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Twiztid Responds to Comments Made in Insane Clown Posse Interview

Faygoluvers recently released an interview that Scottie D conducted with the Insane Clown Posse less than a week ago. You can watch that almost 2 hour long interview by CLICKING HERE.

In that interview, ICP spoke on a lot of topics and events surrounding the Juggalo world including Twiztid and Majik Ninja Entertainment.

Twiztid just released a short video response to a few of those comments.

Check out the video posted to their official Facebook page:



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. wicket_juan


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:21 pm GMT -5 at 11:21 pm

    fuck Twz.! ♥2017♥

  2. TurnaFraze


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:23 pm GMT -5 at 11:23 pm

    This is the kind of shit you expect from Twiztid. Unfortunately the March is a dividing factor. You will see a separation, MNE on one side Psy on the other. Marchers on one side, non- marchers on the other.

  3. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:26 pm GMT -5 at 11:26 pm

    ~ The War … is now HERE ~



  4. ElectroheadDante


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:32 pm GMT -5 at 11:32 pm

    Thankfully some of us will continue to take up on that part of not taking a side. Just to enjoy the music, get on with our lives, and do what we do. Just another chapter.

  5. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:34 pm GMT -5 at 11:34 pm

    what’s the line?

    We’ve taken enough… and we Aint gonna Takes this No MORE!!!

    And they finally had enough.
    You dont tell us what to do.

    Rob hit the nail on the head.
    “That’s Why they Left”

    Get the hint.

  6. YakkAttack


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:39 pm GMT -5 at 11:39 pm

    Thank for clearing everything up? NOT!
    Fuck off Twiztid!
    especially for suckin a dick in front of all of us, lol.

  7. wicket_juan


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:39 pm GMT -5 at 11:39 pm

    Fuck Young Wicked! he gonna get that Dead Beat Daddy, Beat Down! ♥2017♥

  8. Myzery17

    Comment posted on Tuesday, April 24th, 2018 05:49 am GMT -5 at 5:49 am

    Hell yeah!!

  9. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:40 pm GMT -5 at 11:40 pm

    I love em all but, come on… J even said it.
    16 pages. ~ We dont wanna tell it to you like this but um…
    if you dont do it… youre gonna catch heat, thats just reality.

    Sounds like a thinly veiled threat to me.

    And if I was at my breaking point that would be where I sent my Associate to do the business and on no uncertain term make sure he understands:


    ~ And it has NOTHING TO DO… with how it all began. That was 20 years ago. ~

    And now all of this got aired PUBLICLY, esp. Otis and Sam which. (God knows how much I love you guys)

    Was probably the worst unprofessional move ever.
    and now its all drama.


  10. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:40 pm GMT -5 at 11:40 pm

    Biggest day in the History of the Juggalo world since the Dropping of the 6th Jokers Card.


  11. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:42 pm GMT -5 at 11:42 pm

    Takes 2 to play Grab Balls.
    I havent heard ANYTHING about Sam … it’s AAAALL OT’s Fault.
    She knew what she was DOING.

    That’s why none of this shit should have been made public.

  12. Cheshyr


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:43 pm GMT -5 at 11:43 pm

    Seriously though… wtf is this shit?
    Where’s the whole thing?Where’s the whole video? Why’d they chop it all up and use some fuckin’ sound effect from Texas Chainsaw as a cut? Fuckin’ around like shit wasn’t serious…

    Nobody’s stopping ’em NOW from sayin’ whatever the fuck they gotta say and THIS is what they got to say to US?!

    ICP did what seemed like a heart-felt 2+ hour interview and Twiztid hands back *this?

    I got love for Twiztid. Twiztid got me into the Dark Carnival in the first place and helped me find my greater appreciation and understanding of ICP by proxy but…

    At this point Twiztid is like Bigfoot or the fuckin’ Loch Ness Monster… I *WANT* to believe in them and I *KNOW* they are fuckin’ real but… unless they start showin’ up… I just don’t know, man.

  13. Myzery17

    Comment posted on Tuesday, April 24th, 2018 05:51 am GMT -5 at 5:51 am

    Twizted sold out I.C.P

  14. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:48 pm GMT -5 at 11:48 pm

    What an incoherent mess. I mean, this is a response but it doesn’t actually address anything. What’s the point of making the video if you’re just gonna edit out your own statements? Say what you gotta say, motherfucker, but fucking say it.

  15. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:52 pm GMT -5 at 11:52 pm

    My fave is… Instead of a Wrongful termination lawsuit for firing him without cause (sleeping with the bosses daughter wont work in court)

    he leaves the label


    Talk about Jerry Fucking Springer come to Life.

  16. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:53 pm GMT -5 at 11:53 pm

    They Said PLENTY
    ~ It was PERFECT ~

  17. twiztid_ruiner


    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:53 pm GMT -5 at 11:53 pm

    I’ve been quiet bout this but y df r they trying 2 act innocent when they been taking shots at psychopathic for years

  18. purplekushy

    Comment posted on Friday, January 20th, 2017 11:59 pm GMT -5 at 11:59 pm

    pfffffft WHACKKKKK!!!!

  19. wow a chick

    wow a chick

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:09 am GMT -5 at 12:09 am

    “Marching for publicity for a band”? Nope. Not me. I’m marching to protest the systematic censorship of music by the American federal government and the blatant discriminant profiling of innocent people on the basis of aesthetic preference. This march does not belong to Joe Bruce, Insane Clown Posse, Psychopathic Records. No. Not at all. This moment, this action, this colorful dance of joyful rebellion and public defiance belongs to The People alone. This is a pivotal moment in the face of oppression fueled by the voice, vision, and indestructible beauty of the Juggalo Family. And if you don’t understand the way the FBI’s gang label has affected the lives of many, and you don’t see the value in standing up and fighting that on principle…well…we may just be out of touch. Don’t get it Twisted.

  20. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:20 am GMT -5 at 12:20 am

    reminds me of when Johnny Richter left/got thrown off KMK.

