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Funny Because It's True
September 22, 2019
6:05 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Psyral Infection said

King Lucem Ferre said
Fuck the whoops. It doesn't matter.

Psyral Infection said
The ad he posted wished death upon murderers, muggers, and rapist, not them specifically. It was a request for the reinstatement of the death penalty.
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At what point did we cross the line from the fine and noble pursuit of genuine civil liberties to the reckless an dangerously permissive atmosphere which allows criminals of every age to beat and rape a helpless woman and then laugh at her family’s anguish?

Wow, what a coincidental statement. It's almost as if anybody with common sense knows that was about the Central Park 5 and the whole thing was a response to them.

Almost as if Psyral is pushing a dishonest narrative to cover for his fucked up president.  

AGAIN! NOT pushing a dishonest narrative. I even said I disagreed with the Trump on this. The guys should not have been imprisoned for rape. 

BUT also, he was referring to a recent string of rapes, muggings and murders in New York's Central Park at the time. The "Five" did not "laugh" at any victim's family's anguish. "And why do they laugh? They laugh because they know that soon, very soon, they will be returned to the streets to rape and maim and kill once again" The "Five" didn't laugh at anyone. They hadn't even gone to trial yet.

The "Five" did not murder anyone. "They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes" ... "I want to hate these murderers and I always will" . Again, they did not murder anyone.

According to police records, a group of about 40 people mostly between the ages of 14 and 16 were roaming New York's Central Park committing various crimes from assault, robbery, and rape. Only 10 of them were ever imprisoned during the crime sprees at that time.

Trump's article was a plea to bring back the death penalty during a time of very high violent crimes gripping the city. 

While the actual rape should not have been pinned on the "Five" due to improper procedure in obtaining confessions. The "Five" were not completely innocent. On the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana of the "Five" told police, "I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s tits." The cops didn't even know about the rape yet, they only knew about the assault. Also, Korey Wise told Melody Jackson (who went to police about it), that he didn’t rape the jogger but only held her legs down. 

Take what you want from that but I still don't see his article being directed at the "Five" but at the recent killings, rapes, and muggings in Central Park at the time. One rape and murder happening on April 17, 1989 just 2 days before the Trisha Meili assault and rape. On that date (19th) alone, there were 6 other assault and robberies in Central Park against Michael Vigna, Antonio Diaz, David Goode, Robert Garner, David Lewis and John Loughlin all in separate instances. The city was currently gripped in heavy violent crime. 

Still don't see any reference to race in the article except when he talked about New York families that he said were White, Black, Hispanic and Asian who were unable to enjoy walks through the park at dusk.

So how was I pushing a dishonest narrative, @lucem-ferre ?  

Intentionally ignoring context with things that aren't blunt and on the nose thus giving you room for deniability. It's a well known tactic from both the KKK and the modern Republican party. And I don't think you're racist. I just think you're vain enough to ignore or forgive fucked up things to deny the flaws of something so closely attached to your identity. Many of us have disavowed the Clinton's, Biden, that Canadian black face guy and who ever else because our virtue means more than 'winning'.

September 22, 2019
9:48 pm

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Less than a month away from elections. I heard that Andrew Sheer is a Trudeau lite. 

Anyway, Could the Castro Dynasty be coming to an end?

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
September 22, 2019
11:08 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Sheer is a joke I don't like that dude I will be voting for #PPC I like Maxime Bernier

even thoe I live in Justin Trudeau's riding and there is zero chance he loses in this district I am still voting for the PPC

but like the best Dragon Kevin O'Leary said it does not matter who wins as long as Trudeau loses


September 23, 2019
7:22 am

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the_blackface_smack said
Sheer is a joke I don't like that dude I will be voting for #PPC I like Maxime Bernier

even thoe I live in Justin Trudeau's riding and there is zero chance he loses in this district I am still voting for the PPC

but like the best Dragon Kevin O'Leary said it does not matter who wins as long as Trudeau loses  

Also, it doesn't matter who you vote for. What matters is WHO COUNTS THE VOTES.


Yeah, after reading up on it a bit, I like Maxime Bernier better than Andrew Sheer. But I like Andrew Sheer better than Justin Castro Trudeau. 

