May 9, 2024
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Juggalos in the news [Tim Tebow, Sex Offender, more]

Today we got sent a few different news articles about Juggalos and/or Juggalettes!  The first one I’m gonna tell you about is a story naming celebrities who were reprimanded on golf courses due to what they were wearing.  It centers around Michael Jordan who was recently asked to leave a course when wearing cargo shorts to play. One name that popped out that surprised the shit out of me was Tim Tebow.  Take a look at the description of his clothing which ultimately got him kicked out:

Tim Tebow (21.7): The New York Jets backup quarterback was kicked off of TPC Sawgrass for wearing an Insane Clown Posse tank top.

So wait…is Tim Tebow a Juggalo then?  Holy shitballs…that’d be crazy!  I’d love to hear someone ask him about that if it WAS in fact an ICP shirt!  You can read that full article right here.

The 2nd article is far more serious than the first.  A 5 year old kid named Gary Carpenter was killed this month, and a large group of friends and family of the boy attended the funeral to mourn the loss at a local church in Hudson Falls, NY.  Many of those who attended, including his father, were Juggalos who decided to paint up.  It’s actually a pretty touching article, and you can read it for yourselves right here.

Finally, a 23 year old man is being sought out due to failing to register as a sex offender.  Read the description of him, and you’ll know why we decided to report on this. lol




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. byron166long


    Comment posted on Friday, November 30th, 2012 01:57 pm GMT -5 at 1:57 pm

    Where’s all the stories of juggalos doing good???

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