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The Workout, Health and Nutrition Thread
August 28, 2014
10:50 pm
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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I'm sure you know all about being a man, the way you cry over every post that has a single hint of negativity toward you in it. The way you nuthug ocj, the way you try and dog every one of my posts. You're such a man, sorry for stepping out of line. I should've known better. You big man you.

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

August 29, 2014
1:29 am
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August 14, 2014
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LTB said
I'm sure you know all about being a man, the way you cry over every post that has a single hint of negativity toward you in it. The way you nuthug ocj, the way you try and dog every one of my posts. You're such a man, sorry for stepping out of line. I should've known better. You big man you.

"the way you try and dog everyone of my posts"  You aren't as important as you think you are bro.  Get a grip and get over it.

I'm the neck cutta and I'm one block away...

OCJ_Brendan said
Haha I hope everyone enjoys their Leg Diamond limited edition Beach towels...


August 29, 2014
6:01 am
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January 21, 2014
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can you two become the new "pat vs. smack (Lite)?" that would be fun laugh


and i'm in pretty good shape i think, well i can at least look at myself in the mirror and not get depressed. I've never been a fat kid but i was always the exact opposite. though high school i weighed about 115, got on drugs dropped to 100-105, and felt like shit. i was always the weak little wormy kid. when we went to the weight room in gym i would be sitting there struggling to bench 65lbs while most the other boys where doing like 125-170. the teachers even made fun of me in front of the rest of the class (i honestly think that football coaches should not be teachers, they are some strait up dicks.) but now i'm clean and i'm landscaping so i get my fair share of exercise a day, i weigh like 130 and i'm happy where i'm at. i don't feel like the weak kid anymore i can lift most anything i have to at work and keep up with the older guys (30+yrs) that we sometimes have come out and help us out, and they were all big football players in school. when i get laid off over the winter i do workout every day, but that's because i'm so used to having to do physical activity every day i do it to burn off excess energy. my doc says i'm still underweight and need to gain weight but i just can't, I've tried in all ways i can think of and it just don't happen, so i'm done trying, if i do that's great but if i don't i won't be sad about it.

i guess all i'm trying to say is if you can feel comfortable in your skin and you look in the mirror and can say "i'm happy with me", don't kill yourself changing, the only person's opinion you need to worry about is your's. fuck the rest. your fat? are you happy in life? well i guess your a happy fat guy and that is okay. be fat and happy, and you can look at those people who drag themselves to a gym every morning trying to get fit, because that's what the world told them to do, and fucking laugh at their self induced misery while eating a big mac and a drinking a two liter for breakfast.


August 29, 2014
6:28 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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sometimes when i look down at me dingaling, it appears small, but when i look at it in the mirror, it looks bigger

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


August 29, 2014
8:56 am
The Notorious, L.T.B.
The Notorious, L.T.B.
Fort Wayne, IN
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MetalHorrorGuitarWhat said

LTB said
I'm sure you know all about being a man, the way you cry over every post that has a single hint of negativity toward you in it. The way you nuthug ocj, the way you try and dog every one of my posts. You're such a man, sorry for stepping out of line. I should've known better. You big man you.

"the way you try and dog everyone of my posts"  You aren't as important as you think you are bro.  Get a grip and get over it.

I don't think I'm important lol, you're the one trying to start shit with me here and three other posts so fuck off. 

Blood rains down from an angry sky! My cock rages on! My cock rages on!

August 29, 2014
11:44 am
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deamduff said
I am going to get in shape. But I was blessed with a fast metabolism as a kid and was very active. It has been only in the last few years living this so called "real life" that I have turned into someone unhealthy and in a shape I do not want to be in. I have no clue how to get healthy. I do not know what foods to eat, good exercises and good habits to work into my day to day.

So I am making this thread to gather and share info for anyone else looking to get in shape or just hit a physical goal. Anyone with input please share. This thread is to help encourage me to achieve my goal, and I hope others can set their goals and as a community support each other to reach them. I will update with more info tomorrow.



Wholesale Jewelry

im in the same boat as you actually. Growing up I played football, lacrosse, was a state champion swimmer and had the body fat of an anorexic dead chick

in the past few years, i havent had the luck I did when i was younger, ill be 30 next year and now im a lazy fuck, i work with computers for a living, so i barely move all day as it it. I smoke, i drink, im not exactly the posterchild of healthy. but im not "fat", i just got a beer gut lol


i started doing DDP yoga a few weeks back and let me tell you i feel so much better since i stated, more energy, its low impact and for someone who hasnt worked out in years thats important. Give it a try, you can find it online, but if you like it, you should buy it to help support the cause, especially if it gets you back into shape. Ive used it 2 weeks and ive went out and bought it since then

August 29, 2014
12:12 pm
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Preachy The Clown said
Ive been trying to lose waight since mid Dec. of last year and i have been doing really well according to the doctors. ive lost 20 lbs since Dec.. I first started doing just 45 min. of walking around my hood then i moved on to a treadmill and weights and now i will not stop untill i have done at least a mile or a lil over plus wieghts. I try not to eat til i cant breath anymore and i dont eat super late any more. No more 3 am stuffed crust pizza ventures and when i eat at a buffet i try to limit myself to where im content not bursting to the point of vomit.

Ive also began to eat more veggies with my meals, broccli, carrots, green beans, salads u know anything green Not WEED tho. hahaha

Anyway ive been doing this since mid Dec. and ive been seeing results The pants are fitting a lil looser and the shirts too so i would encourage you to do that so drop some weight. I exercise 3 times a week for a about an hour each session.

Changing your diet up is central to losing but its not only about that u got to totally change the way u live because its about stop being a lazy dude and getting up and using ur time to benefit you instead of time kicking ur body around. Its hard at first but u got to train ur pallette to accept certain flavors because they are good for ur body and will break down things and make other things move. If u have to set up a daily routine and stick to it cuz it will work if you put the effort.

O and try to drink only water and no sugar if u are drinking Tea use Splenda or Sweet and low or Stevia to give it some sweetness. I would also try a meal replacement shake for one of your meals and eventually gong to 2 shakes and a regular meal. Sanck on fruits and stay far away from the bread but its okay to treat urself once and a while. I hope this helps with ur wieght loss.laugh 

my sisters fiance has gone an a low carb diet, limiting himself to 15 carbs a day, in 3 months, hes lost 35 pounds down from 260 to 225. I couldnt do that myself, but im throwing it out there that it works

August 29, 2014
12:43 pm
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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Low-carb works, with the usual disclaimers about caution, pre-existing health conditions, doctor supervision, etc.


Whoop Whoop krunk :

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January 13, 2023
12:51 pm
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..."exercise also provides tremendous stress relief..."


YouTube Video Activate Autophagy For A Long Life But Don't Do THIS

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August 26, 2023
5:36 pm
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May 4, 2014
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Starting these on Monday:

YouTube Video 60 Seconds of Plank Every Day and Watch Your Body Transformation

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December 7, 2023
10:02 am
Forum Posts: 8202
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May 4, 2014
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thread said


YouTube Video Fat Positive Activists Are PASSING AWAY, But The Cult Must Go On.

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December 29, 2023
9:55 am
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May 4, 2014
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Smart man good:


YouTube Video Top 10 Things You Must NEVER Do To Lose BELLY FAT

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


December 29, 2023
2:42 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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just take Ozempic it's only $300 a week


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