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Is Faygoluvers Forum dead?
February 10, 2023
8:06 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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nobody seems to talk about anything else other than me on here anymore.

look losers you care more about getting rid of me than I could ever give a fuck about you.

to the point, you say that if I am around you are not coming back yet you are still here bitching and I am the one who is ruining this forum??

don't let the door hit where the lord split you bitch

simple as that, go away, go cry somewhere else

either bring something to this forum other than your obsession with me, or bye bye I could care less

I will still be here either way


February 10, 2023
8:33 pm
jiggles the clown
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Everytime someone tries to talk about anything else you detail the thread with


1. Politics nobody cares about.

2. Anti-vax retardation.

3. Bitching about cost of groceries.

4. Talking about your toys.

That's it. That's all you ever fucking talk about. And you bring it up on every single fucking thread. Nobody cares about your opinion on anything. Let alone shit that's off topic you child abusing baby rapist.


And yes. You will still be here. Because you have no life. And no friends. Your biggest accomplishment in life is making the entire FLH forum despise you. Congratulations, you're worthless.


Now I'm going to take my girlfriend out for an early valentines date. I'll be eating steak with my girlfriend and your fat ass will be here, alone, with zero friends.

Whoop Whoop jiggles the clown :


quote me to trigger a Canadian child molester

February 10, 2023
8:45 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Enjoy the steak.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 10, 2023
9:08 pm
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May 4, 2014
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yPyXaZY.gifImage Enlarger

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


February 11, 2023
1:25 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Dead. Dead. Dead. Allllllll Dead.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 11, 2023
1:26 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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The forum is dead.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 11, 2023
2:42 pm
Moe Ray Al
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died a slow death by a bunch of libtard soyboys who are too stupid just to ignore someone who politically disagrees with them or they could have blocked me and never seen my posts like I did to their pedo queen.

but what do you expect from a bunch of idiots who went to public school?? they don't even know what a woman is and some of them identify as one when they use public washrooms.

the funniest part about Pogo is out of his 353 posts over 300 of them are just complaining about me, the only thing he has ever brought to this forum is his undying hatred towards me and absolutely nothing else, he even creates threads about me that he and only he alone posts in, talk about a pathetic if I left this forum his whole sense of identity would cease to exist.


February 11, 2023
5:05 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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"if I left this forum his whole sense of identity would cease to exist." I'll take that bet. Leave and see what happens. I dare you. You ain't man enough to do it. You're to much of gamma to actually do it. Fucking leave or you're to much of a no sack gamma bitch. You're my bitch if you stay and we all call you our little bitch.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 11, 2023
7:33 pm
Moe Ray Al
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this forum is mine I am the King and you are my loyal court jester Pogo the Dwarf

are you one of those extremely rare Juggalos that can actually juggle??

if so juggle bitch juggle if you do a good job there might even be a ham sandwich in it for you


February 12, 2023
6:30 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Hey little bitch you're still here? Well since you're still here dance for us you little bitch.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 12, 2023
6:31 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Dance bitch dance.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 12, 2023
11:16 am
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April 15, 2013
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the_patriot_smack said
nobody seems to talk about anything else other than me on here anymore.

I've been posting here for over a decade and I don't have a fucking clue who you are. 

Whoop Whoop Guest :

Mr. Popo
February 12, 2023
12:56 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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March 30, 2018
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Guest said

the_patriot_smack said
nobody seems to talk about anything else other than me on here anymore.

I've been posting here for over a decade and I don't have a fucking clue who you are.   

that just proves you aren't very perceptive or you are just an idiot probably the latter


February 12, 2023
2:17 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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Our little bitch is feisty one. But remember he's just a little bitch.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 12, 2023
3:10 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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Pogo where do you fall on the spectrum?


February 13, 2023
5:07 am
Forum Posts: 116
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February 15, 2021
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the_patriot_smack said
nobody seems to talk about anything else other than me on here anymore.

look losers you care more about getting rid of me than I could ever give a fuck about you.

to the point, you say that if I am around you are not coming back yet you are still here bitching and I am the one who is ruining this forum??

don't let the door hit where the lord split you bitch

simple as that, go away, go cry somewhere else

either bring something to this forum other than your obsession with me, or bye bye I could care less

I will still be here either way  

Your account was created 2018
That was 5 years ago.
You have posted at least 3954
So if we divide 3954 by 5, that's 790.8 a year,
leading to 65.9 posts a month.

Jonas LaClaque, it's time you turn off the computer.

Whoop Whoop PrometheusComplex :

Mr. Popo
February 13, 2023
7:49 am
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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He's been banned before and just couldn't accept the fact he's not welcomed around here. That's a reaction somebody on the spectrum would have. He was banned and crying profusely about his posts being deleted. Those posts were never shown, screenshot or even saved. He couldn't prove he created a thread or post that got deleted but boy could he cry up a storm about it.

Sidenote ever notice the trolls agree with him? Ever notice Milko, antihat3 and KuKluxKlown all have similar typing styles? Just trolls, juggahoes and frauds. Jonas hated Twiztid so badly he had to win a jersey from them. He just had to. He said he was going to destroy it but he ended up keeping it and sleeping in it every night. Bitch made shit.

Maybe just maybe he's actually a stroke victim and his brain is getting ever so closer to pressing up on his skull. That's a notable outcome of excessive drinking. He's that white drunk at the liquor store shaking from not being able to get a drink.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

February 13, 2023
11:21 am
Billy Bagz
Forum Posts: 399
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February 11, 2023
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What is the definition of a dead forum?

Is it as simple as having zero posts for a period of time till the thought of the forum being dead crosses your mind and continues to go postless after that thought occurs?


Does it have to do with the main theme of the forum and the discussions being had never pertaining to the "theme"?

Is the reason being that all the posters only buy Pepsi and Coca-Cola products and never faygo?

February 13, 2023
1:37 pm
Moe Ray Al
Forum Posts: 4515
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when I was banned these soyboys missed me so much


February 13, 2023
5:34 pm
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo
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People making fun of you is your evidence? Nobody likes you other than the trailer hitch known Milko who follows you around. Now be quiet little bitch.

Pecking order and you're below the worms in the dirt.

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