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Fruity Loops.
February 22, 2013
1:09 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I noticed that there is tons of people who tend to frown on Fruity Loops and people who use it.

I don't know why though.


What are your thoughts on Fruity Loops, do you like the program or do you hate it and why?

February 22, 2013
1:15 am

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its like any other medium.  if you good good at it, you can do pretty good stuff. 

for most people, fl is like music maker the home game.  but the modern versions have enough functionality to pull off a reasonable product, if you school it. 

ive actually used fl studio, in conjuction with the rest of my setup. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
1:23 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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What programs do you use?

February 22, 2013
1:24 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Or equipment.

February 22, 2013
1:32 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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havent used FL since the ooold days def pretty easy to use tho.. allot easier than an mpc anyway..

im not a producer so any way they can cook up their crack is cool with me…i really cant tell the difference.. however araab's style of producing shit with the mpc on the spot is def the most impressive to me.. its like hes freestyling it haha

i imagine its so frowned upon cuz its one of the easiest & most well known ways to make beats.. & you know how hipsters love to hate the mainstream of anything haha


February 22, 2013
1:39 am

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the centerpiece is a roland daw, an integrated console.  still fully capable, despite the fact that pc tech has advanced to the point of matching it.

to that, add anything and everything that either makes noise or manipulates noise. 

samplers, keyboards, drum machine, whatever software [including fl studio]. 

ill admit that some of it, notably the keyboards, are not of the greatest quality [not very versatile], but i can still make a master cd good enough for pressing. 

too bad i cant get anybody to pay me for that. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
1:42 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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scruffy said:

the centerpiece is a roland daw. 

to that, add anything and everything that either makes noise or manipulates noise. 

samplers, keyboards, drum machine, whatever programs [including fl studio]. 

ill admit that some of it, notably the keyboards, are not of the greatest quality, but i can still make a master cd good enough for pressing. 

too bad i cant get anybody to pay me for that. 

Why not?

February 22, 2013
1:49 am

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no one around me is recording anything, that i know of.  

havent heard of any demand for me as a producer. 

i can make a master, but its not the same as a real post facility. 

but, hey, if you got money to burn, how may i be of service?

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
1:56 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Do what Jokerr does, have people send you their unmastered tracks and master it for them

February 22, 2013
2:00 am

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i suspect thats more or less a con, not that i cared enough to look into it. 


speaking of which, got anything you need mastered? 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
2:14 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Nah, I'm broke and I master my own stuff.


I know Jokerr does do mastering but I don't know whether or not he's ripping people off. He claims that he gives a good price because he cares about his fans, but at the same time he says that his beef  with Hopsin is just him informing people of what he's done because he cares about his fans.

Mastering is becoming a dying career because too many people think they don't need to master their music anymore. Then again I'm pretty sure that the people that do master their music get further than the people that don't.

February 22, 2013
2:30 am

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Mastering is becoming a dying career because too many people think they don't need to master their music anymore.

most of them dont, hence the con.

assuming the mix is right, not much point in throwing extra money at mastering services if 95 or even 100% of your end users are just getting mp3s.  a prime master will probably get you further, but in all reality, theres a diminishing return, if youre an unknown. 

i could cite examples, but... 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
5:57 am
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I can tell you from experience, you get what you pay for.  If you get a trustworthy engineer you don't get ripped off.  And in the end you get a better final product becasue most reputable engineers have the best equipment and can make even the crappiest home recording sound golden.  Just my 2 cents!





February 22, 2013
10:16 am

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you get what you pay for.  If you get a trustworthy engineer you don't get ripped off.  And in the end you get a better final product

naturally.  but even they have a tendency to shine you on about what theyre doing. 

say ive got some music i want to release.  i can pay $25-$50 a minute to have it pro mastered and get a 99% perfect final product, or, i can spend basicly nothing at all, and have a 96% perfect product.  that extra bump is not gonna make a very big difference, unless there is already a real expectation of high quality from the consumer.  if im not pressing it up, the difference is almost infinitesimal.

now, say i have no ability to post on my own.  i now have a choice between a 50% product, or spending a load of money for a 70% product.  no one can really make the crappiest home recording, as you say, sound golden, not without remixing.  more like, shiny aluminum.  enough to convince the amatuer that hes getting his moneys worth, perhaps, but thats about it.  post production is heavily dependant on the mixdown.  a bad mix with good post is still gonna be a bad mix.  for this point, examples abound. 

in either case, the gain doesnt particularly justify the outlay.  and when your anticipated profits are floating around zero…

my advice is, if recording at home, pro-style or amatuer, dont bother to send it off to someone else.  if you know what to do, diy.  if you dont, it still likely wont matter a whole lot in the end.  if it does matter, and you cant master it on your own, dont record at home to start with. 

hell, fl studio has dynamic dsp tools based on the same principles as a post lab, many with identical algorithms.  just learn how its done [two, three days of research, followed by x amount of time practicing], youll be good.  [side note:  fl and some of its included plugins have a nasty tendency to introduce artifacts into the mix, if you arent paying attention.  this is not hard to prevent, but very hard, maybe impossible, to correct.  again, if you dont know, dont record on your own]


[edit]  actually, that last bit is true of any system, if your engineering skills are lacking.  the finest setup in the world can still make your mix into hamburger with just one or two improper settings. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
5:03 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I can attest to all that you said about FL because it's how I do everything. Learned by research and practice. And it also takes a really good ear (I've been told by many people) to get the mixing/mastering down.

You have to be careful when doing the compressing and equalizing because if you fuck up you will either have something up to high and it will distort or you will have something too low and it will kill the whole track, you can even get that stupid thing that Kidcrusher has done where ever time a bass comes in everything around it gets silent. I hate it when artists do that. It's best to save your sessions so you can go back and fix what has been fucked up.

February 22, 2013
5:16 pm

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yeah, ducking sounds horrible, almost every time. 

uninteresting side note, i was going to post up some example tracks to demonstrate some of what i was talking about, but i havent yet found a convenient way to do that.  so, im thinking i wont bother.

but i do want to see this kind of discussion continue, because tons of people really oughta learn about this shit, whether they know it or not. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
5:29 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Yeah, I find it absolutely ridiculous and pathetic that artists that are getting huge through the underground these days can't find this shit out for themselves.


It's like I posted on facebook one day; "We have the ability to learn almost anything through the internet, do we really have a reason for being stupid anymore?"

February 22, 2013
5:32 pm

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It's like I posted on facebook one day; "We have the ability to learn almost anything through the internet, do we really have a reason for being stupid anymore?"

1  learning has a bad rep.  tv generation, everybody thinks that learning something is proof that youre stupid.   

2  the internet tends to help people learn things that are incorrect. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 22, 2013
5:45 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I guess that's true, mostly when it comes to politics or opinions because people will take a reputable person's opinion as fact.

And when people try to learn anything from Illuminati conspiracy theorists or the Jesus Is Savoir website that pushes out lies and slander.

I guess you have to be smart enough to decipher which is true and which is just complete bullshit.

February 22, 2013
5:51 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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well, of course, truth is a subjective phenomenon. 

the judgment of any system, or a priori relational phenomena, exists in any rational, or–

nah, you know, what?  let em have their ignorance. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

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