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The Missing Link: Lost & Found (Official Discussion)
October 30, 2014
10:15 pm
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
Mike P worked for Shangri-La.  Like, I can't imagine that album any other way.  That was perfect.  Hell's Pit I feel like MEC would have done better.  


Speaking the truth about Shangri-La brotha. I strongly disagree about Hell's Pit though. Mike Clark is my shit, but P.l/Esham blew me away with that record. To this day my favorite ICP release. I wish he continued on with them and would be interested to hear another card from this deck with MP. 

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October 30, 2014
10:26 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Shangri La is a truly unique album. Itll never be duplicated. I love Hells Pit as well. Like I always say, Shangri La is intentionally overproduced to simulate heavenly perfected tunes, and Hells Pit is intentionally underproduced to simulate despair, agony, and a minimalist vibe of no hope.

October 30, 2014
11:09 pm
Fire Thief
Fire Thief
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This will be a day 1 purchase, and a potential tattoo if the artwork is bad enough.

October 30, 2014
11:38 pm
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I loved lotus. Lotus is definitely a good sign. Killjoy was alright, beats got old after awhile tho. I'm really picky. the first and second joker cards were never my fave the other 4 were the best IMO. I still love AJB to this day. Mine is milenko > riddlebox > shangrila > ajb > hells pit

the thing that gets me is when people say "they have nothing left to prove they have familys, etc etc" that doesn't mean much. I think ICP is just tuning with the times and adapting with new sounds trying to stay relevant. For me, Icp was always those eerie sounds, strings, pianos, gritty guitars, weird but awesome melody's. It just boggles me how MEC produced project deadman and comes back to psy and puts this stuff out. hell, even shaggy and J's solo album were pretty good with MEC's production. FTFO was actually the last cd i've heard him use his older soundindg stuff really. I'm not taking anything away from MEC because dude is amazing at beats, and i'm not even sure if it's just him coming up with these sounds. It could be J telling MEC how he wants shit to sound. I just wish things would change, although I don't think it's ever gonna happen again. I just haven't had that feeling where I was hyped for a card like shangrila and hells pit. I still remember them albums dropping and the era involved. Those concerts were so fucking dope. Especially when icp went into hiding for years and all the speculaction that they were at twiztid shows and stuff haha.

Now when you go to shows it's mostly little 13 year olds there loving bpb and mdp because IMO that's there core audience there going for. Which is cool, but man, you still gotta take care of us :(

October 31, 2014
1:15 am
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Im hoping It's better then mdp

October 31, 2014
5:37 am

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mdp is the bomb, mec is the bomb, there aint been very many little kids at any shows ive been to, repetitive guitar shit in general annoys the hell out of me, and the last thing i want from icp is to have them rehash 'the old shit'.  

that is all.  



  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

October 31, 2014
6:02 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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I just want some wicked, on beat, well designed songs. I hope its not like MDP, and hope J uses more of the deep voice, rather than the high pitch, and lyrical

im not gonna show too much excitement though. I don't want to overhype it incase im let down later, like I was with MDP. well atleast half of it

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


October 31, 2014
6:21 am
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Old Mr Dangerous said
I wonder what Dan the Automator would come up with working with Joey and Joe.

that'd be awesome. i'd love to see it happen.

October 31, 2014
6:39 am
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Sean Law said
I just want some wicked, on beat, well designed songs. I hope its not like MDP, and hope J uses more of the deep voice, rather than the high pitch, and lyrical

listen to this guy!

October 31, 2014
7:19 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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NobodyFresh said

Sean Law said
I just want some wicked, on beat, well designed songs. I hope its not like MDP, and hope J uses more of the deep voice, rather than the high pitch, and lyrical

listen to this guy!

I meant, I prefer songs where J doesent rap in that high pitch voice, as it sounds soft.   I didn't mean high pitch and lyrical.. I meant less high pitch,  and be MORE lyrical

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


October 31, 2014
8:32 am
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Happy Halloween ninjaz!!

October 31, 2014
8:39 am
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Been up all night working graveyard. Listened to a lot of insane clown posse. 8joker cards. This shit is great. Now we will witness the 9th today! Who knew it would last this long??

October 31, 2014
9:22 am
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Sean Law said

NobodyFresh said

Sean Law said
I just want some wicked, on beat, well designed songs. I hope its not like MDP, and hope J uses more of the deep voice, rather than the high pitch, and lyrical

listen to this guy!

I meant, I prefer songs where J doesent rap in that high pitch voice, as it sounds soft.   I didn't mean high pitch and lyrical.. I meant less high pitch,  and be MORE lyrical

yeah I know, I meant that you are right :D

October 31, 2014
10:06 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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RunningMonk said

Old Mr Dangerous said
I wonder what Dan the Automator would come up with working with Joey and Joe.

that'd be awesome. i'd love to see it happen.

I think with the right vibes, it would make underground album.of thr year

October 31, 2014
10:58 am
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Will this one have a hat? All of the ones on the first deck except for the Jeckle Brothers had either a hat or hood on. 

"Your girl fucked me 'cause you cummin' quicker than FedEx Air"- Sean Law

October 31, 2014
11:00 am
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PunkRockJuggalo said

NiddleNoose said
Is this the last card on 2nd deck??

nope 3 more after this one.

Three more, then the skies will be falling for a second time.

"Your girl fucked me 'cause you cummin' quicker than FedEx Air"- Sean Law

October 31, 2014
1:43 pm
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I remember when MDP was coming out there was a tweet about how the album was geared towards more anger/hatred. If you kinda go back and listen to the first deck and follow each card, they're kinda following the same formula a little. They said this one is emotional and on great milenko there's alot of emotional songs. I just want some over the top produced shit that sounds dope.

October 31, 2014
2:26 pm
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When do you guys think the release date will be? I'm guessing febuary or march just because they need time to promote it. Would of been cool if they handed out a single on this cd with the hallowicked single. always making us wait :/

October 31, 2014
2:29 pm
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Sorry DrFreshness... I just had too.

OMG, he was right all along? lol
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October 31, 2014
2:30 pm
Sean Law
Sean Law
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YakkAttack said
Sorry DrFreshness... I just had too.
OMG, he was right all along? lol
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LOL.  NICE.  I think this was the Original one

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


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