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January 17, 2023
8:19 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Tooth pain, past 3 days. Tooth pain is proof that there is no God. At least, not a loving God.

Can finally get it taken care of tomorrow. Missed a little work.

January 24, 2023
6:09 am
Molly Rotten
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January 24, 2023
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Finally signed up on this site.

Had to kill some of my demons and decided to start poking around for fam, local (MI) or not.
Heard this place had some bot attacks or some shit? Better late here than never I guess.

Also just throated a grilled cheese sandwich while binging down memory lane, 7AM and still trying to remember what sleep is.lol

Whoop Whoop Molly Rotten :

Old Mr Dangerous, the_patriot_smack
January 24, 2023
5:14 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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just got back from my favorite toy store they had a competition on Facebook for the year of the rabbit and I was lucky enough to win the Alice in Wonderland McTwisp funko figure so I went to pick it up and of course like everytime I go to that damn store I end up buying so many funko's I almost regret winning the damn rabbit.

I picked up

Eddie Van Halen

Five Finger Death Punch Knucklehead

Frank Zappa

Jerry "The King" Lawlor

and MOTU Roboto

and I pre-ordered all 5 of the NKOTB figures and the Pantera box set.

then on the way home I stopped by Wendy's and had a Baconator combo it came up to $17 but it was worth it because you know 6 slices of bacon

the most fucked up thing was Wendy's now offers plastic cups with paper straws when last time I was there it was a paper cup and plastic straw.


January 24, 2023
5:43 pm
jiggles the clown
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the_patriot_smack said
just got back from my favorite toy store 

of course the CHOMO has a favorite toy store.

Whoop Whoop jiggles the clown :

Old Mr Dangerous, Mr. Popo

quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

January 24, 2023
9:01 pm
Moe Ray Al
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anyways just before Christmas Elon permanently suspended me from Twitter and I was pissed I loved my Twitter so I decided to keep on tweeting anyway the Smack is persistent as fuck so I just tweeted to the appeals page I was sending them 15 to 20 messages a day about how much Justin Trudeau sucks letting them know the e-mails would end if they gave me back my account

being persistent works because as of right now my account is locked and will be fully restored in 7 days, I might now even go blue and pay for that shit.


January 25, 2023
9:33 am
Iris The Tranny juggalette
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I'm in New York now and the cigarette prices are driving me fucking insane.

I could get 2 packs of Luckies for 11 bucks at any circle k in az, and i could literally cross the street to get the a reservation and get new ports for like 7 bucks.

Luckies are $10.50 here, New Ports are 14 dollars, and The nearest reservation is 45 minutes away.

It's all doubled, I can't chain smoke anymore, and all the fucking liquor stores close at 9:00 which is usually like 3 hours after my anti-psychotic ridden ass wakes up.

I've started stealing everything I can that costs more than 12 bucks but less than 40 bucks. 

What the fuck am I doing with my life.

I see no difference between a corpse and a sex toy

January 25, 2023
10:12 am
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May 4, 2014
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Iris The Tranny juggalette said
...What the fuck am I doing with my life.  

Asking good questions.


To a great soundtrack:

YouTube Video Iggy Pop - Strung Out Johnny (Official Video)

And what am I doing... moving plants inside so they don't freeze while deciding what cake to bake next. Here's my great soundtrack:

YouTube Video Life in the Fast Lane (2013 Remaster)

Whoop Whoop krunk :

Iris The Tranny juggalette
  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


January 28, 2023
8:56 am
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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Whoop Whoop Drunkalo :

Psyral, the_patriot_smack

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

February 2, 2023
8:27 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Still doing the 2 job hustle. Taking on an extra day during ski season at one gig, then around March back to normal... it's likely that my schedule at the dispensary won't gel with the summer plans at the other gig, so I am looking forward to just working the weed store. As for now, why not work a little extra during winter and bag some cash anyway? 

I wish I understood taxes better. We always get a little back then some months later letter says we have to lay it back. Even when we lived in working poverty, we still paid in most of the time. We had a couple glorious years where we got money back. Helped me pay off my college loan.... just hoping this year we don't have to pay in much. 

