May 7, 2024
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A Virginia Juggalo and his Sister found dead in Virginia

It’s hard for me to add any more darkness to the week, but a family needs some uplifting words and encouragement.

In Virginia Beach, VA, the bodies of a Juggalo named Cody Fendley and his sister Hollyann Bingley were found on Chic’s beach.  Cody had a young child, and his fiance is also 38 weeks pregnant with their second child.

I can only go by what was told to me by the person who sent this info in, but they claim that their deaths were a suicide, and that they had made a pact together. The article also states that no suspects are being searched for.  You can see that here:

Bodies of Recently Reconnected Brother and Sister found on Chic’s Beach @

There is no telling what was going through the minds of Cody and his sister when this happened, but you can imagine the grief that their family and friends are all struggling with.  Send some condolences and positive thoughts their way in the comments below.  Find out more right here




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. scruffy


    Comment posted on Friday, August 19th, 2016 07:25 pm GMT -5 at 7:25 pm

    double damn.

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