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2013 GOTJ News, Seminars and everything else
August 9, 2013
9:00 am
Forum Posts: 9
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so did twiztid say no to lotus after jay mentioned its time for a new album and I wonder why they don't want to do one ?

August 9, 2013
9:07 am
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September 16, 2012
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Jamie is like the c nation wit all them sweat bandz lol

August 9, 2013
11:51 am

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August 9, 2013
12:02 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
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freeknick50 said

Chris said
No body asked about blaze? shows how much people care lol 


cuz he aint ever got much to say

I'm still waitin 4 Last House on Dead Street

it was already released..


August 9, 2013
12:06 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
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August 9, 2013
12:08 pm

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At some point in your life, you may find yourself sitting in a minivan in rural Illinois, stressed out as you wear a metal butcher knife pendant around your neck. Your ankles are covered in mysterious goo and all of your beer is warm. It could only mean one thing -- you're at The Gathering of the Juggalos, and you're a moron. Not because you decided to go in the first place, but because you didn't put any thought in it until an hour before you had to leave. As the RFT is a respected publication devoted to helping mankind, here is a list of the ten things you should and shouldn't bring to The Gathering of the Juggalos.

To Bring:

10. Stupid Transporation

If you're at the Gathering, chances are your body has been malformed from years of consuming alcohol and fast food. You need a way to get around the huge site other than the boots you salvaged from the thrift store that you thought were a good deal even though there was a hole in the sole. While The Gathering of the Juggalos website states that motorized vehicles are forbidden, no one actually seems to care. Even if you hit a pedestrian. There seem to be golf carts to rent (somewhere), but you may be better off being a shirtless asshole zipping around on a moped or gas-powered dirt-bike.

9. Garbage Snacks

The food at The Gathering is priced about how you'd expect at any festival event. You can buy a barely inedible cheesesteak from one of the brightly lit trailers staffed by carney families for $8, or you can do the smart thing and pack your own. As your health obviously isn't a concern if you're here, do the right thing and do your grocery shopping like a seven year old with a license to buy beer. Dump a can of tuna fish into a bag of Doritos and weep quietly when you find yourself licking the empty bag later.

8. Cigarettes and Over-The-Counter Drugs

Wandering around with heartburn from eating two pounds of fried chicken on a stick is no fun. Unfortunately, the simple things we take for granted in our medicine cabinets are nowhere to be found at the fest. While there is a vibrant outdoor economy a la "Bartertown" in Mad Max 2, the only place where you can get smokes or something to ease your aching body seems to be found at a small tent stocked with overpriced goods. A pack of cigarettes will set you back $11 and a small thing of baby powder to clear up the confusing, sweaty mess that has become your genitals costs $5.

7. A Watchful Eye

The chubby Pacific Islander with the septum piercing won't stop staring at you. You knocked over the cooler of the sweaty guy whose face looks like a smashed blobfish. Someone in a dark tent is asking you a question about "The Lotus" and you didn't reply with "whoop whoop" right away. The only people working security seem like they were picked up hitchhiking near a prison and given a neon green shirt. Point is, watch your back.

6. Rain Poncho

Have you ever been outside? There is this shit called "rain" that falls out of the sky sometimes. It makes your clothes feel bad for hours and causes your smartphone to malfunction. Guess how many rain ponchos they sell at the festival? Zero. While there's a lot of hustling going on, there was no "Nachos on Ponchos" tent--an idea I brainstormed earlier about charging people to eat nachos off of your body as you wear nothing but a poncho.

5. Boobs

There are so many exposed breasts at this thing. In the words of some dingus on a stage during a contest where women dance while being sprayed with soda, "Fuck Mardi Gras, they give you beads. We give you $250 in merch!" So, ladies, if you've ever needed a t-shirt that says, "I'm a Juggalo Not a Gang Member" and haven't been able to dig up that $12, your sweater meats will make up where your wallet is lacking.

4. Cardboard and a Sharpie

Attached to many of the boobs are cardboard signs but beyond even that, these signs say anything and everything. If you're looking for a friend, make a sign. If you're looking for drugs, make a sign. Or you can do what one post-modern artist did and just write "Cardboard Sign" on a piece of cardboard.

3. Cash

No one accepts cards. Not a single place. Don't even bother. The ATM fees are $5 each transaction as well, so take out a lot of money. Put half in your wallet and half in your sock.

2. Flashlight

The Gathering is extremely dark everywhere aside from the stage and food areas. To avoid stepping in human feces or on faces, you need some sort of light. Headlamps, glowsticks--anything. While it'll save you from awkward encounters like stumbling over a tent stake, having a flashlight will also allow you to perform The Scavenger Maneuver: being one of the many people scanning the terrain for unused nitrous oxide canisters and money near the stage after everyone has left the area.

