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Fruity Loops.
February 23, 2013
12:34 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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I always thought that Maximus was a compressor as well.

it is.  at its core, its pretty much the same as the multiband, really, but its also a limiter.  other functions, too, but the limiter/compressor combo is what makes it most useful for mastering. 

the multiband compressor, i occasionally use for things like, individual samples that i want to clean up, drums and transient sounds that im looking to evolve a little, stuff like that.  equo and the other eq plugins have better controls, i think, for equalizing. 

the peak controller is good with the compressors, as a way to build in some automatic controls.  i always end up overcomplicating it, though.  lots of math. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
1:02 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Yeah, I just looked up a summary of what it is and it seems like it's basically a swizz army knife of mastering tools. I think I'll start using it instead of the fruity multiband compressor.

February 23, 2013
1:05 am

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you know, its too bad we arent sitting in a studio right now.  between you and me, we could probably put on a clinic. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
1:15 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Other than the fact that you probably have tons of hardware that I don't know how to use and you'll probably use terms that make me say, "what da fuck is dat?" lol, but I'm sure that we could make something pretty great.

February 23, 2013
1:20 am

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heh heh.

not tons, just a couple.  drum machines and samplers are pretty intuitive. 

ill quietly admit, im not sure if my own understanding of what im saying, actually qualifies as understanding.  i do fuck up, now and again. 

the biggest problem with being autodidactic [i mean, self-taught], is that theres no authority around to tell you when you have it wrong. 

on the other hand, compared to the typical amatuer, were both experts. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
1:29 am

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guess ill mention this:

remember earlier when i said youd have to spend a couple grand on studio shit to match the setup i use?  i failed to take into account depreciation.

i just ebayed it, and the workstation is depressingly cheap.

i bought the shit new for a godawful amount of money.  a cd burner with it, this being back when full feature cd burners cost like 400 bucks. 

fuckin pcs. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
1:39 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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We might be amateurs but we definitely aren't novices.

You have more than the studio I was telling you about though. All they have is a bunch of Mac computers, a few instruments and keyboards you can plug in and the program they use to make beats is Garage Band. Oh, and they have the recording equipment too, but I've seen people bring in their own recording equipment. They usually don't even have pop filters. Glad that I didn't actually take the teaching lessons there because I feel I was light years ahead of most of the engineers. Especially that loud mouthed nerd kid who'd sit there and, I have no clue what it is that he does, but every time he records me he gets the vocals to distort. Nobody else does it except for him. He even makes me do a practice run so he can "get the levels right". Then again if I would have been able to get one of the teaching lessons they probably would have hired me there. Plus I kind of miss hearing all of the talented people that used to go there, usually a bunch of mediocre rappers but sometimes you'd have a day where there is a diverse cast of talented artists.

February 23, 2013
1:42 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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scruffy said:

guess ill mention this:

remember earlier when i said youd have to spend a couple grand on studio shit to match the setup i use?  i failed to take into account depreciation.

i just ebayed it, and the workstation is depressingly cheap.

i bought the shit new for a godawful amount of money.  a cd burner with it, this being back when full feature cd burners cost like 400 bucks. 

fuckin pcs. 

Doesn't it fucking suck when that shit happens? Like when you buy a video game brand new and then a month or two later it drops $20 in price. I don't play video games much anymore, but I have noticed that that is happening a lot with video games.

February 23, 2013
2:05 am

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Lucem Ferre said:

its all up there

that studio sounds hilarious.  ive been to a couple like that.  theyre always overly impressed with themselves, too. 

im still listed in some studio finder services, every now and then, id get contacted by some fool who wanted to record, then got all snobby when they found out the studio is in my home.  then they go off to one of these scrub studios where they still do everything on reel to reel.  jokes on them.

just a funny anecdote; one time a rep for a gospel group got hold of me, wanted a little studio time.  these guys were in fuckin manila.  they were due to come to missouri for, i dunno, a church mixer or something.  it was a nine-man band. 

i told the guy that i was not what they were looking for.  im not set up at all for recording groups, and definitely not for recording a live band.  fuck, you need like a dozen mics for that.  i said that if they can afford to fly halfway across the world just to kick it in the bible belt, they can afford a real pro studio in st louis or kc.  im not even union.

this guy was incredibly insistant.  'no, no, we want to record with your good studio!'  i even mentioned that im not christian, didnt dissuade him.  it was a lot of back and forth correspondence before he, grudgingly, admitted that i was right.  youve never seen anyone work so hard to not get paid.  not that theyd have paid me, like i say, i couldnt have delivered what they thought they were gonna get, by a longshot. 

actually, about the only time i took money for studio work was a local bar band that wanted a short demo cd to give to the bar owners [they did have enough mics].  other than that, it was always homies, or at least, respected associates.  people i was happy to work with for free, just to help out.  production, short albums, collabs, etc.

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
2:29 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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That place I was talking about wasn't just a music studio, it was basically a basic studio for tons of different arts. They were also a record label too, so they might have some good equipment that they stash somewhere on Fridays since the people record for free on those days. Reserve the good shit for the people that actually make them money. Not sure though.

Yeah, I know there was this one chick who'd come in and record with 4-5 different mics and it was just her singing while playing acoustic guitar. I did notice that it was really tricky to get the mics positioned just right, if you don't you'd have too many guitar sounds in the back ground of one or too many vocals in the other, must take some skill to get them positioned right. Or perhaps not, I have no clue. I wanna learn this though, I eventually want to get to Kanye West status and start hiring full orchestra bands to play in my shit. That would be be dope. Would have to perhaps learn a few musical terms, learn to actually write music to get them to perform exactly what's needed to fit the song. It's all pipe dreams for now.