    The line where he said:

    I haven’t spoken to D-Loc in over 2 years.
    He turns off his phone when I call and he wont
    return my messages.

    WHEN I HEARD THAT it was like:
    “Anything is possible”


    Had’s me Enough and I aint’s Takin NO MORE!!
    *The moment I heard about the march at the gathering i said…
    What the Fuck is J thinking?

    I understand… the stories are heartbreaking. But we WERE removed from the gang label. Law enforcement will NEVER remove transient juggalos from inner cities as being a potential threat. EVER.

    THEY ARE. xD~ … The rest is personal lawsuits filed through the ACLU or some other lawfirm arguing unlawful discrimination and undue hardship.

    ~ and as J said… we’re not sitting back and just taking it, we have to fight back and tell them FUCK YOU ~

    Well… WHO is the proverbial “THEY” … who are we “telling our stories of discrimination TO?”

    So they have a point. ~ IS THIS A PUBLICITY STUNT because Psychopathic needs the attention???

    IT’s a VALID ARGUMENT. ~ Did Jamie and Paul decide with Rob and Rudy and J and Shaggy… “THIS IS SOMETHING WE SHOULD DO”

    or … Did J come up with this outta nowhere one day =) and then pitch it on everyone like…


    ~ Just totally reminds me of Brad Daddy X and the stories of … you can only control people sooooo far before they SNAP! and it’s not gonna be PRETTY When it DOES. ~

    ~ and I love Paul’s response. ~ Dont put this on the Kid.
    He fucked up, he aint perfect and it was sleaze move.

    WITH THAT SAID: ~ “Don’t say the WHOLE THING collapsed and it’s ALL ON THIS KID… how does he SLEEP AT NIGHT?”

    Of course it hurt. Dagger to the heart. Someone’s gotta take care of this baby and … Ohhh Family Family.. “I told you Not To Silly Boy”

    Only thing that matters now is the welfare of the child.

    The rest is all bullshit.

  21. Terry Woods

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:28 am GMT -5 at 12:28 am

    What Otis did was fucked up and bullshit. I don’t blame psychopathic one bit for their beef with him. The only thing that I think is stupid of psy is the fact that they really threw jump steady daughter under the bus. I have two daughters and would never in a million Fucking years air their dirty baggage in front of the whole world just to get back at her baby’s daddy. They should have just beat young wicked ass and kicked him off the label. I’m still not sure why why they are so pissed at Twiztid for signing him the relationship between wicked and psy seemed tumultuous at best and it seemed obvious that wicked needed to bounce. As far as the march goes I don’t care who marches and who doesnt. I’m not going never planned on it so I can’t be mad at others for not going either. I’m still a fan of both but have lost some respect for jumpsteady as a father, you don’t air you daughters problems out there like that it’s pathetic.

  22. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:53 am GMT -5 at 12:53 am

    wanna hear some crazy esoteiric(sp?) shit… xD~ … So we got like… a “civil war” in this Country… we got a civil war in the juggalo world… is this like Micro-Macro cosm’s indicitive of whats going on in the “heavens” ~ is there some galactic civil war goin on where a fundamental disagreement over “the same thing” is happening on a Muuuuuch Larger scale and we are just in the ripples of the wake? xD~

    That’s what I think is happening.
    ~ We’re all just Caught up in It… ~

    And everyone chooses which way they’re gonna go.


    Woooooooooop Wooooooooooop.
    *That’s WHY I’m a Juggalo*
    Save your soul if you CAN.


  23. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:14 am GMT -5 at 1:14 am

    Calm down, sperg. This isn’t a war. This is rappers arguing.

  24. 86


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:00 am GMT -5 at 1:00 am

    All this video was, was a back pedal. ICP called them out on the shit they been pulling and they don’t want to own up to it. They will regret signing Otis, that I’m almost certain of.

  25. Solomon Grundy

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:05 am GMT -5 at 1:05 am

    What the fuck did I just listen to? Cause that seemed pretty nonsensical.

  26. 86


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:06 am GMT -5 at 1:06 am

    That Dom Madden guy at the top in the facebook comments hit it on the head.

  27. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:25 am GMT -5 at 1:25 am

    my favorite was the: we’re sorry to everybody who even had to hear about any of this shit… ~ And i thought that too… the moment Rob went public with that, that Sam was pregnant and Otis was the father. ~ The whole shit spiraled to suuuuch an UNPROFESSIONAL level.

    And the thought it’s a Publicity stunt really Hurts. But DAAAMN, aint it the Truth that hurts the Worst???

    The ACLU already has CONCLUDED the LAWSUIT. ~ there’s not gonna BE another ONE. xD~ …. sooooooooooo as much as he HONESTLY BELIEVES and Convinced Himself and the Stories are beyond HEARTBREAKING…. “Is this… at its core… even if they dont FUNDAMENTALLY BELIEVE IT THEMSELVES…. “is This” a Publicity Stunt for Psychopathic?” ~ and the argument comes as… Did J, Rudy, Paul, Jamie and Rob sit down and one day decide as a group… this is a GOOD IDEA, we SHOULD DO THIS…

    ~ Or… (God bless him xD) did J wake up one day and TELL EVERYONE: Ok everybody… here’s what WE’RE GONNA DO… and YOU NEED TO DO IT or people gonna Look at you BAD if you DONT DO IT.

    ……………….. ~ And they went……….. “Excuse me???” That’s the LAST STRAW… tell this foo… to go FUCK HIMSELF. ~ And that was That. *thats what my gut tells me.* ~ The moment I heard about the march i went… that’s a civil war. … I said: 50/50. I don’t even “Buy It” for soooooome strange reason. Im soooo cynical and skeptical and GOD BLESS HIM I HONESTLY BELIEVE he has our BEST INTENTIONS AT HEART!!!! ~ but I also believe…. “they already did it, but didnt get the publicity for it, and now, 2 years later… they’re going BACK to get what they shoulda gotten by taking on the fight in the first place”

    ~ THE FUCKING MILLION DOLLAR LINE IS: ~ The lawsuit already ended…

    “Whom are we Protesting TOO????” ~ or are we just there to “Hear
    ourselves Talk” ??? ~ If that’s the Case it’s a PUBLICITY STUNT.

