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Twiztid's Rock and Shock Seminar Highlights and After Party Details
October 27, 2013
2:54 pm

Forum Posts: 6559
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August 12, 2012
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October 27, 2013
10:12 pm
Forum Posts: 1647
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April 13, 2012
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twiztid blowing up like violent j's belly! laugh

K R U S H - K I L L - D E S T R O Y !

October 27, 2013
11:08 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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JabroniKilla said
Well I hope they have fun on the comic/horror convention ring something icp never sold out to.I like there music there DVD used to be good I dont need comic reviews and merch shuved in my face there in iy for the quick buck rob zombie dont give a shit about them there not on the next movie. Anyways talikin shit about gathering tila tequilla didnt whine like them

Let me get this straight: a group who is comic and horror based, and who have ALWAYS talked about how they love comics AND horror movies, sold out because they are doing comic/horror conventions? Makes perfect fucking sense... I'm not on the site enough to tell, is this motherfucker serious?

October 27, 2013
11:15 pm
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Also, they are saying the gathering was uneasy and volatile because they just fucking left the label! They were probably nervous that juggalos were gonna be fucking pissed at them, it is natural to be uneasy in a situation like that. It was that or not show up and alienate almost their entire fanbase


October 28, 2013
8:15 am
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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lol @ the dumbass complaining about the VIP. So, you knew before hand what the VIP included, you knew what they were charging for it, you bought it, and now you're bitching...?

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