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Where to start?
May 17, 2015
6:34 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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As some of you may know, I've recently taken the plunge into doing some hobbyist music. Pretty much all I can do right now is write/record raps. I was just wondering if anyone has a good idea of where to start. I've been looking into some basic music theory, but I know nothing about plugins, pre-amps, composing, or mixing or mastering. Are there any resources all of you folks used, or did you just kinda figure it out by trial and error?


Also, I'm not sure if it matters, but I'm using a Yeti Pro and recording with Reaper.

May 17, 2015
7:10 pm

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dive in.  

and of course, the old classic:  rtfm.  that should go without sayin, but it seemingly never does.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 17, 2015
7:13 pm

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Are there any good youtube tutorials out there? Not being versed at all in any aspect of music production/writing/rapping, I have no clue how to tell if any of the tutorials are good or not.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
May 17, 2015
7:20 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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Dive in. perfect advice. just play around with music and watch some tutorials on hip vocals.

just keep practicing and youll get it.

ive gotten heaps better at mixing my stuff (i think at least) and don't rely so heavily on others to mix for me.

im using magix samplitude and its pretty east for playing around with.


i tried using reason 5 for beat making but it hurts my head, adn watching a producer friend make a beat over the weekend gave me a new respect for music producers. 

May 17, 2015
8:06 pm
영덕, South Korea

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I've been looking for tutorials, but I usually have no clue what they're saying half of the time.

May 17, 2015
8:10 pm
영덕, South Korea

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I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

May 17, 2015
8:43 pm

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de nada.  

also, learn from others.  meaning, tidbits of advice, or observations, shit like that...  but mainly, learn from others' mistakes.  nothing more cost effective than that, cuz you get the benefits of the lessons, without havin to go to the trouble of fuckin up yourself.  

that is true of damn near every aspect of life on earth.  

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

May 17, 2015
9:45 pm
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a good soundcard and a good mic are important to start with.

all the different programs are really just a platform.

I think nuendo/cubase are the best

May 18, 2015
2:43 am
Greenville, SC
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Pigg said
I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

I use Cubase, but the new Reaper is really nice. Lots of great plug-ins available that'll make things like mastering a lot easier for you. The only advice I can think to add is make sure you get the initial recording as flawless as possible, and keep the volume fairly low on it. This will give you more room to beef everything up in the mix without it getting noisey or muddy.

This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 18, 2015
10:32 am
영덕, South Korea

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Hideous said

Pigg said
I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

I use Cubase, but the new Reaper is really nice. Lots of great plug-ins available that'll make things like mastering a lot easier for you. The only advice I can think to add is make sure you get the initial recording as flawless as possible, and keep the volume fairly low on it. This will give you more room to beef everything up in the mix without it getting noisey or muddy.

Well with the mic I'm using (or maybe it's my sound card/lack of preamp/etc) if the gain on the mic is anything above like 25% the shit  clips like crazy.

May 18, 2015
10:44 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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google that shit. 

Are you using a pop filter? youve got a pretty decent mic (better than mine atleast haha) so fork out and get a decent pop filter.

coat hanger and panty hose is a good alternative, but i reckon with a nice mic dont be stingy. get a 10 buck pop filter.

May 18, 2015
3:31 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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I got a pop filter in Amazon for like $2. Do my P's sound poppy?

May 18, 2015
4:56 pm
Greenville, SC
Forum Posts: 210
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Pigg said

Hideous said

Pigg said
I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

I use Cubase, but the new Reaper is really nice. Lots of great plug-ins available that'll make things like mastering a lot easier for you. The only advice I can think to add is make sure you get the initial recording as flawless as possible, and keep the volume fairly low on it. This will give you more room to beef everything up in the mix without it getting noisey or muddy.

Well with the mic I'm using (or maybe it's my sound card/lack of preamp/etc) if the gain on the mic is anything above like 25% the shit  clips like crazy.

Keep the gain down, you can always make the mix louder later on. Sometimes frequencies clash & cause clipping, make sure your EQ'd tracks aren't competing for space. Compare the curves, and keep the overlap to a minimum. Limiters are very helpful too.

This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 18, 2015
8:02 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Hideous said

Pigg said

Hideous said

Pigg said
I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

I use Cubase, but the new Reaper is really nice. Lots of great plug-ins available that'll make things like mastering a lot easier for you. The only advice I can think to add is make sure you get the initial recording as flawless as possible, and keep the volume fairly low on it. This will give you more room to beef everything up in the mix without it getting noisey or muddy.

Well with the mic I'm using (or maybe it's my sound card/lack of preamp/etc) if the gain on the mic is anything above like 25% the shit  clips like crazy.

Keep the gain down, you can always make the mix louder later on. Sometimes frequencies clash & cause clipping, make sure your EQ'd tracks aren't competing for space. Compare the curves, and keep the overlap to a minimum. Limiters are very helpful too.

image-2.jpgImage Enlarger


Well, I know all of the WORDS, but their meaning in this context is a different story.

May 18, 2015
8:08 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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Pigg said
I got a pop filter in Amazon for like $2. Do my P's sound poppy?

nah they dont, but i have no idea what im doing.... so im just giving you tips that were given to me lol


youtube is your friend.


im in the process of building a portable vocal boooth. just gotta finish the carton of beer im on hahaha

May 18, 2015
8:20 pm
Greenville, SC
Forum Posts: 210
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March 26, 2015
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Pigg said

Hideous said

Pigg said

Hideous said

Pigg said
I didn't even think that reaper would have a user manual. Apparently it does and it's over 400 pages. Probably a good place to start. Thanks scruffy.

I use Cubase, but the new Reaper is really nice. Lots of great plug-ins available that'll make things like mastering a lot easier for you. The only advice I can think to add is make sure you get the initial recording as flawless as possible, and keep the volume fairly low on it. This will give you more room to beef everything up in the mix without it getting noisey or muddy.

Well with the mic I'm using (or maybe it's my sound card/lack of preamp/etc) if the gain on the mic is anything above like 25% the shit  clips like crazy.

Keep the gain down, you can always make the mix louder later on. Sometimes frequencies clash & cause clipping, make sure your EQ'd tracks aren't competing for space. Compare the curves, and keep the overlap to a minimum. Limiters are very helpful too.

image-2.jpgImage Enlarger


Well, I know all of the WORDS, but their meaning in this context is a different story.

haha Yeah, I was afraid of that, explaining it is harder than actually doing it. I agree that YouTube tutorials are the way to go, in spite of having to fast forward through all the "uh... hi you guys, this is a video about uh competing frequencies, but before I get into that I just wanted to uh thank everyone for subscribing. Uh... you guys rock! If you watched my last video uh you noticed..." for 6 minutes before they actually talk about the thing you want them to talk about. Or at least that's my experience, but I digress.

This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 18, 2015
8:27 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Yeah I've been looking into YouTube videos, and I have no idea what half of what they are saying. I look it up, and I have no idea what the explanations are talking about lol. I tried to look up mixing tutorials and it makes no sense.


Novo, I'd like to do this when I have some money (I have $1 to my name Atm)

May 18, 2015
8:34 pm
Greenville, SC
Forum Posts: 210
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March 26, 2015
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This message was sent from my Atari 2600 through fiber optic cable made of fucks I no longer give.

May 18, 2015
8:59 pm
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Forum Posts: 3773
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March 20, 2013
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thats actually alot better than what i was planning. 

i might make the trip down to clark rubber this weekend and pick up some foam.

May 18, 2015
9:39 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Hideous said
Maybe this will help?



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