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
September 23, 2019
1:21 pm
Moe Ray Al
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I like Jagmeet Singh more than Justin Trudeau


September 23, 2019
1:52 pm
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Halloween-1.jpgImage Enlarger

Whoop Whoop krunk :

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


September 25, 2019
11:02 pm
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Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

September 26, 2019
6:18 am

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Drunkalo said
Tell me how bad these guys must feel...  

I blame @piggofdoom He lives over there.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
September 26, 2019
6:15 pm

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Today, the ADL has officially added the OK sign to the list of hate symbols.

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Oh, they also added bowl haircuts.

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These are the people that also say a Pepe the Frog is a hate symbol. I hope those protesters in Hong Kong realize that.

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Also they state anything anti-antifa is a symbol of hate. I guess the FBI currently reviewing Antifa as a terrorist organization should take note or be listed in the ADL database.

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(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
September 26, 2019
10:06 pm
영덕, South Korea

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Directly from the ADL website:

Because of the traditional meaning of the “okay” hand gesture, as well as other usages unrelated to white supremacy, particular care must be taken not to jump to conclusions about the intent behind someone who has used the gesture.




In 2017, the “okay” hand gesture acquired a new and different significance thanks to a hoax by members of the website 4chan to falsely promote the gesture as a hate symbol, claiming that the gesture represented the letters “wp,” for “white power.” The “okay” gesture hoax was merely the latest in a series of similar 4chan hoaxes using various innocuous symbols; in each case, the hoaxers hoped that the media and liberals would overreact by condemning a common image as white supremacist.

In the case of the “okay” gesture, the hoax was so successful the symbol became a popular trolling tactic on the part of right-leaning individuals, who would often post photos to social media of themselves posing while making the “okay” gesture.

Ironically, some white supremacists themselves soon also participated in such trolling tactics, lending an actual credence to those who labeled the trolling gesture as racist in nature. By 2019, at least some white supremacists seem to have abandoned the ironic or satiric intent behind the original trolling campaign and used the symbol as a sincere expression of white supremacy, such as when Australian white supremacist Brenton Tarrant flashed the symbol during a March 2019 courtroom appearance soon after his arrest for allegedly murdering 50 people in a shooting spree at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

September 26, 2019
10:33 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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They didn't trick liberals into taking a joke seriously, they tricked racists into actually using it as a hate symbol thus liberals started taking it seriously because it actually is serious now.


4Chan is seriously next level trolling.

September 26, 2019
10:34 pm
Moe Ray Al
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OK Mein



September 26, 2019
11:02 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Are you guys the ones I should trust to help us deliver ourselves from certain extinction?

Because this conversation, seriously, isnt helping us to explore the cosmos, nor the boundaries of our own brains, NOR THE EXTENSUON OF OUR OWN FUCKING SPECIES. 

September 26, 2019
11:08 pm
영덕, South Korea

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Old Mr Dangerous said
Are you guys the ones I should trust to help us deliver ourselves from certain extinction?

Because this conversation, seriously, isnt helping us to explore the cosmos, nor the boundaries of our own brains, NOR THE EXTENSUON OF OUR OWN FUCKING SPECIES.   

A lot of conversations fail to meet that criteria. 


Whoop Whoop Pigg :

Old Mr Dangerous
September 26, 2019
11:19 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Pigg said

A lot of conversations fail to meet that criteria. 



Was going to screech at you for patronizing me, then I got the joke. 

September 27, 2019
12:47 am
Moe Ray Al
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September 27, 2019
12:25 pm
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the_blackface_smack said
...OK that's happening  

So's this, and it's SUPERFANTASTIC:

"Samuel L. Jackson's voice will soon be coming to Amazon Alexa devices"

Take that, Amazon Ghetto:

YouTube Video Amazon Ghetto FT. Samuel L. Jackson (Amazon Echo Parody)

Whoop Whoop krunk :

the_patriot_smack, Psyral
  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


October 1, 2019
6:47 pm

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You can now be fined up to $250,000 if you call someone an 'illegal alien' in New York City.

(click image for source)   Yeah.gif   (click image for source)
October 1, 2019
8:26 pm
Moe Ray Al
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Psyral Infection said
You can now be fined up to $250,000 if you call someone an 'illegal alien' in New York City.  


October 18, 2019
1:34 pm
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Wow: "ABC News apologizes for saying footage from Kentucky gun range was Syria bombing"   Source:

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


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