February 23, 2013
2:32 am

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i dont think i could ever write for an ensemble.  i can barely read sheet music.  hell, the most classical music training ive ever recieved was music class, back in school.  and i fuckin hated that. 

that shit would be fresh to do, though. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
2:44 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Man, you get the exact opposite of what I've got when it comes to people trying to get me to produce for them. Every time I end up getting some dude who thinks that I'm going to make them some kind of million dollar song, who can't even rap. Somebody who wants beats and expects me to contact them, what company out there randomly goes, "I think this consumer is ready for my product!!!" and just goes out and calls people? I'm not Comcast damn it, I'm pizza hut, you have to call me to make the order so I can deliver. The only person that I can say had their shit together was this dude from a punk rock band that wanted me to go to his studio to see what we could make. Unluckily I got my phone with his number in it stolen the day he wanted me to come over. I was really interested to see what we could do, perhaps get some live instrumentation to work with.

February 23, 2013
2:53 am

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thats like when you get offered a slot at some show that mc nondescript is putting together, then at the end of the conversation says, 'okay.  so, gimme a hundred bucks, and ill put you on!' 


numbnuts, i dont pay to perform.  if youre looking to recoup off the other artists instead of tickets sales, what does that say about your worth? 

god, i hate that shit. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
2:55 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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scruffy said:

i dont think i could ever write for an ensemble.  i can barely read sheet music.  hell, the most classical music training ive ever recieved was music class, back in school.  and i fuckin hated that. 

that shit would be fresh to do, though. 

Yeah, the most experience I have with music sheets is from music class in Jr. High with the snare drum. I pretty much forgot most of it too. Could probably pick it right back up pretty quickly if I tried though, just need time to jog the memory. That teacher had a pretty good sound set up in his class room, multiple mics and shit. I think he even had a machine that could listen to music and write it in sheet form, I wonder how well it actually worked.

Read on how Kanye does his music, it's all pretty interesting. Dude definitely raised the bar on hip hop production. Brings in full reputable orchestras and shit like that. I learned that he actually intentionally dumbed down his lyrics because he felt that not enough people could get into his live shows.

February 23, 2013
2:58 am

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I learned that he actually intentionally dumbed down his lyrics because he felt that not enough people could get into his live shows.

that explains a lot, actually.  the first shit i heard from him was introspective and thoughtful.  since then, nothing special.   

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
3:02 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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scruffy said:


thats like when you get offered a slot at some show that mc nondescript is putting together, then at the end of the conversation says, 'okay.  so, gimme a hundred bucks, and ill put you on!' 


numbnuts, i dont pay to perform.  if youre looking to recoup off the other artists instead of tickets sales, what does that say about your worth? 

god, i hate that shit. 

I've never performed live yet. Honestly when I first got into production (which was about 4-5 years ago) I thought that people had to pay to play a gig so he probably assumed you knew nothing and tried to take advantage of you, that or he's legitimately an idiot.

February 23, 2013
3:18 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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scruffy said:

I learned that he actually intentionally dumbed down his lyrics because he felt that not enough people could get into his live shows.

that explains a lot, actually.  the first shit i heard from him was introspective and thoughtful.  since then, nothing special.   

I'm the type of person that if you have a really god delivery and an extremely awesome beat I can listen to your music. Like, that song Power, the lyrics are fucking retarded in that song, but I still love that song. Basic reason why I can't get into too many backpack rappers, most of them just have horrible delivery and production. Also, if there are lyrics that have a special meaning to me then I will love that song, even if the lyrics were intended to mean something completely different.

I doubt that you are or ever will be to big a fan of SickTanicK, but that dude has definitely got some production skills. I was really surprised to see the drastic growth he's had between his newest release and the one before that, but that's how the shit works sometimes, you suddenly drastically improve. His shit is one step ahead of most people in the underground, especially in the horrorcore genre.

February 23, 2013
3:21 am

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weve done shows for free, thats not so bad. 

about half the shows weve done, though, we were far and away the best act there.  that can have an odd influence on everyone else.

we have a thing, we love to open, if were not the main attraction.  it gets the performance out of the way early, lets us chill for the rest.  but then the next act kills the momentum, and all the rest are playing catchup, to the point that the supposed 'headliners' cant even get cheap pops.  happened several times.

another thing that has happened several times, is the show getting cancelled out from under us, after we get to the venue, plan the show, do sound checks, all that.  plus one time, when we didnt open, that the show was cancelled after three or four acts, due to a fight amongst the crowd.  we were mystified by that, the night before, four mufuckas were shot by one guy at the club back home.  did they close shop?  hell, no. 

speaking of sound checks, it cracks me up when mc nondescript tries to act like the cool veteran, on some, 'we dont need to do a sound check, we know we sound good' shit.  these are the same types that cup the mic with their fist when they rap, so they sound like shit.  buy hey, it looks cool, right?

always get a sound check.  you never know what drugs the venues people are on, and its them, not the performer, that really needs the sound check. 


no live performances yet?  its the shit.  well, when it happens, its the shit. 

live shows are a whole other animal to studio performances, though. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
3:24 am

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cant recall anything ive heard from sicktanick.

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 23, 2013
3:29 am
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I listen to Morbit a lot and met him at a show he did with icp on bpb. but his production is really good. and I think fruity loops is supposed to be for beginners or just to play around with, nuthin serious

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