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So, I got my copy of Get Twiztid...
April 16, 2014
4:15 am
Forum Posts: 54
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February 10, 2014
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Maybe the EP needs time to grow on me. Personally I wasn't particularly WOWed by any of the songs on it, but definitely wasn't bad by any means. It was Twiztid! I still have high hopes for their next release.

I spend too much time on the Internet and make music sometimes. http://www.soundcloud.com/theresolution5

April 17, 2014
6:19 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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I pretty much like this EP, othere than the Chorus to the blaze track, and the repetitive chorus on Wasted 2.  I don't see why people are hating on the moves and music they are making. They cant experiment with new shit or something?? Let them grow as musicians. they been putting out wicked shit for about 20 plus years (HOK included), so if they wanna make something that's not so wicked, then so be it.  EVERY artist grows and experiments. Don't have high expectations next time and you wont be let down. keep an open mind and be happy for them.

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


April 17, 2014
9:08 am
The Warlock
The Warlock
New Mexico
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there was some meh on the EP but i didnt dislike any songs.. & considering i disliked a few songs from abominationz & a new nightmare thats a potentially promising sign haha but yeah 2, 3, & 4 are the standouts to me.. track 1 def isnt classic twiztid to me.. i couldnt picture that bass line on anything pre-ID.. i wish they waited a few months to make this the same size as "new nightmare".. then they couldve put the full songs on 4 the fam 2.. cuz there'd still be several exclusives when the album drops.. just my 2cents on it..


April 18, 2014
5:04 am
Forum Posts: 54
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Hearing For the Fam Vol 1 and 2 got me really stoked for future releases. Get Twiztid was alright, but the 4TheFam version of Drugs and Alcohol I enjoyed much more than the version on Get Twiztid. it's all preference, really. I like it when a group changes shit up a little over time. Wasted Pt. 2 had some pretty sick verses xD 

I spend too much time on the Internet and make music sometimes. http://www.soundcloud.com/theresolution5

April 18, 2014
5:12 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Hasn't Twiztid always done party songs?


Nothing really new here on this EP.


Only song I did not like was Waste2 and I liked the original.


Good EP though. Like track 2 and 4 the most.

April 19, 2014
4:46 pm
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ugh..."wasted pt2" is pretty much just as horrific as the original.R.A.'s verse (murdered it) is the only good thing to come out of either of these trainwrecks...twiztid is beginning to make some music that just sounds like cliche "wannabe underground club" nonsense...you can hear shit like "wasted" on any bullshit "mixtape" handed out by a crackhead comin out the subway.terrible look.


that said, expectations weren't too high to begin w/considering its a 4 track ep (& "wasted pt2) but its...decent.first 2 tracks are def the standouts..."breakdown" isnt a bad track...last two...eh


i hope they get back to the "abominationz" feel w/the full length album...meaning 1)perfect mixing/mastering 2)top notch production 3)little to no features...ill gladly take another royce or R.A. verse...but thats about it.i dont wanna hear blaze, R.O.C., or any of these other clowns all over their shit

April 19, 2014
6:36 pm
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Not a good EP IMO, but maybe it'll grow on me. What's on my mind would have been a good track if it wasn't for the chorus, same goes for Drugs & Alcohol. However, Blaze kiils it on that. I thought Breakdown was their strongest song on the EP. We'll see what comes next. I fuckin love the new mixtape!

April 19, 2014
7:21 pm
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July 24, 2012
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Shit sucks.

April 19, 2014
8:44 pm
randy gall
randy gall
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this cd can suck my little cock man

Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

April 19, 2014
11:17 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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BillBurr said
ugh..."wasted pt2" is pretty much just as horrific as the original.R.A.'s verse (murdered it) is the only good thing to come out of either of these trainwrecks...twiztid is beginning to make some music that just sounds like cliche "wannabe underground club" nonsense...you can hear shit like "wasted" on any bullshit "mixtape" handed out by a crackhead comin out the subway.terrible look.


that said, expectations weren't too high to begin w/considering its a 4 track ep (& "wasted pt2) but its...decent.first 2 tracks are def the standouts..."breakdown" isnt a bad track...last two...eh


i hope they get back to the "abominationz" feel w/the full length album...meaning 1)perfect mixing/mastering 2)top notch production 3)little to no features...ill gladly take another royce or R.A. verse...but thats about it.i dont wanna hear blaze, R.O.C., or any of these other clowns all over their shit

I don't likue you. Why? Because your first name and your last name fit too perfectly together. Bill Burr, it just rolls off the tongue. I don't like that. Get the hell out of here, Bill. There is no room in here for such perfectly matching names like that.


April 20, 2014
2:03 am
Forum Posts: 40
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April 9, 2012
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To be honest, I think this EP is overall better than A New Nightmare. I actually ENJOY every track on this one. "Wasted Pt. 2" is better than the original to me. It was well done, and it should hold us over until their next full-length.


Also, they need to release the VIP single from this tour on a larger scale; that song is straight scurry. Everyone needs to hear it.

April 20, 2014
4:00 am
Denver, CO
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Can someone post a link to the VIP exclusive track please?

April 20, 2014
9:24 am

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April 20, 2014
10:24 am
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April 9, 2012
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PunkRockJuggalo said

Wes-Sider said
Can someone post a link to the VIP exclusive track please?

Twiztid - "A Place in the Woods" (Ft. Blaze Ya Dead Homie) [Bootleg Banner Tour VIP Single]


That link saved me; I'm keeping mine sealed llal.

April 20, 2014
8:36 pm
Denver, CO
Forum Posts: 130
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June 28, 2013
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Thank you PRJ. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. And you're buff and cool.

April 20, 2014
8:40 pm
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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StraightEdgeJuggalo said
To be honest, I think this EP is overall better than A New Nightmare. I actually ENJOY every track on this one. "Wasted Pt. 2" is better than the original to me. It was well done, and it should hold us over until their next full-length.


Also, they need to release the VIP single from this tour on a larger scale; that song is straight scurry. Everyone needs to hear it.

Ironic that someone with your moniker likes a song about becoming inebriated!

April 20, 2014
8:46 pm

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August 12, 2012
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Wes-Sider said
Thank you PRJ.

You're Welcome!


April 20, 2014
10:35 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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September 18, 2012
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I don't get straight edge. Like, is straight edge you just don't do drugs? How do you define a drug? Is it something that alters the normal functions of your body? So do you avoid foods that give you the shits or gas or... like where do you draw the line? I heard that straight edgers just try to avoid putting 'toxins' into their body. Does that mean straight edgers avoid fast food and soda pop too?


I need answers!

April 20, 2014
11:20 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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LuckyNumbrXIII said
I dunno if there is a textbook definition of straight edge.  No drugs/alcohol is a given.  Some people say no pre marital sex either.  Some go vegan, some don't do caffeine.  


To me it just seems like a way to enjoy life without altering your sense of perception. Don't alter your mind.  Don't mess up your ability to use your senses to take in what's going on.  


I've been drug/alcohol free, but I'm addicted to caffeine and sex.  But if people ask, I say I'm straight edge.  I've seen people smoke cigarettes and say they're straight edge.  If you ask 100 different straight edgers to define it, I guarantee you'll get 100 different answers.

That's why I always compare straight edgers to juggalos. Both so similar. Both considered to be gangs too. (though only one considered to be a gang by the fib)


April 20, 2014
11:36 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
Forum Posts: 9104
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Where I'm from juggalos and straight edgers are considered rival gangs to ignorant high schoolers. I've told the stories, @squarepakk666 can confirm them.

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