    And Then it just… SPIRALED OUT OF CONTROL.
    *Damn it.


    We’re Gonna March! ~ I HONESTLY SAID TO MYSELF:
    (not… what are “they” thinking)

    and my answer was:

    “He’s always wanted a Hatchet Planet.
    And if we don’t do it NOW, we’re never gonna Do it.”

    ~ That’s the God’s honest truth of the THOUGHT that
    went thru my head. ~ And God Bless him…


  28. Barthak


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:29 am GMT -5 at 1:29 am

    Also Twiztid can’t math, MNE makes up 60% of Dark Lotus not 75%. Pretty much non-information in this video. It did not clear anything up from their side of things.

  29. Novocaine, The Blue Collar King

    Novocaine, The Blue Collar King

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:59 am GMT -5 at 2:59 am

    Joe Bruce, Violent J…… Is LITERALLY Florida Joe. haven’t any of y’all seen this? OK he probably has great intentions and wants to be good with everyone, but he openly admitted that he wanted to be all up in twiztids business even after they said we want a clean break, they have tried and tried to take a step back from psy, by refusing first to do the gathering, then offering unrealistic prices (stupid high money and masters) but Joe kept coming back. honest to god, i think twiztid signed YW mainly because they knew it would get Joe to go “fuck it, i’m out” and leave them the fuck alone.
    All they ever wanted was to stand on their ow two feet and Joe has not let them do it. #Fuckaside

  30. King Lucem Ferre

    King Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 03:07 am GMT -5 at 3:07 am

    It’s not a publicity stunt, it’s just a pointless march.

    Wow-a-chick, you said you’re marching to fight against the systematic censorship of music… we don’t have a systematic censorship of music going on… ICP isn’t even the worst when it comes to fucked up or controversial things… and it’s not ICP’s music being censored… they are not being censored at all. What’s happening is this family bullshit and stupid things they preached out went to dumb ass juggalo heads and they treated it like a gang so juggalos got treated like a gang. Don’t deny that truth because we all know we’ve seen it. So it’s not any where near as black and white as anybody wants to make it.

    What the march is for, in J’s words, is to give a middle finger to the government and tell them fuck you. To show them that juggalos are not going away. So literally, it won’t accomplish a damn fucking thing. It’s a pointless march being done for fun. I think at least half the juggalos thought this shit was stupid in the first place so why hate Twiztid for thinking it’s stupid too? Or not going? The stupidest thing is, all of these artists will waste their time to do a march that at most will just get ICP more publicity. Not that I personally think it’s intended to be a publicity stunt, but it basically is.

    So maybe Twiztid isn’t sucking a dick to spite J, maybe they are nibbling on an enlarged clitoris so it only looks like they are sucking a cock.

  31. Slumerican502


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:14 am GMT -5 at 4:14 am


  32. Deiko17

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 03:29 am GMT -5 at 3:29 am

    ICP has twice as many followers on twitter and facebook. Don’t think they need any more publicity. I also don’t think fighting the FBI has done anything else but lose them money. There is simply no way for them to use that to their financial advantage.

    Twiztid just thinks that because everything is a marketing tactic to them…

  33. King Lucem Ferre

    King Lucem Ferre

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:19 am GMT -5 at 4:19 am

    There are other of ways for ICP to accomplish their goals with out doing a march. A big fuck you to the government, like many other people already pointed out, would be to have all these thousands of juggalos that supposedly have been treated wrong sue the FBI or local law enforcement. Mass amounts of that happening would totally do much more than the march. Could even get all those local lawyer ads for lawyers that can specialize in that field. Or what ever. The march will do nothing but gain publicity. So, in all seriousness it is a publicity stunt. Maybe not intended for ICP, but every headline will read “ICP and fans…” or something like that.

    And it’s not going to change anybodies perception. Ever tell somebody about the gang label that isn’t a juggalo? They laugh at it. They don’t give a shit because it’s only juggalos. Ever tell anybody that’s not a juggalo about the march? They laugh even harder at that. Think it’s silly as hell. Because it is.

    We have innocent young black people, well people in general but the focus is on black people, being shot and killed by poorly trained police in this country and half of it thinks those marches are fucking stupid. Half of this country thinks BLM are nothing but violent terrorists trying to kill off all the white people despite things life facts and truth debunking that. You expect anybody to change their perception about juggalos? Fuck no.

    So this march is really meant to be more symbolic than really help anybody. The whole idea of it is just self indulgent. It’s a bunch of juggalos that want to feel important for doing nothing. Self important juggalos that want to feel like they are doing something great and being a part of something bigger by attending a free concert. And I know, because that’s the reason I want to go to the march, so I can feel self important. Like I’m fighting for a cause, when I’m really not. I’d still do it too.

    And the fact that any of you are so upset about this KNOWING that it won’t accomplish a damn thing, KNOWING there really is no purpose but to give the world a middle finger. Pissed off at Twiztid because they won’t show up to be a part of the illusion of fighting back is retarded. But what ever. Symbolism and superficial bullshit must matter more to you guys than you think.

    And I’m still going to blame it on Otis because he’s not a kid. He’s a fucking idiot that should know better.

  34. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 10:36 am GMT -5 at 10:36 am

    I agree that more should be done on a judicial level to help the people effected by the gang label. That’s a great idea, and one that isn’t unachievable just because the march is happening.

    You would be wise not to underestimate the value of symbolism. Take a good look at the world around you: symbols abound. They are literally built into the bones of the society you inhabit. Without waxing too esoteric, symbolism has power to influence the hearts and minds of people. A symbolic gesture is not an empty gesture. This isn’t “just a publicity stunt” for a lot of people- everybody has their reasons for marching and I’ll get to that- but if ICP gets publicity for it, so the fuck what? More money being funneled into this Juggalo world I love isn’t a bad thing to me.

