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ICP suing the F.B.I. makes Fox 2 news

So I found this while checking my twitter account, a Fox 2 news report about ICP suing the F.B.I. Here is the article, click on the link below to see the video:

Insane Clown Posse to file suit against the FBI over ‘Juggalo’ gang label

Posted: Aug 13, 2012 5:23 PM MDT Updated: Aug 13, 2012 7:21 PM MDT
By Maurielle Lue – email

PONTIAC, Mich. (WJBK) –Teresa Matthews calls herself a “Juggalo“.  What is that?

“It is a fan of anything Psychopathic Records related.”

However, the FBI is calling her a gang member.  Her love for the Detroit-area underground music group Insane Clown Posse has landed Matthews and thousands like her a spot on the FBI’s 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment list.

ICP concerts could now be considered gang rallies.  The FBI says a subset of Juggalos are dangerous with crimes escalating to felonious assaults, thefts and robberies, and they’re growing and organizing across the country, including right here in Michigan.

ICP addressed the issue at a recent concert.

“They’re telling you that if you listen to this music and you support this music, you are going to be committing a crime in our eyes.  This is the government’s way of telling us what you can listen to, what you can wear,” said a band member.

Hatchet Wear along with Juggalo or Psychopathic Records clothing and tattoos could now be considered gang paraphernalia.

“I have a sticker on my van.  If I was to get pulled over for speeding, something simple, they could see that, see that it’s on the gang list from the FBI and probably put me in federal prison or something, and I have four children,” Matthews said.

She doesn’t have an ICP tattoo, but said now she might get one because calling her a gang member can be summed up in one word.


ICP and Psychopathic Records are fighting back, suing the FBI to take Juggalos off the national gang list.  They’ve launched a website called “Juggalos Fight Back” and asking fans who have had a recent run in with the law to fill out a questionnaire.

However, the group has already lost money.  Their clothing line has been dropped from Hot Topic.  It’s an uphill battle.

“Even get insurance on the building, the cost is through the roof because who the [expletive] is going to insure 1,500 gang members to have a party in their club,” the band member said.

The Insane Clown Posse was not in town for an on camera comment.  Right now, they’re wrapping up their “Gathering of the Juggalos” event that they have every year, but they will have a comment Tuesday night at their album release party in Pontiac.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. bizzarbrothericp


    Comment posted on Tuesday, August 14th, 2012 09:44 am GMT -5 at 9:44 am

    thats like calling the deadheads a gang!

  2. lil_lette_mama


    Comment posted on Tuesday, August 14th, 2012 10:32 am GMT -5 at 10:32 am

    I am honestly proud that ICP is actually taking the stand for us Juggalos. We are not a gang in any shape or form. We do not go out and judge those that judge us. We do not go out there and use Violence. Our code strickly states that WE Juggalos do not Judge, Hate, or Discrimonate. We do not use any Violance and fun. The only Violence we would love to use are on the Preditors, Rapists, and abusers. We do not want any harm on anyone. I love everyone, I dont hate and i never will hate. I am proud to call myself a Juggalette, and always will show my pride as a Juggalo. MCL Mutha Fuckos We will win this fight for our freedom.

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