wont lose a wink of sleep over it though because only one person seems bent outta shape about it

Eh, I got a simple clarification vibe from it more than anything else. 

July 14, 2015
4:27 pm
Springfield VA
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I got ya homie.  I only said the second thing bc its the second time ive been corrected...go back a few pages.  Ive already spent enough time talking about it.  The more meetups the better... @cheshyr has a super valid point there...Im sure hes a cool guy irl so I hold no ill will for being corrected at all...The gathering is all love in my book no haters need come.

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :


"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

July 14, 2015
4:40 pm

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setting aside everything its gonna take for me to get there, and just assuming ill be there... 


what im wondering, is who among you is gonna be cool with it when im standin around you most of the time. 

attachin myself to your itinerary, like a remora. 


regarding the first point...  even if i come up short, im thinkin i just might drive up for the parking lot party, then go back home. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

July 14, 2015
4:55 pm
Springfield VA
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scruffy said
setting aside everything its gonna take for me to get there, and just assuming ill be there... 


what im wondering, is who among you is gonna be cool with it when im standin around you most of the time. 

attachin myself to your itinerary, like a remora. 


regarding the first point...  even if i come up short, im thinkin i just might drive up for the parking lot party, then go back home. 

Im bringing an extra mescaline for you homie...I plan on kicking it with you all weekend.  If you don't make it I will be bummed for sure.  Ive been meaning to kick it with you for literally years and this will most likely be my last gathering.


Also if you get there Im sure we will manage to get you in.  And i do mean legitimately...Im just saying im a resourceful ninja.

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :


"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

July 14, 2015
7:34 pm
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OCJ_Brendan said

Ive now got two extra shirts as my homie just canceled on me.  I can give @phreakcore the 2x @celle2057 theres an XL if you want it or I can trade it to @psyral-infection for his Large.

That would be awesome homie. If you get there early lemme know. I plan on getting there sometime Tuesday early evening. I intent on meeting up with everyone and just going with the flow. My good friend who got me into ICP will be coming with me and he is chill as shit too. I'm just looking forward to being there and doing whatever. Good lookin out and thanks again 

Whoop Whoop phreakcore :

July 14, 2015
7:40 pm
Springfield VA
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Ima get there early evening tuesday as well.  The shirt is yours mang.

Whoop Whoop OCJ_Brendan :

bayAreaShaman, scruffy

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

July 15, 2015
1:47 am
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@ocj_brendan Jeesh dude, I wasn't fuckin' with ya! Just pointing shit out for those that don't read threads.

As far as *I'm concerned, The Gathering is like churches n'shit in "The Highlander": sanctified ground where no combat can take place. Any forum beefin', trolling or smack talk takes a back seat (unless it's that Canadian fuck over there ;p). We only get five (maybe six) days together and 360days after that to talk shit about each other.

Or to quote Maddrox on "The Purple Show", "Like Trick Daddy says, I got nuthin' but popsicles and suckers for each and every one of you muthafuckers!"

And OCJ, you can hit me up with some of those party favors you're talkin' about. I won't hate you for it neither!

"Your lack of online social presence makes it difficult for me to predict your needs..." - 2064: Read Only Memories

July 15, 2015
1:56 am
Mr. Tidwell
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if scruffy doesn't make it can i have the mesc? I would be down to try that.


July 15, 2015
5:39 am
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OCJ_Brendan said
Ima get there early evening tuesday as well.  The shirt is yours mang.

Cool. I'll post something on here when I get to legend valley. I'll have some brews and buds if you partake and wanna hang

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