June 2, 2024
24 Guests and 1 Member Online

Comedian Ralphie May to perform at the Gathering of the Juggalos!

Guess who just signed on to do the 13th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos?  Comedian Ralphie May!!  I am shocked that he agreed to do this, but super fuckin’ hype about it!  That dude is a funny motherfucker!  Check how he confirmed it on his Twitter (@Ralphie_May):

Ralphie May ‏@Ralphie_May: Ok on my way into Manhattan just signed deal for me to perform at the 13th Gathering of the Juggalos Festival, Wednesday August 8th, kickass
Then, he got the obligatory hate:
Ralphie May ‏@Ralphie_May: I like them but hey Im lame.RT @bigfatbooch@Ralphie_May really!? ICP sucks….the whole juggalo thing is lame. I love you Ralphie but c’mon!
If you’re not familiar with Ralphie May’s work, here’s one of his more popular videos from Youtube:




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