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Looking for feedback.
May 10, 2015
10:52 am
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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I am not exactly new to the game, but it has taken forever to get this far. There are three songs so far.

Pick one

Give it a listen

And tell me what you think.


I'm no child so don't sugarcoat it, can't get better without honest reviews. And I know it needs mastered but I've got no clue how.

May 10, 2015
10:55 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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gave it up after seventy seconds.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 10, 2015
11:26 am
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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Which song?

May 10, 2015
1:14 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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first one, whatever that was.  might check the other two later, looks to be another slow day for me.  

check your private messages, by the way [just noticed that youre in the village].  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 10, 2015
1:32 pm
Greenville, SC
Forum Posts: 210
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March 26, 2015
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Listened to all three, and here's my critique since you asked.

First of all: Emote. EMOTE, I say! It's crucial in all music, but especially when rappin.

And don't use reverbnation as your primary way to link people to your music, get a soundcloud or bandcamp page. Most bloggers/writers/promoters/journalists won't even bother to click a RN link. I usually don't either, I just don't have shit else to do at the moment. Their entire business model is created on duping naive musicians, plus the site is really buggy, and generally shitty.

As for mastering, it's not a huge deal-breaker to have your stuff unmastered, especially if you don't expect any radio play. However, you can look up youtube tutorials on the topic, and there's plenty of things to read. Just get each song sounding the same at least. It's probably the hardest part of making music, but it's worth learning. Pay attention to details like taking out background noises as well, like the rumble of your hand moving on that plastic microphone. (Oh yeah, I know that sound all too well.)

Other than that, just stay true to yourself, and keep working at it, I've found that's really the only musical advice that matters apart from learning the technical things.

This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 10, 2015
1:38 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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Hideous said  
And don't use reverbnation as your primary way to link people to your music, get a soundcloud or bandcamp page. Most bloggers/writers/promoters/journalists won't even bother to click a RN link. I usually don't either, I just don't have shit else to do at the moment. Their entire business model is created on duping naive musicians, plus the site is really buggy, and generally shitty.    


agree more or less with the rest, too.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 10, 2015
1:41 pm
Greenville, SC
Forum Posts: 210
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March 26, 2015
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scruffy said

Hideous said  
And don't use reverbnation as your primary way to link people to your music, get a soundcloud or bandcamp page. Most bloggers/writers/promoters/journalists won't even bother to click a RN link. I usually don't either, I just don't have shit else to do at the moment. Their entire business model is created on duping naive musicians, plus the site is really buggy, and generally shitty.    


agree more or less with the rest, too.  

In all fairness I do have somewhat "unique" views on music, and the process of making it.

This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 10, 2015
3:47 pm
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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That's one problem I have noticed and do know I have. 

I don't know what the issue is. On "for those above" I intentionally did not have any action to my voice. That song takes a lot to do and I wanted in natural. It doesn't matter if anyone else in the world likes it because that's straight from the heart...

However it pisses me off when I listen to mentally impaired because it needs to be there in that song.


I guess I am just going to have to find someone recording locally and come sit in on a session. Eh? Scruffy

May 10, 2015
4:19 pm

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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could be.  could very well be.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 10, 2015
7:30 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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ok so i have had my coffee and im just waiting for my homie to turn up so we can work on a project so i had a listen.


not bad, but youve not really got any thump to your vocals, trying vocal staacking (Thanks @djscrubb !) and playing around with compression and reverb etc until you find somehting you like.

Also, as others said, get a soundcloud. or a bandcamp account.


as hideous said, do you homie. just keep cranking them out and you will get better. just don't assume your going to be able to make a living off what you are doing. i tried that 10 years ago and it failed. now i just do it for fun. 

May 10, 2015
10:14 pm
Forum Posts: 1251
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August 8, 2012
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sounds like you put no effort into it

vocals sound boring with no emotion

it doesn't matter if the lyrics have a deep meaning, if it doesn't sound good then it's pointless

think of it as dramatically speaking in rhyme form

May 14, 2015
10:22 am
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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Thanks everyone. Since posting this I did some critical listening of my songs. And I agree, it sucks. Not completely. I still think my lyrics are on the right track... But I can't recall getting a lobotomy. I did some toying with my vocals and re recorded two of the songs. Neither are there yet but a far step above where they were. Thanks for the blunt and straightforward advice.

May 14, 2015
10:34 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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Turna Fraze said
Thanks everyone. Since posting this I did some critical listening of my songs. And I agree, it sucks. Not completely. I still think my lyrics are on the right track... But I can't recall getting a lobotomy. I did some toying with my vocals and re recorded two of the songs. Neither are there yet but a far step above where they were. Thanks for the blunt and straightforward advice.

practice practice practice.

just keep at it and youll get better.

check out jiffy long for example, when he got here his stuff was slightly below mediocre, but in a short time he has pumped up his game and is killing it.

Get yourself a soundcloud and start checking out other forum artists, we are all a relatively cool bunch, just dont expect sugar coating hahaha. if you half ass it people will come down hard on you.

if you wanna work with other artists most of us are always down for a bit of fun.

shameless plug time:



This is the most recent FLH collab, i put this together with a few of the homies. always down to fux with people and i got a plethora of jacked beats, mainstream and underground.

May 14, 2015
10:41 am

Forum Posts: 11447
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May 22, 2012
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just remembered i aint go back to them others, yet.  

well, i gets to it.  and docs.  at some point...  got a lot goin on, today.  for once.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 14, 2015
11:24 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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i actually wanna get down with @chunk801 on a hella scratching track. 

dudes a fucking beast. do some old school funk shit.

May 14, 2015
12:33 pm
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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How do you get to Carnegie hall?

And collaboration YES. I have always wanted to do a collaboration piece. Hoping to do one with scruffy sometime soon. I'm sure he could help me figure out my vocal shit.


And I've never had my feeling hurt by straight talk. I might call you crazy but never get upset.

May 14, 2015
1:51 pm
Forum Posts: 308
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August 29, 2012
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@novocaine Im down man

May 14, 2015
4:14 pm
Turna Fraze
Waynesville, MO
Forum Posts: 12
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May 9, 2015
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Is there a special forum for setting up collab pieces? And scruff do you know of anyone else in the area on here?

May 14, 2015
6:43 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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chunk801 said
@novocaine Im down man

@turna-fraze ^^ see that. thats how it happens, target someone and say ' sup bro wanna fucks with me"


@chunk801 i shall keep shit in mind and let you know. im swamped atm but itll be soon.

February 21, 2016
2:33 pm
Forum Posts: 166
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December 8, 2013
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mentally impaired

emotion could use work man, flow was ok u def sound like icp (violent j) so ur right to add that to your "sounds like" section on your reverbnation, but i dont hear the eminem style at all lol...

story was good, i enjoyed the sound effects added to the song.. lyrics could use work tho, very basic approach

ending was decent

overall song was decent

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