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The Warlock vs patjoyce *Text Battle Round 2*
February 8, 2013
12:23 am
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Warlock is pacing back and forth yelling he's going to kill us because we don't like him.

February 8, 2013
12:24 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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tomato potato twisting tornado'

flamenco love angels fisting some a holes

untangled sun rays blow shifting the strange snow

from ankles fuck tango dripping blood mangoes


Doesn't make any sense but from a technical stand point it's great, and that's all that matters.

February 8, 2013
12:26 am
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Warlock is cool and all, but he takes his own raping way too serious. Best word of advice man, don't quit your day job just yet...

February 8, 2013
12:27 am
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Hey, that was pretty good. And it's "multi-syllabic" so warvag can't shit on it. Of course, we like it and say it's good so from a real emcee's standpoint it sucks and everything he says is way more technical because nobody else likes it.

February 8, 2013
12:28 am
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I already told him that juggahoej, he doesn't have one. Nobody needs their lawn cut in the winter.

February 8, 2013
12:29 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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It makes no sense, now that was forcing syllables. Just want to prove a point.

February 8, 2013
12:30 am
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 This is the shortest album I have had to review at just 25 min.  After learning his history and seeing that he is releasing a free album once every other month it makes sense.  When an artist does this it makes every release subpar.  In reality any musician should take the time to ensure what they release is well written, performed, and mixed.  At most an artist should release 1-2 albums a year tops.  This album is a good example of this.  Had he taken the time and money to have it mixed by a professional studio, had someone giving constructive criticism, and put more effort into the actual performance this could have come off well.  Without those this album is not an album recommended and lives up to the title “Imperfection”. 4.5 that's 1.5 out of 5. Oh we have done constructive criticism. We get called faggots for it.

February 8, 2013
12:31 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Lucem Ferre said:

It makes no sense, now that was forcing syllables. Just want to prove a point.

lol forcing multies is worse than just rhyming single syllables...


February 8, 2013
12:32 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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iLLtheClown said:

Oh we have done constructive criticism.

loooool when have you EVER??


February 8, 2013
12:34 am
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if you don't like warlock's music, you're a faggot. This just in, the world's homosexual population just skyrocketed to 99.9999999% it's like a Maury Povich paternity test : "Warlock, you are not a rapper."

February 8, 2013
12:36 am
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We've told you to catch up to the beat, change your voice up, work on your bars, get better beats. And every time you called us lame, faggots or posted a gif of Will Smith... dancing.

February 8, 2013
12:37 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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iLLtheClown said:

We've told you to catch up to the beat, change your voice up, work on your bars, get better beats. And every time you called us lame, faggots or posted a gif of Will Smith... dancing.

lol link me to one cuz i dont remember you giving constructive criticism to anyone on here ever


February 8, 2013
12:37 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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patjoyce said:

if you don't like warlock's music, you're a faggot. 

this is pretty true haha


February 8, 2013
12:43 am
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You know damn well we have. Don't play it off. I remember Slum saying you sound like escam. I remember Scruffy straight saying how bad your flow and rhymes were. Hell pretty much everything i've said has been constructive. You suck. That's as constructive as it needs to be.

February 8, 2013
12:44 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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ive been talkin about YOU bitch not everyone else

apparently you dont even know what that term means.. not surprising since you dont know how to count hahaha what comes after 3? 5 right? looooooooooooooollll fuckin idiot...


February 8, 2013
12:55 am
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I even said me in that paragraph. I've been telling you how terrible you are and how you need to work on getting better by not recording and taking your time. You are a moron, retarded, stupid i'll spell it so you have something to laugh at STOOPID.

February 8, 2013
12:55 am
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This just in, warlock sucks at insulting people too. You can't count? What's next? You can't stay in the lines when you color? And by saying I'm right in stating that everyone who doesn't like your music is a faggot just shows how good you are at taking constructive criticism, or any kind of criticism. You have the maturity level of a 14 year old girl on her period. It's pathetic really.

February 8, 2013
12:56 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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if you cant count to 4 you shouldnt even be allowed to hurl insults like that… even if you do no one will take them seriously hahahaha


February 8, 2013
12:58 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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patjoyce said:

This just in, warlock sucks at insulting people too. You can't count? What's next? You can't stay in the lines when you color? And by saying I'm right in stating that everyone who doesn't like your music is a faggot just shows how good you are at taking constructive criticism, or any kind of criticism. You have the maturity level of a 14 year old girl on her period. It's pathetic really.

check the gordy thread.. dumbass cant count… & i was just jokin about that faggot thing.. thought that was obvious… you joke about racism not very mature.. especially for a 33 year old holy shit looooooolll


February 8, 2013
12:59 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Dance puppets, dance!!!!! Mwahhahahahahaha!!!!


(and while they are arguing back and forth I am slowly taking control of the fayglo luvers forum and taking their faygo luvers rights out from right under their noses)

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