    On the issue of censorship, you raised a few good points. I concede that the music itself is not being censored (not yet anyway), but the gang list and fallout as a direct result of it is undeniably an act of suppression. Freedom of speech and expression are important to me, more important than the gang label ever was, and they NEED to be defended at every juncture. If you don’t believe me, take a look at examples of Chinese displays of soft power over the past decade and how it’s lead to censorship of our own media. At the rise of ‘outrage culture’ and it’s kneejerk quasi-fascist approach to language they deem ‘problematic’. That’s why I’M marching. For the RIGHT to be able to turn around and declare that I’m a proud Juggalo and anyone- government or otherwise- can guzzle loads of sopping wet ass fag cum shit if they don’t like it. I’m not hating if you’re not marching, more power to you, but saying it accomplishes nothing is patently wrong though. At the very least, if it imbues one person with the spirit of protest that they can carry over into their day to day life, that’s an accomplishment.

    Thing is, I live this life for real. That Family shit isn’t marketing rhetoric for me- and trust me, I didn’t get into this for that. I like horror rap, the rest just fucking happened. Now that it’s happened, I’m here, I’m in this shit, part of it, part of the history and all that it entails for better or worse. Not speaking for everyone, but if I personally didn’t do this then it would be weak and half-stepping and proof that I really ain’t about shit.

  35. baconomics


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:38 am GMT -5 at 4:38 am

    Without Juggalos or ICP…Twiztid doesn’t exist….#baconomics

  36. Stonedhenge


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 05:40 am GMT -5 at 5:40 am

    This really all began when sugar slam started tweeting disses on Blahzay. They went on to psycjopathic radio and baiscally said thats ok to do when you are pissed. After that it started happening all the time leading up to jumpsteady talking shit on YW all night on psy. They are taking their anger and issues straight to the public eye now and arnt seeing it destroy everything. I think the video was fine.

  37. Guest


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:50 am GMT -5 at 7:50 am

    I got the feeling watching the ICP interview that the march is certainly a bid for publicity for the band. There is a point in the interview where he says something along the lines of how when he was young, how cool he would have thought something like the Juggalo lifestyle would have been if it was hated by the government that is very telling. I hate to paraphrase but upon initial viewing I got a sinking feeling. It’s marketing. It is my opinion that ICP is using the FBI assessment as a way to bring in new fans with new money. That money will go to ICP. What other tangible result does anyone expect from the event?

  38. dcfaygoguy


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:56 am GMT -5 at 7:56 am

    What publicity? What positive publicity would this/could this march possibly achieve?

  39. Guest


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:56 am GMT -5 at 7:56 am

    I just read the FB comments and Gary Sterr summed up the paradox nicely and got the quote right too. Good post, Gary. Too many people will overlook this.

  40. darklotusfaygo


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 08:26 am GMT -5 at 8:26 am

    For anyone that doesn’t see the publicity stunt is retarded as fuck. Lost & Found were horrible in sales, psychopathic literally has nobody talent wise, there label is falling apart, this is the only thing they can do to get any kind of attention.

    either way, I don’t care to pick sides, but MNE > PSY anyday. The new psy roster blows, and the music icp puts out is garbage.

  41. darklotusfaygo


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 08:27 am GMT -5 at 8:27 am

    Actually, scratch that. Hoodoo is the only one I dig on psychopathic. Lyte sounds like a little 12 year old girl. Blahzay raps about rape, and icp is soft as fuck. Abk hasn’t released a new album in how long. Fuck psychopathic.

  42. Hypnotized Ninja

    Hypnotized Ninja

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 10:04 am GMT -5 at 10:04 am

    I love the music ICP, ABK, DJ Clay, Hoodoo and Blahzay put out…gotta stay tuned for what Lyte has in store

    I love the music Twiztid, Blaze, ROC, Boondox, AMB, G Mo, and Lex put out…gotta stay tuned for what Gorilla Voltage has in store

    Let em each do there own thing individually. See y’all at the march and GOTJ

  43. MNEJVoorhees

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 10:51 am GMT -5 at 10:51 am

    Tha-thats a rick-tator-ship!?

  44. Bam

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:07 am GMT -5 at 11:07 am

    We are still a democracy and every citizen has a right to express their views in a peaceful manner. As you glance through the news today, you’d find people from all over the world protesting on a variety of issues ranging from unemployment to the latest government austerity measures, to the way banks are run and to an offensive film. It is not just happening in so-called “less” democratic countries but more so in countries that cherish democracy.

    Democracy is not just about casting our votes at the ballot box. It is about us engaging the political process on an ongoing basis through dialogues with lawmakers and government servants, lobbying or petitioning for change in a certain policy, and even protests. Some issues need multi-pronged approach when the authorities are unresponsive.

  45. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:29 am GMT -5 at 11:29 am

    Twiztid are a bunch of spoiled little bitches!! Icp should ha e never gave them a shot!!! They left before mne! And I said the same thing!! There a bunch of cry baby bitches!!! They got but hurt cause they will never equal icp!! Thus they left and tried to take all icp fan bass with them!!! If I ever saw them in public, I’d walk up and piss In there faces and say….doesn’t feel to good does it….! Little bitches!!!

  46. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:32 am GMT -5 at 11:32 am

    Twiztid ain’t even wicked shit!! There music has become a bunch of emo bitches!!! Abominations was there last good album! And I’m sure J wrote most of that!!! U can tell when there ghost writing disappeared! Cause there new songs sound like a bunch of over produced garbage! U can tell they ain’t got j writing there songs anymore!

  47. Kevin Killgrave

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:38 am GMT -5 at 2:38 am

    I respect your opinion but I wholeheartedly disagree.

    Twiztid never = ICP?
    They surpassed them dudes on Mostasteless amd Freekshow and have just continued to grow as artists as ICP has regressed.

    Abominationz was better than anything ICP has put out in the last decade.

    J wants to ghostwrite for everybody! Blaze, Boondox, Hoodoo. Maybe him refusing to let artists make their own creative descisions and write their own fucking lyrics has something to do with everyone jumping ship…

  48. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:35 am GMT -5 at 11:35 am

    There are 2 questions I would REALLY love answered:
    Scottie… if you get the scoop, let us know! =)

    #1.) Who was the one who came up with the IDEA of the march for THIS SEPTEMBER, was it HONESTLY… a group decision passed by Juggalos, or was this an INDIVIDUAL decision that was Forced on Everyone?