1. Somewhere to Sleep That Isn't a Rented Minivan

Last night, I slept on a bunch of empty cans and a bag of beef jerky. I used a 24-ounce can of Budweiser placed under a pillow for proper neck support. I woke up covered in plastic bags and one of my boots was laying underneath our vehicle. Find somewhere to sleep that isn't a rented minivan.

August 9, 2013
12:09 pm

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By its organizers' own assessment, the Gathering of the Juggalos is an event filled with the most misunderstood people of all time. Juggalos are generally looked down upon by "normal" members of society, thought of as losers, degenerates or outright criminals -- even, most recently, as a full-fledged gang by the FBI. In keeping with these prejudices, the Gathering itself is subject to wild speculation by people who have never attended, in regards to its debauchery and unhinged behavior.

Some of these preconceived notions are warranted, and some are not. Here are a few of our first impressions of the Gathering, now that we have spent a full day on the grounds.

We probably are not going to be murdered by Juggalos here.

When I initially volunteered for this assignment, many of my friends and family members assumed that this would be the last they would ever see or hear from me. I would be quickly outed as an interloper, it was assumed, and would shortly thereafter be subjected to the glee-filled pool-ball-in-a-sock wrath of the Juggalo Family. The band's "psychopathic clown" motif and violent imagery seem to lend credence to this notion, but in reality nearly every person that we have come in contact with has been very nice.

One thing to consider is that this is the one event of the year at which these misunderstood societal misfits can gather in large groups without fear of ridicule or judgment from outsiders. Truly, the inmates are running the asylum. In keeping, attendees wander around with joy in their crazy clown hearts and smiles on their painted faces. The calls of "Family!" and "Woop woop!" are each shouted in order to express solidarity between kindred spirits, about every ten steps or so.

One caveat: Information for the press included a list of tips -- things like "bring mosquito netting" and "wear sunscreen." Also on this list was an explanation concerning the "woop woop" and "family" call-outs. It was strongly recommended that when someone says these things to you, you should most definitely respond in kind. The repercussions of not doing so were not made clear, but suffice to say, I have loudly been parroting back clown-love to all who have expressed it in my direction. I suppose that could possibly help explain my continued survival.

Juggalos are savvy entrepreneurs.

Everyone everywhere is selling something. Most of it is drugs, of course -- this is a music festival, after all. But more on that aspect in a minute. More interesting are the out-of-the-box oddball ways people have been making money. Take, for example, the man with the "Bet you can't hit me with a quarter" sign. His pants were barely able to stay up, due to the weight of the jangling coins in his pockets. He even paid his way into the festival with change.

Elsewhere, a man with an unreal amount of facial tattoos had dollar bills stapled all over his body pitched his talent like a carnival barker. "Step right up, one dollar! This is a real staple gun; this ain't that fucking kiddie shit like you used to do when you were a kid. This shit really hurts." I probably saw twenty blood-smeared dollars hanging off his skin.

Then there was the topless girl offering "boob squeezes" for only $3. Yes, there were takers.

Jesus Christ, there are drugs everywhere.

This is not a revelation, I know. Tales of the "drug bridge" at the Gathering are well known. Actually walking across the thing is a whole different story, though. Every single drug that I have ever heard of is represented, in large quantities. Salesmen peddle their wares loudly to all who walk by -- at 5 a.m. we were offered "cocaine for breakfast" by a heavy-set fella still stationed at his post. Many dealers not on the bridge wander around with megaphones, loudly advertising whatever mind-altering substance it is that they have to offer. And one of the very first things we witnessed upon arrival was an abundance of individuals wandering the grounds double-fisting balloons of nitrous oxide. Still, I have seen surprisingly few people passed out face-down in the mud. I guess Juggalos have a knack for handling their chemicals. (Although we were told by a police officer that there had been ten overdoses on acid in the first day -- apparently some bad stuff is going around).

Jesus Christ, there are boobs everywhere.

Interestingly, Juggalettes seem to be eager/willing/happy to show off their breasts, often by request and with no promise of compensation. Many simply wander around without shirts on at all. At this point I am torn between whether the situation is exploitative or empowering. On the one hand, the men on the grounds seem to have the same mentality as those who attend Mardi Gras celebrations, and are often boorish in their approach. On the other, it is hot outside, and I have definitely taken my own shirt off, so why shouldn't the ladies do the same?

Either way, there are boobs everywhere. What's funny about it is that in the dark it becomes difficult to tell if you are seeing the breasts of a shapely female or those of a big fat guy. Both are well-represented.

Well, OK, maaaybe we will be murdered by Juggalos.

This seems to be a place without laws. Huge groups of people are high on every chemical substance known to man. Festivities last until five in the morning, every night. Golf carts are driven with reckless abandon at high speeds on pedestrian trails by intoxicated individuals -- some of whom are even famous. (We spotted Violent J in his ride, making his way across the drug bridge, sans facepaint. Spoiler alert: He's fat.)