February 25, 2023
11:32 pm
Moe Ray Al
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my sweet little dumping Pogo got me thinking about Duncan

Duncan Hines

back in the mid-90s I went to a school called Westmount High School, it's a school for the elite your VP Kamala Harris also went there so did Leonard Cohen, the epic mealtime dude Harvey Morenstein and even Jay Beruchel.

and there was this short fat kid whose father was an ambassador from England and the kid's name was I shit you not Duncan Hines and he had an Australian accent and his only friend was another short fat kid named Hamsa those two kids got picked on more than any other kids in the entire school I became friends with them and used to play Magic the Gathering with them at lunchtime but I got expelled in 1996 and have not really thought of them much since.

Hamsa died of Cancer in the early 2000s but I wonder what happened to Duncan Hines? I tried to look him up on Facebook but I can't find him, hopefully, he changed his name because the name Duncan Hines was horrible, but since his father was an ambassador every 5 years he would have to move that's why he had an Australian accent he spent 5 years there before coming to Canada and most likely left Canada in 1999 to who knows where.

but fuck I wish that kid the best I hope he's living the life.


February 26, 2023
8:25 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Nobody believes you. Maybe lie less.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 26, 2023
1:12 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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you bring nothing of value to this forum or anywhere else

you are a pimple that can't be popped

let me tell you this loud and clear everybody's life on this forum would be better off with you dead.

as a proud Canadian, I gotta let you know euthanasia is now an option and if you ever want to come to visit I can recommend a doctor that will make sure you never make it home.

I will even buy you a poutine first it could be your last meal.

or you don't have to come to Canada you could just hang yourself, or maybe if you have a gun shoot yourself in the head, jump off a bridge, or bring a toaster to the bathtub with you I don't care how you do it just do it Pogo kill yourself 

nobody would care or notice


February 26, 2023
6:19 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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3313sp_Permalink sp_Print

Are you crying? You're a grown damn man crying on here. No trophy for crybabies.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 26, 2023
7:13 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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3314sp_Permalink sp_Print

look if you kill yourself I promise to donate $500 to your mom's gofundme to help her cremate you before she flushes your ashes down the toilet where they belong.


February 26, 2023
8:02 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Tomorrow begins 2 days off, the last I'll have for awhile. Our store is doing super well and we are going to 7 days a week in March. It's inevitable with the weed shops.

Bout to have a Garlic Breath preroll. Maybe some bubble hash.

Snowing pretty good right now.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

the_patriot_smack, Psyral
February 27, 2023
7:08 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
Forum Posts: 785
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3316sp_Permalink sp_Print

How about you leave the forum and you will never see a Mr. Popo post again. That's you leave the forum with all your lies, bullshit views and last remnants of respect for yourself and never show up here again. It's that simple crybaby.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 27, 2023
7:32 am

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Old Mr Dangerous said
...Bout to have a Garlic Breath preroll. ...

Snowing pretty good right now.  

Garlic? I just don't know about that. Is this a strain bred to taste like garlic or does it have some flavor additive to give it that?

80 degree days with nice 72 degree nights.  We see snow usually about once a decade for about a day or two. But unlike the North, we have very little experience with that kind of weather so it completely shuts everything down for a few days even for just an inch or two.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
February 27, 2023
11:11 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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3318sp_Permalink sp_Print

Psyral Infection said

Garlic? I just don't know about that. Is this a strain bred to taste like garlic or does it have some flavor additive to give it that?

80 degree days with nice 72 degree nights.  We see snow usually about once a decade for about a day or two. But unlike the North, we have very little experience with that kind of weather so it completely shuts everything down for a few days even for just an inch or two.  

Just a strain name. Mostly, strain names are titled from their prior genetics. For instance, Blueberry + Haze = Blue Dream. Sometimes it's just the grower naming it whatever. Garlic Breath has some history. It doesn't taste like garlic but it does keep vampires away.

Whoop Whoop Old Mr Dangerous :

February 27, 2023
11:25 am
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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That's a bold statement. 

wyavKmI.jpgImage Enlarger

And what am I doing... turning my crib back into a fort. cool

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


February 27, 2023
12:09 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
Forum Posts: 785
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3320sp_Permalink sp_Print

Uh huh.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

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