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Seeing Lil Wayne in Feb.
January 28, 2016
12:36 am
Forum Posts: 518
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May 28, 2013
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That wasn't bad at all. Any other song suggestions?

January 28, 2016
6:38 am
Forum Posts: 2167
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May 9, 2014
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His Hot Nigga remix is pretty sweet. 

"Your girl fucked me 'cause you cummin' quicker than FedEx Air"- Sean Law

January 28, 2016
8:51 am
Forum Posts: 843
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May 19, 2013
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As a Grown ass man...I cant picture myself listening to Song Called "Hot Nigga". Especialy from a Grown ass rapper that kisses other grown ass rappers on the Lips....Google it.

January 28, 2016
8:55 am
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January 6, 2016
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Mr.Bitches said
As a Grown ass man...I cant picture myself listening to Song Called "Hot Nigga". Especialy from a Grown ass rapper that kisses other grown ass rappers on the Lips....Google it.


January 31, 2016
9:28 am
Forum Posts: 417
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For what?? Lol to hear him recycle old babble from before? Ha-ha sorry I hate that motherfucker he's whacker than fuck to me lol.

January 31, 2016
9:34 am
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Video: Lil Wayne - Hot Nigga (Sorry 4 The Wait 2) 

  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


January 31, 2016
12:44 pm
Forum Posts: 843
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May 19, 2013
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Thats ur Boy right there

January 31, 2016
12:47 pm
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Dont try and tell me its some mafia shit either...I aint buyin itldcbdc...jpgImage Enlarger

January 31, 2016
3:53 pm
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V_Ron said
That wasn't bad at all. Any other song suggestions?



January 31, 2016
6:31 pm
Forum Posts: 518
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May 28, 2013
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I appreciate you, @carnivalkilla44 

Again, not terrible. And I am so amused by gangsta rappers kissing. lol

February 1, 2016
8:57 pm
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February 2, 2016
1:27 am
Forum Posts: 1251
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August 8, 2012
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February 4, 2016
7:47 pm
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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Show's tomorrow night, here's some more tracks for that ass.



February 5, 2016
11:18 am
Forum Posts: 2167
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May 9, 2014
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Block Burner is cool as hell. 

"Your girl fucked me 'cause you cummin' quicker than FedEx Air"- Sean Law

February 5, 2016
1:09 pm
Forum Posts: 859
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December 27, 2015
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He was sporting a blue rag on his first album and he's piru.... Sounds busted to me.

February 5, 2016
3:11 pm

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have fun, 44. 

bring back a story. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 6, 2016
3:11 pm
Forum Posts: 3521
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April 4, 2012
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Ok, so for anyone who is interested, here's a review on what was probably one of the best and most eclectic live hip hop performances I've ever seen.

To start, the Oakdale is an old school venue here in CT which has been having major acts perform since the late 50's (when it was just a tent). Everyone from Led Zepplin and Eric Clapton to Cheech & Chong (who I saw there some years back). It's about a 20min drive from my apartment, all back roads.

The show started around 8 which was about the time we got there. I did not care to see the opening act. We found a general admission (free) parking lot separated from the venue by a thick tree line. The stoner kid directing cars told me I could park wherever the hell I felt like (really in those words) so I found a spot right under the trees. The parking lot was fairly quite and about half full with vehicles. The temperature dropped and it had snowed pretty good here that morning so there was much tailgating going on. A few people chilling in their cars around us.

My lady and I chilled for about a half hour or so, just bullshitting with each other. I sparked two joints back to back of some grandaddy purple I brought with me and put some Ces Cru on the stereo. After chilling we walked about 2min to the venue and got right in with no real line. We grabbed a couple drinks at the bar which took forever because the old hippie chicks working the counter would literally take the time to start a conversation with every customer. Anyway, drinks in hand we went to find our seats.

Walking into the main concert hall it was nothing but a giant cloud of smoke filling the whole place. I would soon come to discover that security was some of the laxest I've ever seen and they really didn't care that a few thousand people were just blazing up inside.

We got to our seats which were pretty decent. Center row about 100ft. from the stage. Everyone around us seamed pretty chill. There was definitely a diverse group of people young to old. Just chillin talkin to folks around us we noticed some shit going down at the front of the stage. A fight broke out between two kids and they were just throwing haymakers at each other. Security let it go on for literally about 5min before they broke it up. An entertaining start to the show to say the least. 

Wayne came on around 8:30 with a complete backing band (guitarist, bassist, drummer, keyboardist) and of course a DJ. From the second he got on stage the place went nuts. I don't remember the last time I saw an artist with that much energy. It was like if you took him off the stage before the show ended he would internally combust or something. I really don't even have a setlist to post because he played tracks from all of his catalog, old and new, LP's to mixtapes.

If you thought Tech N9ne got some bras thrown on stage, he has nothing on Weezy. He probably had 30-40 bras and dozen pair of panties hanging from his mike stand by the time he was done.

Anyway, I don't remember the last time I saw an artist (if ever) command a stage like he did. Smoking blunts the whole entire time, the dude does nothing but rap his ass off with very little break to let the backing vocals take over. He played for about and hr, then took a brief intermission. We went outside to smoke and I grabbed some more drinks and a dope t-shirt.

Wayne came back onstage after about 30min and played for probably another 45min on top of that, with an encore at the end. What really made the night was after he was done with the encore he brought a few of his artists out on stage to rap with him. Well they're doing their thing and one of the dudes decides he wants to stage dive. So Wayne starts to get the crow all siked up,the guy gets a running start, jumps, and... not a damn person even tries to catch him lol. Flat on his face. Fucking classic.

Anyway, we then made our way back through the smoke and got out of there. Emptying out into the main parking lot it was a complete clusterfuck of cars. I'm glad we parked in the small side lot and got out in under a minute.

To finish, seeing Wayne knocked an artist off my hip hop bucket list who I've always wanted to see live. His live performance lives up to the hype and then some. Everything from the band, to the light show, to the engineering was just on point. There was times when he was rapping where they would purposely bring the house lights on. The whole place would brighten up and it just worked and complimented his performance seamlessly. Never saw anything like it.

Wow, he would be perfect to see in the woods at the Gathering. There's just so much positive energy it's hard to put into words. Now, I'm not delusional. It would never happen for many reasons. All I can say is, if he comes to your area give him a shot and buy some tickets. If you don't like him now you may never, but I think many would be surprised. If you want to see a hip hop performance that just goes above and beyond what you're use to, Lil Wayne is a must.

This was my first time seeing him and I can honestly say I'm going to do my best to never miss a show again when he comes my way. Smoke trees. weed

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