The point is, danger lurks around every corner. Though I truly believe that these people don't explicitly mean harm to anyone (even press dorks like us), this does all amount to a recipe for potential disaster. There is very nearly a complete lack of supervision, coupled with reckless intoxication and a pervasive "fuck everything" attitude (no seriously, I read that on a shirt this guy was wearing).

How long can this possibly continue to go right?


August 9, 2013
1:11 pm

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For all those speculating about ICP and Twiztid hating on each other, I wish you could have witnessed the "group hug" at the end of the Dark Lotus set last night. They literally all held each other onstage for what seemed to be forever and you could honestly FEEL the love that they have for each other. It was an overwhelming moment for me as a fan of all of them and will probably go down as one of my favorite gathering memories.
August 9, 2013
1:16 pm
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PunkRockJuggalo said

Juggalo Nation
For all those speculating about ICP and Twiztid hating on each other, I wish you could have witnessed the "group hug" at the end of the Dark Lotus set last night. They literally all held each other onstage for what seemed to be forever and you could honestly FEEL the love that they have for each other. It was an overwhelming moment for me as a fan of all of them and will probably go down as one of my favorite gathering memories.

thats shits cool as fuck..that made my day..


August 9, 2013
1:36 pm

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Also from what i hear Mono ran up to VJ and S2D and hugged them and after that is when the group hug happened.

August 9, 2013
1:48 pm
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August 9, 2013
1:54 pm

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Up next during .....  via 

August 9, 2013
2:34 pm

Forum Posts: 6559
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Ok its starting


AMB is out with ABK for the seminar


they are setting up a beer pong table


ABK talking bout Juggalo Tipping crowd gave mixed reaction to that


 Saying he didnt create it a girl called sugar tits did. He just followed her and was taped laughing at it


Some1 asked why bandanas were taken off durin rydas. Abk said its hard to rap w/ them on


Asked about shapeshifter album. Its like shape shiftin thru different personalities


Asked AMB about when garcia bros album coming out. Its coming and dope & wil knw bout it by time gotj over


Full blooded cherokee? He cant speak it but aunts and sisters do. Parents died when he was younger so didnt get 2 learn from them


ABK says he is 75% native american 25% irish


He wants 2 come out w/ his own ecigarette called peace pipe cause everyone does papers lol..


In Lotus again? We will see wht happens next yr..... Hard 2 get 2gether to record. Hes down tho in time


Why was his arm tucked into his shirt during rydas? Cause he is Sawed off & wanted to look distinctive up there


He loves doin videos would love to shoot one out here at gathering. Did film commercial for tour undergound jam


New drive by? Jst did 1 for the last tour. Going on tour beggining in november & should be new ep then


After that tour will start working on new Drive By album


Some1 cut their nipple off for money in the campground. Some1 in crowd is gonna lick it for a beer. UGH


Giving another beer to some1 who is now kissing the girl that licked the infected nipple (puked in my mouth lil)


He wants the guy w/ the cut off nipple to get every1s faces tatted on his fingers.. abk, shaggy, etc


Some1 is currently running into the campground to get their their homie that has his tattoo gun here to do it ...


Whts up w/ native world. Its him & some1 else. Its a side thng so doesnt advertise it. Uses it 2 help other bands. Tshirts, banners, ...


Just people smokin weed with him and setting up beer pong


After twiztid every1 meet ABK at the pizza vendor for a pizza party. He's not buyin tho LOL


Jst partyin. Beer pong with liquor, tossin beers to crowd & they r passin round, smokin w/ peeps, etc


ABK seminar over JCW seminar is next

BRQLHNjCQAAWAqt.jpg:largeImage Enlarger








August 9, 2013
2:57 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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PunkRockJuggalo said

Why was his arm tucked into his shirt during rydas? Cause he is Sawed off & wanted to look distinctive up there

i honestly LOVE that! super simple but very effective "I'm a one armed bandit"


August 9, 2013
3:03 pm
Forum Posts: 336
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February 13, 2013
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freeknick50 said
I'm still waitin 4 Last House on Dead Street


it was already released..



August 9, 2013
3:24 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11709
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March 31, 2012
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the extended version of gang rags is last house on dead street


August 9, 2013
3:25 pm
Forum Posts: 498
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May 4, 2013
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Gang Ragz Extended IS Last House on Dead St, they just changed the name.

August 9, 2013
3:26 pm
Forum Posts: 498
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May 4, 2013
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Damn warlock beat me to it 

August 9, 2013
3:28 pm
Forum Posts: 142
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August 31, 2012
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so nobody asked about blaze being on t

he label?


how can u talk about drive by and not ask that?


we needdd to keep blaze. hes a soldier and he can be the link between twiztid and psychopathic and maybe get them back together.


and with the new zug izland album, i hope with mike e clark working with them we can c a syn and legz diamond do a song together. iv always wanted to hear them two do a duet type track u knw. tht'd b dope

August 9, 2013
3:29 pm
Forum Posts: 336
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The Warlock said
the extended version of gang rags is last house on dead street

that don't count its still Gang Rags

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