    #2.) If Psychopathic would have PAID the artists they want to attend, would MNE still have refused as an entire Label?

    Woooooop Woooooooooop!!!

    *Looks like they just finally had enough of being told what to do all the time xD~* Can’t blame em.

  49. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:35 am GMT -5 at 11:35 am

    Has far ha Otis goes!! I’ve never liked the prick!! Meet him so many times and every time he was a different person!!! At the icp Instore I talked I him a lot, and after our convo I left saying this bitch is so fake! He’s using juggalos for sales!! I told everyone when I saw him st the last twiztid show in denver, he was leaving psy and everyone hated me!! He was clowning on my hatchet charm, and my violent j shirt saying why would I wear that garbage to twiztid show!

  50. Stonedhenge


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:55 am GMT -5 at 11:55 am

    Lol sit down and pet a guinea pig before you hurt yourself brother.

  51. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:39 am GMT -5 at 11:39 am

    And Psychopathic kicking MNE out of Juggalo Day because they Wont do the March…

    Love ya ta death… but aint NO ONE PERFECT.

    and threatening Twiztid going: if you dont do it your gonna get heat and they say no and you respond going: well then you arent WELCOME @ Juggalo Day because you dont wanna do “the March”


    If they dont wanna do it… Why would you hold it against them?
    IS IT YOUR IDEA???? or was it ALL OF YOURS???

    *Now it’s just obvious*

  52. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:40 am GMT -5 at 11:40 am

    They need to Grow the FUCK UP.


  53. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:44 am GMT -5 at 11:44 am

    Psy needs to take a GOOD LONG LOOK in the Mirror and stop blaming everyone ELSE. ~ Reminds me of total hillary sore loser bullshit.

    MNE gutted them HARD.



    ~ could it possibly be an indictment of management?

    YA THINK?!??!?!

  54. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:54 am GMT -5 at 11:54 am

    Your posting style is so spastic I love it I think I’m in love with you now.
    You should open up those buttcheeks for daddy and let me hit

    Do u like me? Y/N

    Circle1 plz ???

  55. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:55 am GMT -5 at 11:55 am

    ^^ OhhhKay.xD~

    *Final 1:

    “Where’s ALEX when you need him????”


  56. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 11:58 am GMT -5 at 11:58 am

    If these 2 camps dont get back together…

    DID J do it?? Fuck this whole thing up to the point of no return???
    ~ That’s been the rumor for over 10 years ~

    DID IT FINALLY HAPPEN in front of all our EYES?

    *He said it: This March is gonna make or Break Us*

    and it BETTER BE FOR REAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not a FUCKING CHARADE!!!!!

    And now… “It’s a Problem”

    *I cannot believe they let it get to this.
    and then it all goes public*

    or kiss it ALL GOODBYE.


  57. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:10 pm GMT -5 at 1:10 pm

    Iz xD~ spose 2 b like my nutt in ur mouth?
    Cuz I like that idea 2 boobear! ??^.~

    Wut’s ur nashionality pookie? Nvm just keep them hips swivlin the way daddy likes.
    I’m witchu on this doe. Fuck the hatters they don’t kno what they doin

  58. scruffy


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:12 pm GMT -5 at 12:12 pm

    hey, ‘raith’…
    nah, nevermind. youll figure it out. or not.

  59. iconunderground

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:39 pm GMT -5 at 12:39 pm

    This is all some childish bs if you ask me. Other than that, none of this will change my mind on what I think and what I listen to. Personally, I don’t see why Twiztid is getting heat but I guess that’s how psychopathic wants to do… Whatever

  60. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 12:40 pm GMT -5 at 12:40 pm

    Scruffy’s been down since the ground.
    U think I care about a fucking FAG FLAMER???
    gimme a break.

    Im only here because I SERIOUSLY THINK “it hit the fan”
    and its been coming forever.

    now that its settled down… i kinda take that back about they’re gonna patch this up. ~ ONE DAAAAY sure. =) ~ But… not aaaany time soon. ~ And personally *and who am I? I dont know shit* but I think this is aaaall on J. thats my gut. ~ and thats been the rumor for yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars. ~ his way or the highway. and “you can live in the house as long as you want in one of the rooms, but the moment you dont like being pushed aside for blahzay roze or whatever dream J is thinking of this week… then there’s the Door. ~ And they left. ~ And he still does it. ~ I want a meeting,3am text, we’re gonna do this or that. (or ARE WE???) ya know…. ~ Who the fuck knows…. but thats the VIBE i get. ~ QUIT FUCKING TELLING US WHAT TO DO!! YOU DONT “OWN” US!!!! ever. never did, never will… you dont OWN PEOPLE. xD~ and they fucking had enough. and not even… KINDA and shake hands HEY ITS ALL GOOD. ~ They went… FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    and if that’s even CLOSE to the Truth then it’s Waaaay worse than it looks.

    And we may have just seen the end of like… 1/2 the shit we grew up with. ~ And J better come to grips and Apologize. IF THATS WHATS GOING ON.

    Cause they aint ever gonna work with that again. The moment they get back together its gonna be LIKE OLD TIMES and everyone falls right back into pattern. And all its gonna take is 1. ~ And you’re gonna DO THIS.

    I TOLD YOU… You dont fucking TELL US WHAT TO DO!

    ~ They didnt shake hands and say, we’re gonna work together forever we just wanna do this our own way….


    ~ FUCK YOU! ~

    and GUTTED the Label.

  61. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:00 pm GMT -5 at 1:00 pm

    joke is… they really DID probably Shake hands and say:
    We’ll Work with you FOREVER xD~

    and this March shit just… *The moment I heard it I went…UH OH*
    and it’s non stop since.

