April 28, 2024
43 Guests and Online

Juggalos Fight Back charm design contest!

Updated: However many charms are bought, half the profits will be donated to a cancer fund in the name of juggalos!

Our homies from the Juggalos Fight Back FB group (not affiliated with JuggalosFightBack.com) have set up a new contest that I think a lot of you will be interested in.  It’s a contest to design a JFB Charm, and the winner will actually receive a high quality actual charm of the design that they came up with!  That’s pretty dope right there!  So all of you artistic ninjas need to listen up!  If you’re interested in being a part of this, the rules can be seen below:

OK juggalos and juggalettes, it’s official!  We ARE Going to create official charms for Juggalos Fight Back!  Here’s the scoop.  Before we can do anything, we need a design we all love.  So starting now right now is the JFB CHARM DESIGN CONTEST!  I’m asking you ninjas to create a charm design for juggalosfightback, draw it up and post it!  We’re going to vote on the best one for our charm!  The GRAND PRIZE is that the winner will recieve charm #1 free!  This is comming straight from the creator’s table!  Best of luck juggalos!  There are no deadlines.  I’m goin to take the top 5 and we’re going to vote on them.  Best one wins!


  1. Draw your charm design and post it to https://www.facebook.com/groups/JuggalosFightBack/?bookmark_t=group and tag Damien Sicboy Andrade in your pic.
  2. Designs must be JFB related.
  3. No “Fuck the FBI” or “Fuck the police” references (hold back ninjas)
  4. Be creative and have fun ninjas!  No restrictions except for rule 3! lol.

The winner will get their design made into the official Juggalos Fight Back charm and they will recieve Charm #1 for free!  Yes, your design will be a charm!




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