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The Warlock vs patjoyce *Text Battle Round 2*
February 7, 2013
9:48 pm
Forum Posts: 2700
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Super Saiyan... Oh your prepubescent years must've sucked.

February 7, 2013
9:49 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Lucem Ferre said:

I really hope Warlock isn't actually mad because I like the dude, and in no way was I trying to say that he sucks as a rapper, just that in this battle he sucked.

Let me say this, your shit was not smart, it was not hard to get, it just wasn't good. Deal with it.

that shit pissed me off yo & i took it as you were saying i suck in general amongst other shit you said in that 1st post... im not mad tho 

He criticizes us for not being the real emcees that judge like in his rap battles,

completely wrong i wasnt criticizing yall & i know yall aint real emcees.. i just mentioned that as a prediction cuz i knew yall were gonna judge it hoe yall did.. 

I know a dude who has actually battled in one of those.


I am not a rap battler and I'm not a hip hop head, but even I know that battles aren't judged on purely technical ability.

never said it was.. text battles mostly are tho.. its fuckin text...

A real emcee isn't just about technical ability, he's about controlling the crowd. Controlling the crowd is just as important as technical ability. Some of you 'holier than thou" hip hop heads need to remember that. You did not control the crowd.

true & it might be a cop out but this wasnt my type of crowd.. clearly..

but you did not do good in this battle. Pat killed you in this battle. It's a unanimous decision.

lol i disagree i think if this battle was on a different site i'd win unanimously.. i do feel i lost this here tho...


February 7, 2013
9:50 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Oh, and I do appreciate lyrical ability, as long as it's entertaining and not just some, as you say, "forced multiples". Lyrical ability isn't shit with out substance, after all the point of a rap battle is about coming up with the best insults for your opponent, not coming up with baseless lyrical attacks that are unoriginal and not very entertaining.


Pay attention to I.V. he's a dude I met that's chill as fuck and actually comes up with this shit off the top of his head, I'm witness to it. I.V. can spit. He's not only very technical, he says some very funny shit, some great punch lines. Fucking leaves that big dude speechless. Learn something.


February 7, 2013
9:55 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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The Warlock said:

He criticizes us for not being the real emcees that judge like in his rap battles,

completely wrong i wasnt criticizing yall & i know yall aint real emcees.. i just mentioned that as a prediction cuz i knew yall were gonna judge it hoe yall did.. 

I'm not going to address the "I'm not mad" contradiction, but you did criticize us for not being "real emcees". What makes you a "real emcee"? You are in denial that you lost. Accept it, you live to battle another day.

February 7, 2013
10:01 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Lucem Ferre said:

The Warlock said:

He criticizes us for not being the real emcees that judge like in his rap battles,

completely wrong i wasnt criticizing yall & i know yall aint real emcees.. i just mentioned that as a prediction cuz i knew yall were gonna judge it hoe yall did.. 

I'm not going to address the "I'm not mad" contradiction, but you did criticize us for not being "real emcees". What makes you a "real emcee"? You are in denial that you lost. Accept it, you live to battle another day.

lol no i didnt.. i didnt say anything about that... thats just how you misconstrued the lines... & i admitted/accepted i lost in my wall of replys to you above wtf....


February 7, 2013
10:05 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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Lucem Ferre said:

Oh, and I do appreciate lyrical ability, as long as it's entertaining and not just some, as you say, "forced multiples".

its "forced multi-syllable" & your bustin 5 nuts in a course of less than 8 bars is a perfect example if you want to know what that is... its like i fucked her for 5 hours then took 9 showers is another perfect example


Lucem Ferre said:

Lyrical ability isn't shit with out substance, after all the point of a rap battle is about coming up with the best insults for your opponent, not coming up with baseless lyrical attacks that are unoriginal and not very entertaining.

lol i agree & the same could be said about all 3 of ours disses to each other...

Pay attention to I.V. he's a dude I met that's chill as fuck and actually comes up with this shit off the top of his head, I'm witness to it. I.V. can spit. He's not only very technical, he says some very funny shit, some great punch lines. Fucking leaves that big dude speechless. Learn something.

lol i doubt i'll learn somethin from this nobody in the battle world.. i'll try & watch it tho



February 7, 2013
10:08 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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No, you said that on here you lost but if it were judged by "real emcees" you'd have won. You then criticized our judgement for not being "real emcees" by saying that our judgement was "hoe". Thus saying that we may think you have lost, but in reality you know that you have really won. It's insulting. You are saying that our judgements don't amount to shit. Assuming that we don't know real emceeing because we aren't into the culture as much as you are. Faulty use of authority. Saying that you're judgement is better than ours.