    But hey, fuck it. ~ Aint my personal life.
    And as homie and I concluded this morning.
    even if we gotta run pages and keep news and shit…

    than I really needed to. =)

    I really hope they get their shit together someday.
    *Im sure we all do*

    ~ Back 2 Work ~

  62. Stonedhenge


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 03:57 pm GMT -5 at 3:57 pm

    You make good points

  63. Solomon Grundy

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:06 pm GMT -5 at 1:06 pm

    Fuck your posts Raith.

  64. Guest


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:34 pm GMT -5 at 1:34 pm

    Back 2 work? For a minute there I thought THIS was your job. You’re such a natural. Quit your day job and focus your… uh.. talents on posting here. Tell your boss to fuck off.

  65. iconunderground

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:36 pm GMT -5 at 1:36 pm

    This is definitely on j in my eyes. Like Raith said, it has always been J’s way or the highway. I don’t know why people are getting pissy with twiztid, they really shouldn’t be.

    Twiztid, Boondox, Blaze, AMB= Golden years of psychopathic

    Violent J’s Ego= The fall of psychopathic.

    Plain and simple.

  66. Cheshyr


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 01:47 pm GMT -5 at 1:47 pm

    Anyone that thinks that Twiztid got “kicked off” of Juggalo Weekend because they weren’t gonna do the march… has not been paying attention and is more than likely a fucking POS troll.

    Anyone conflating (IOW combining) Twiztid’s stance on the march and their/MNE’s TOTAL ACT OF SPITE by signing Young Wicked and announcing it how and when they did… is equally as ignorant about what the fuck is up.

    Anyone get that IP on Raith? Smells Canadian and possibly a Schmuck.

  67. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:56 pm GMT -5 at 2:56 pm

    All I know about Raith is that i wanna hit it like a UFC training bag.
    #Gay4Raith #Almighty6thpokehimhard
    #17in #beemin #deeznuttsin2suppleyungbutts

  68. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:00 pm GMT -5 at 2:00 pm

    Like esham said back in the day!! Twiztid are gay with each other!! And they use blaze for a cum rag!!! The roc is the lube bitch!!! And gay mo skeet takes turns finger there asses! And hasn’t far has boondox goes he ain’t shit with out j writing his music!!! Psy shouldn’t have any worries about mne!! They are a bunch of fake ass juggalo wannabes! Take the paint of u sell out fucks!!! Out ur emo make up on and start sucking cocks!! Twiztid he new band for gay rights!! The rainbow unicorn fuckers they are!!

  69. Guest


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:07 pm GMT -5 at 2:07 pm

    Dox Raith and I will dox you. What’s that nationalist shit anyways? Fuck your set, Cheshyr.

  70. Jake Jeckel

    Jake Jeckel

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:08 pm GMT -5 at 2:08 pm

    I really don’t think J ment what he said bout “If you don’t do the March, you’re gonna catch a lot of heat” as being a threat, I think that was a heads up that Juggalos and lettes will probably blow their shit up asking “why”, “why not ” etc. This is just one messy situation. Hopefully it will work out one day.

  71. scruffy


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 02:19 pm GMT -5 at 2:19 pm

    cheshyr: the btksrangler post is much closer to the methodology one would expect, dont you think…?
    dont worry bout it.

  72. Cheshyr


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 03:09 pm GMT -5 at 3:09 pm

    “Fuck your set!”?

    Oooh…! I got a “SET”, fellas! [pops collar]
    Movin’ up!



  73. Miklo Velka

    Miklo Velka

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:49 pm GMT -5 at 4:49 pm

    Don’t worry about Cheshyr Guest.
    He’s just a tubby old queen who spends his spare time memorizing Jerky Boys phone calls.
    I has mad love for Canada.
    Can’t wait for them to announce the full Canadian Juggalo Weekend line-up.
    The Raith should jump in to the forum and start mixing it up. ?

  74. Miklo Velka

    Miklo Velka

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:50 pm GMT -5 at 4:50 pm

    EDIT: I and ICP has mad love for Canada. ?

  75. Miklo Velka

    Miklo Velka

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 04:52 pm GMT -5 at 4:52 pm

    Oh and I love Twiztid’s response, short yet totally on point! ?

  76. the_almighty_smack

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 05:41 pm GMT -5 at 5:41 pm


  77. krunk


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 06:37 pm GMT -5 at 6:37 pm

    For those marching, I just saw media coverage of the Women’s March today stating how surprisingly peaceful it was. A peaceful Juggalo March might actually get more attention than an angry one. MMFWCLMF

  78. MNEJVoorhees

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:13 pm GMT -5 at 7:13 pm

    Hey, I’m not gonna ask cuz I wouldn’t fuckin do that, but ask them if I were to ask them, and i’m not fucking asking this, but if I was to ask would they be down for a hot 16 on blahzay roze? I’m not fuckin askin, cuz I would never do that….. I WASN’T FUCKIN ASKIN!

    I know this really belongs in the comments of another article, but hey, fuck you bitch!

    Did anyone wrap their head around how that is NOT asking the question?

  79. Kevin Killgrave

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:51 am GMT -5 at 2:51 am

    He didnt ask them, he just asked that if he had asked.. And then he was upset that they answered after he stated that he wasnt asking. lol

    This whole thing is rediculous honestly. Idgaf about Otis and Samantha. That is behind the scenes bullshit that shouldnt have been aired imo.

    I can see people being upset about Twiztid not going to the march. I can see Twiztids perspective that its a publicity stunt. It all comes down to personal opinion.

  80. iconunderground

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:13 pm GMT -5 at 7:13 pm

    I just want to say that for anyone on here who wants to call twiztid emo maybe you should go check out the blahzay CD…Or did you not realize it was out? If you forgot about it that’s OK, most of us did….But that which is on psychopathic is clearly more emo than anything MNE has put out. Or maybe you just haven’t actually listened to anything MNE has put out? Either way I don’t support emo music and it’s insane to actually try to label twiztid or anybody on MNE as emo.

