June 16, 2024
15 Guests and Online

New Dark Lotus album title revealed!

There’s lots of dope news from the offices of Psychopathic Records in the latest edition of the Hatchet Herald.  I think the one piece that’s by FAR the biggest in there is the reveal of the new DARK LOTUS album title!  In case you missed it, it will be called:

The Mud, Water, Air, and Blood

To see what was said about the album, its release date, and everything else Lotus related, check this out from the Hatchet Herald:

The Title of the New Dark Lotus Album Is NOW REVEALED!

If you still need another reason to attend this year’sGathering of the Juggalos, here’s one: The brand new album from Dark Lotus—the first one since 2008’s “The Opaque Brotherhood”—will be available FIRST to those elite Don Mega Juggalos who attend this year’s Gathering. The album will be available the Tuesday after the Gathering (July 29) but if you come to the Gathering…you get it FIRST!

Aaaaaand I’ll bet you’re all wondering what this mysterious new album will be titled? Well, here it is.

The title of the new Dark Lotus album is … “The Mud, Water, Air, and Blood.”

More about this cryptic new release—which is being kept under VERY heavy security, even to Psychopathic employees—will be revealed a few weeks prior to the Gathering. But for now, the speculation can end – we have a NAME for the new phase of Dark Lotus. Stay tuned for more info and flavor in the near future!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. 40 Swillin Juggalo

    40 Swillin Juggalo

    Comment posted on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 01:07 am GMT -5 at 1:07 am

    Dope as Fuck !… Can’t Wait

  2. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 01:54 am GMT -5 at 1:54 am

    Can’t wait. Different title though. Nice

  3. antifire2k12


    Comment posted on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 07:23 am GMT -5 at 7:23 am


  4. Mr.Bitches


    Comment posted on Sunday, June 8th, 2014 09:41 am GMT -5 at 9:41 am

    Title’s kinda stale..might as well just called the album “Grass Clippings” or “Photosynthesis”..Hope they bring the fire tho on it

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