April 19, 2024
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Alla Xul Elu “Mutilation Mask Off” Tonight 8 PM EST via Whatnot!

We here at Faygoluvers.net aren’t exactly sure what this specific live “Mutilation Mask Off” event with Alla Xul Elu via Whatnot will consist of. But we’re assuming it’ll be some type of live AXE mask bidding war? As Billy Obey (Alla Xul Elu) just randomly posted the whatnot event flyer on social media with just the link. And Whatnot is described as “Buy, Sell, Go Live. A live shopping experience like no other”. But not much else was said in the post, just the flyer listed. So if you’re at all curious, tune in at 8 p.m. est tonight by downloading the Whatnot app here https://linktr.ee/realwhatnot to see what Alla Xul Elu will be up to this evening.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Guest


    Comment posted on Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 03:14 pm GMT -5 at 3:14 pm

    Whatnot is an app that combines live streaming and auctions. It’s a great way to milk the maximum amount of money from your customers. I understand the flyer is vague, but what’s a “bidding giveaway?” If your placing bids, that doesn’t sound like much of a giveaway. It doesn’t exactly take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that “Mask off” is an auction.

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