February 10, 2025
12 Guests and Online

Sensory Friendly Night Sponsored by Local Juggalo Activist and Faygoluvers Heaven


Juggalos! Juggalettes! Whomever may be tuning in! It’s your boy BeZerkaveli, and I proudly bring you something very special coming up tomorrow for local children with special needs. What is it you may ask? Well let me tell you.


Come check out the lanes. First 25 games are on Faygoluver, Water Magic, and Ken Alger Real Estate - EXIT Realty Springside

Come check out the lanes. First 25 games are on Faygoluvers, Water Magic, and Ken Alger Real Estate – EXIT Realty Springside

Tomorrow, August 19th, 2023 from 11 am to 3 pm at Superior Lanes in Superior, Wisconsin, there will be a special needs family friendly event in which the bowling alley will be closed to the general public to better cater to those who may not do as well with more regular functioning children. I understand this may not apply to a large portion of those who follow this website, but I wanted to put it out there.

As this event is actually being sponsored by a local juggalo, I have joined forced with my real estate and steam cleaning company, along with my endorsement from Faygoluvers; we are paying for the first 25 games. We at Faygoluvers do love when we are able to impact our communities. I’m hoping to be able to continue to help sponsor events like such to provide for our communities world wide.

Arcade games

Don’t forget that there’s more than just bowling!


All the details can be found in the following post:


Proud to say Jeff McCaffrey at Superior Lanes has decided to work with me on bringing a family friendly Sensory Friendly day to his business!

Our trial dates will be Tuesday, August 15th from 2pm – 6pm, and Saturday, August 19th from 11am – 3pm!
$3 a game, shoes included!
You can purchase pizza and appetizers as well!
And if you want a quick adult beverage, they have those available too.
This will be a sensory friendly specific event, not open to the general public, only friends and family of special needs children/family members.
This is quite the casual family friendly place that will allow the special needs community to have a safe environment where they can have quite a fun time!
We will be advertising for these events, but we would like for YOU, to be able to spread the word as well!
Remember this is only a couple trial dates, and if we want to be able to continue this to give these people in our community the ability to have fun just like you and I, we need to spread awareness and make this a success!
Thank you again, to Jeff at Superior Lanes.
Let’s make this a memorable time for everyone involved!”
It should be a fun time guys. If you know of other events in need of sponsoring, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I can’t guarantee that we’ll always be able to help, but it would be nice to be able to know in ways we can. Maybe one day we can get a nice big fund or something going to help others, but until then; let’s start off small.

What’s on the menu?

Thanks guys. I hope to see some of you there. Whomever can make it.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. SomeguyNamedRay

    Comment posted on Saturday, August 19th, 2023 12:20 am GMT -6 at 12:20 am

    This is awesome!

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