  81. iconunderground

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:21 pm GMT -5 at 7:21 pm

    Furthermore, I would just like to add that this childish bs is what’s wrong with the “family”. Violent J himself once said that being a juggalo is about individuality and being able to think for yourself. This is exactly what Twiztid mentioned. Yet people decide to talk down about Twiztid and MNE, for what? Making a decision as individuals? What’s next? People gonna talk down about those who don’t march or that support MNE? This is insane. I don’t typically listen to psychopathic anymore but it has nothing to do with anybody other than my own personal decision. I guess I should just keep to myself? Crazy…

  82. Bam

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:32 pm GMT -5 at 7:32 pm

    Member when twiztid didnt suck i member…

  83. CellE2057

    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 07:50 pm GMT -5 at 7:50 pm

    Regardless of anything else,
    The Raith…man, ya gotta chill out. I tried to read what you had to say but it’s impossible to understand. You’re not giving a thought to share so much as you are letting your brain spill words out in hopes the words form a thought. People care what you gotta say but you have to take a breath, reword some shit and proofread, man. For the sake of conversation if nothing else.

  84. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 09:14 pm GMT -5 at 9:14 pm

    leave my boyfriend alone i will cut u

  85. Slumerican502


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 12:00 am GMT -5 at 12:00 am

    Can I have the leftovers though?

  86. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:27 am GMT -5 at 1:27 am

    Skrew leftovers we can host a Raith Spit Roast, now that’s a Full Meal!

  87. purplekushy

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 12:08 am GMT -5 at 12:08 am

    A couple weeks ago the idea crossed my mind that this was all a giant marketing ploy orchestrated by twiztid and ICP. The publicity stunt of all publicity stunts to get all the juggalos chiming in. I though MNE was in cahoots with PSY bringing all their artists over and eventually even have ICP do an album on MNE on some MAGIC MAGIC NINJA WHUT type shit. Between the 2 of them i would never put it past them to orchestrate some so sick like that…… Safe to say i was stoned as fuck and thats def not the case.

  88. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:32 am GMT -5 at 1:32 am

    something that disgusts me… Juggalo. xD~

    NO ONE *a few Ninjas*


    they all hated.

    a new baby coming into this world…


    What the Fuck u Thinking ABOUT?!??

    ~ FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!! ~ FRESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS OTIS!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

    MAY GOD BLESS YOU and your FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL DAY!!!



  89. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:35 am GMT -5 at 1:35 am

    I mean… ALL DAY Mother FAKO!!!


  90. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:36 am GMT -5 at 1:36 am

    EVERY DAY!!!!



    and they get Pissed?? when he lives up 2 it???
    when he IS … the Definition of the TERM!????!?!??!


  91. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:37 am GMT -5 at 1:37 am

    Rob, LOVE YOU…

    You and J…




    Imma get Mine.

    Dont be MAD. =)

  92. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:38 am GMT -5 at 1:38 am


    Bruce LEE.

    ~ NOW WE “DO IT” xD~

    For REAL.

    Now its Not a GAME.

  93. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:40 am GMT -5 at 1:40 am


    ~ I needed to LET YOU GO ~

    and I didnt Know “HOW TO DO IT”

    Ohhh god SAAAVE ME NOW!!! xD~
    Lest I BECOME!! The essence of the JOKERS CARDS!!!


    Gotta make a Choice.

    What did paul say???


    0 =)~ I’d give it AAAALL UP.



    Rather reverse engineer Flying Saucers.

  94. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:42 am GMT -5 at 1:42 am

    Scottie… ~ Thank You. =)
    It was a Pleasure to Finally meet you.

    ~ Johnny Blaze ~ =)

    You BANNED me … long before most of these kids
    even HEARD of ICP.


    God Bless you Kiddo. =)
    It was a pleasure 2 Meet You…

    *I was the Airbrushed out Homie.*






    ~ LET IT BEGIN ~

    Lui Kang joined Outworld…..

    LET MORTAL KOMBAT BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  95. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:43 am GMT -5 at 1:43 am

    Save your Soul…
    It wasnt about anything LESS than THAT. xD~

    God Bless all the JUGGALOS.

  96. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:44 am GMT -5 at 1:44 am

    THE: RA i † H ™

  97. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:48 am GMT -5 at 1:48 am

    aka mai waifu ?

  98. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:46 am GMT -5 at 1:46 am


    Anyone loving money gonna die a richie fate.


    No one KNOWS ME.

    ~ At ALL ~

    Outcast of Outcasts.

  99. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:47 am GMT -5 at 1:47 am

    duh foo.

    WHO ARE YOU????

    ~ They call me:

    a JUGGALO ~

  100. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:47 am GMT -5 at 1:47 am

    Thank you Scottie. xD~


  101. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:49 am GMT -5 at 1:49 am


  102. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:49 am GMT -5 at 1:49 am


  103. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:50 am GMT -5 at 1:50 am

    2 Kreeper!!! xD~ AMB!!!


    ENJOY YOUR LIFE FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:51 am GMT -5 at 1:51 am

    Realize… =) ~ (=



  105. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:51 am GMT -5 at 1:51 am

    i aint HARD 2 FIND. xD~

  106. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:53 am GMT -5 at 1:53 am

    u want SOME… ANY DAY.




    Without HESITATION.

    ~ Wanna PLAY Who gonna SEE THE ORTHODONTIST FIRST??!??! ~




    JUGGA HO!!!!!!!!

  107. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:56 am GMT -5 at 1:56 am

    But Raiithypoo, you are my bitch. Aincha? Course u are pookie butt.

    Stop frontin and come home to daddy. I’ll keep you warm and no1 will ever hurt u again. ??❤❤

  108. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:54 am GMT -5 at 1:54 am

    And I wont NEED A LAWYER. xD~

  109. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:54 am GMT -5 at 1:54 am

    you are posting too fast:

    TEST ME.

  110. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:55 am GMT -5 at 1:55 am

    PISS … “ME” off….

    and SEE what happens.

    To your FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  111. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:55 am GMT -5 at 1:55 am

    RIP u in HALF asshole.

  112. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:56 am GMT -5 at 1:56 am



    “Dream of IT”


  113. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:57 am GMT -5 at 1:57 am

    Rape you in FRONT of YOUR BITCH.