February 7, 2013
10:08 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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The Warlock said:

Slumerican502 said:

Or warlock for that matter

lol youre an idiot dude has the worst voice ever


Fuck you warlock...I try not to hate on artists but you ask for it man. YOU ARE FUCKING TRASH BRO! You have this fucking ego when you don't even have the right to have one. You aren't a "Real Emcee"..You're just not man. I know that Im not. Im a fucking layed off press operator who makes pressure plates for brakes. I know my lot in life. seriously dude have you ever played a crowd? Have you ever sold a record? Have you made anything monetary off of your "emcee skills"? Fuck off with that shit. Don't attack me because i'm tellin' it like it is. It was unanimous...Pat won. Period

February 7, 2013
10:17 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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You called I.V. a nobody in the battle world, where are you again? Nowhere even near the battle world? Acting with your holier than thou attitude because you sit here and geek over these battles so you think it gives you a better understanding on how this shit works. I might have even done more off the top person to person rap battles than you, and I admittedly suck. I still had people asking about me when I did them though. I might be long and forgotten by now, but I've had kids from other schools conspiring to beat me up over the battles I did in high school. I've had kids from other schools know me for battling. I went from being nothing with one friend only to all of a sudden having people from whole other towns talking about me over my battles and I sucked. I've had people talking about my rapping battling, I.V. obviously has people talking about his rap battling, maybe you should reconsider who's the nobody in the rap battling world.


God, and people thought I had an ego.

February 7, 2013
10:20 pm
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February 7, 2013
10:21 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11712
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March 31, 2012
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Lucem Ferre said:

No, you said that on here you lost but if it were judged by "real emcees" you'd have won.

no i didnt..

You then criticized our judgement for not being "real emcees" by saying that our judgement was "hoe".

lol i meant to write "how" but no i did niether as i already stated...

Thus saying that we may think you have lost, but in reality you know that you have really won.

thats true

It's insulting.

good. haha

You are saying that our judgements don't amount to shit. Assuming that we don't know real emceeing because we aren't into the culture as much as you are.

lol thats not how i meant it... & you assumed that but thats not how i meant it... i just meant yall arent impressed by what impresses me.. everyone has their different opinions/ things they favor

Faulty use of authority. Saying that you're judgement is better than ours.

i didnt say that.. read the above...


February 7, 2013
10:30 pm
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We all agree Warlock is a terrible rapper, a terrible rap name, butthurt, tries to use misspelling as an excuse and IS A TERRIBLE RAPPER. Alright at the count of 3 break. 3

February 7, 2013
10:30 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11712
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Lucem Ferre said:

You called I.V. a nobody in the battle world, where are you again? Nowhere even near the battle world?

lol im a die-hard fan...  & i never heard his name mentioned once til now (im a member of 4 battle rap forums btw) thats a nobody

Acting with your holier than thou attitude because you sit here and geek over these battles so you think it gives you a better understanding on how this shit works.

then someone who doesnt watch half as much?? fuck yeah it does..

I might have even done more off the top person to person rap battles than you, and I admittedly suck.

lol doubt it.. ive been dopin it since i 1st started 10 yrs ago maybe you have tho 

I.V. obviously has people talking about his rap battling, maybe you should reconsider who's the nobody in the rap battling world.

God, and people thought I had an ego.

lol ive known im a nobody in that world.. just a fan.. he's on the same level as me tho.. maybe lower tho cuz several well known battlers actually know who i am due to forums haha 


February 7, 2013
10:32 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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I'm sorry to interrupt you pat, I'mma let you finnish, but I had the best lines of all time, allllllll tiiiiiime.


Cuz my rhymes weren't dumb enough for you people who don't judge shit the way I'd judge shit. I judge shit as a real emcee, and you dudes just don't measure up. You guys judge on some hoe shit, I'm not trying to say that I'm better than yall, I'm just saying that yalls judge on some hoe shit. It don't count for me.

What ya mean he did better than me? You's a fucking idiot judging on hoe shit. Ya here his voice?



Image Enlarger

February 7, 2013
10:33 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11712
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*doin it since


fuck my comps goin mad slow for no reason...


February 7, 2013
10:37 pm
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Right blame the comp. You known in the forums? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's like being known as that one ICP fan at an ICP concert.

February 7, 2013
10:40 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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So I guess I should be high up on the horrocore ranks because I consistently have SickTanicK retweet and favorite my tweets. I got Razakel to follow me and tell me twice that I've done the best tweet in the world. I've gotten Necro to follow me by asking him to shit in iLLtheClown's Cheerios. I'm pretty sure that there is at least one horrorcore rapper that recognizes my face. Does that mean I'm a somebody? No. It just means that people in horrocore may recognize me, but not as a horrorcore rapper. People obviously know and respect I.V. because he's been apart of your precious freestyle show. Plus, he's only just beginning, definitely schools you as a rapper, and he's not even too serious about rapping. I know this, he said he's going to go to school to be the guy in the radio tower at the airport or something like that. Something with tedious number calculations.

February 7, 2013
10:48 pm
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I must be a dominant in the rap world since Necro, Mr. Hyde, Gore Elohim, Chief Kamachi, Swel, Super Coven, ICP, Onyx follow me. And that Reef The Lost Cauze, Q-Unique, IDE, Kool G Rap have retweeted me.

February 7, 2013
10:54 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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iLLtheClown said:

I must be a dominant in the rap world since Necro, Mr. Hyde, Gore Elohim, Chief Kamachi, Swel, Super Coven, ICP, Onyx follow me. And that Reef The Lost Cauze, Q-Unique, IDE, Kool G Rap have retweeted me.

You got King Gordy to threaten you, I think that you are welcome in the rap world.

February 7, 2013
10:55 pm
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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god yall are idiots... did i say it put me at the top?? or did i saw i was still at the bottom but slightly above someone who's also at the bottom.... fuckin idiots i swear.... & lol @ thinkin just cuz someone does a battle or 2 theyre automatically known & respected in the WORLDWIDE community...


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