    ~ Dont eVER !!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!! call me aFUCKING FAGGOT!!!!!!

    DONT TOUCH ME!!!!!!!!


  114. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:57 am GMT -5 at 1:57 am



  115. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:57 am GMT -5 at 1:57 am


  116. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:58 am GMT -5 at 1:58 am

    Ill pay my homies MONEY…. =)

    FOR 5 MINUTES. xD~

    u want it 12 year old…


  117. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:58 am GMT -5 at 1:58 am

    U wanna rip my asshole? I mean… I usually pitch….but….4 u….. ?

  118. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:59 am GMT -5 at 1:59 am

    Id beat your FUCKING ASS KID

    thats the ONLY REASON you gonna walk away from this.


    So FUCK YOU…


  119. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:04 am GMT -5 at 2:04 am

    please baby please
    Hurt me use me abuse me O baby YAAAAAAS
    call me a waste of a body more baby
    i’m a naughty naughty horsey and ur my big bad raith
    make me bust nutz like a christmas decoration baaaaaaybeeeee

    ur my favorite faggypoo

  120. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 01:59 am GMT -5 at 1:59 am

    End of Line.


  121. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:00 am GMT -5 at 2:00 am

    Go blame your FAMILY for being a FUCK UP.

    ~ WHEN IT HITS… Just punch the Mirror. ~

  122. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:00 am GMT -5 at 2:00 am

    Good Riddance.

  123. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:01 am GMT -5 at 2:01 am



    You Creeper…


    You… I Looooooooooooove the MOST.



  124. TheFvckinKreeper


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:05 am GMT -5 at 2:05 am

    luv u 2 bby ?????

  125. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:02 am GMT -5 at 2:02 am

    =) ~ AFTER ALL… ~ We’re AAAAAAALLL



  126. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:02 am GMT -5 at 2:02 am

    God Bless YOU.

    Nothing but LOVE. xD~

    Woooooooooop WOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:03 am GMT -5 at 2:03 am


    xD~ It’s TIME.

  128. The Raith

    The Raith

    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 02:04 am GMT -5 at 2:04 am

    J was Right.

    GOOD LOOKING OUT!!!!!!!!!

    *Its time 2 evolve PAST THIS*


    Enough is Enough

  129. twiztid_ruiner


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 10:27 am GMT -5 at 10:27 am

    @raith Im 2 high 2 get ur jibberish, paraphrase my ninja

  130. Guest


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 12:08 pm GMT -5 at 12:08 pm

    Raith get your ass down on the forum and weaponize your awful abilities. I don’t know or even care if I agree with you.

  131. MaskedNinja


    Comment posted on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 04:57 pm GMT -5 at 4:57 pm

    Ottis uuuup! Ottis uuuup! ICP comes with a lot of drama – I still think Twiztid are a bunch of greedy bastards. I respect Twiztid’s choice not to go to juggalo march but the other stuff is lame. I just don’t think it is possible for ICP & Twiztid not to bring out the drama to the public. Anytime Twiztid does not show up for something, the juggalo’s speculate like mad causing ICP or Twizted to respond. MCL!

  132. antifire2k12


    Comment posted on Monday, January 23rd, 2017 01:54 pm GMT -5 at 1:54 pm

    Tell me how the march is about money? All they doing is losing money.. And it is a publicity stunt .. For juggalos.. For the world to know juggalos are much more then what the world sees us as… He said there will be nothing there symbolizing psy only the juggalo march .. They doing this because no one else will.. Not for them.. Far from them.. Them losing so much money from sueing the FBI to the lawyers to doing this march and hiring all the shit they need then doing a free concert with all the bands we love! And you all still say it’s only about them.. What the fuk are you all smoking… Between the beef.. Yes it sux very much so.. I have to agree more towards ICPs side just because everything they said about the masters and the little things that everyone seen about the jabs taking on psy and its all very obvious .. Only performing for crazy money or masters.. Not just performing but the fucking gathering … The 1 event of the year were its the biggest and best event for the juggalos I’m suprised they don’t even do it for free… Without the juggalos they wouldn’t be twiztid and wouldn’t be where they are today… Just that fact alone doing these once a year events for your family as They say…they will only do if pretty much icp gave them there souls and that alone is pretty fucking sad…

  133. Split


    Comment posted on Monday, January 23rd, 2017 03:56 pm GMT -5 at 3:56 pm

    Just wanna add a comment to the pile…
    MMNW got love for twiztid…
    MMFWCL got love for the clownz…
    Not exactly clear on their relationship but… Let the boys be boys!
    Otis… You fucked up.
    That is all.

  134. Deiko17

    Comment posted on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 01:18 pm GMT -5 at 1:18 pm

    Raith, this shit is wack, but cut back on the homophobia. It really comes off as your own repressed homosexuality and self-loathing. It’s also is a very weak ad-hominem argument for basically every conversation. Just sayin’

  135. SNAPZ


    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 07:09 am GMT -5 at 7:09 am

    I just came here to make an ass outta myself but I think this Raith kid got me beat… For real tho, Twiztid is acting like prudes. All clean cut and prettied up with their noses up “Ah well golly gosh guys this is just ridiculous. We are great, please love us but dont choose sides. We have no reasonable argument so we will act as if we are better and brush it off. I have a hair appointment at 2oclock; its 85 bucks an hour, so lets wrap this up. New merch on MNE!!!”

  136. SNAPZ


    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 07:11 am GMT -5 at 7:11 am

    “Look how deep we are. Everything is black and white. Did ICP have cool sound effects in their interview? Hahaha we are so ahead of our time!!!”

  137. rivada


    Comment posted on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 11:33 pm GMT -5 at 11:33 pm

    Twiztid would NEVER sign a mediocre act like YW unless they felt he was being censored or otherwise held back, OR for the sake of a publicity stunt. YW as he was on PR just didn’t fit the bill, although J seemed to take him under his wing. 75% of Dark Lotus ought to recognize something that just doesn’t belong.

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