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ICP + Ice Cube + Scarface on “The Mighty Death Pop” bonus disc!

It’s FINALLY happening!  Ice Cube has now played 2 Gatherings, and schooled them both!  Now he has agreed to appear on a track called “Chris Benoit” (remix) that will be on the bonus disc coming with the White Pop album.  If something this fresh is coming on a BONUS DISC that comes with The Mighty Death Pop, then what can we expect from the album itself?  One thing NOT to sidestep is the fact that SCARFACE is on the same fuckin’ track!  Here’s what was said in the article from DetroitNews.com:

Insane Clown Posse has recorded a track with one of its heroes: Ice Cube . The legendary rapper contributes a verse to the remix of ” Chris Benoit ,” a song on ICP’s next album “The Mighty Death Pop,” which is due Aug. 14. ICP’s Violent J says the group has been trying to get Cube on a song for more than a decade, since its 1999 album “The Amazing Jeckel Brothers.” Cube, who shares billing on the track along with Houston rapper Scarface , has played ICP’s Gathering of the Juggalos twice, but the collaboration marks the first time Cube has done a song with ICP. The “Chris Benoit” remix — the song is titled after the former professional wrestler who killed himself after murdering his wife and child in 2007 — is due on ” Mike E. Clark ‘s Extra Pop Emporium,” a bonus CD packaged with the “White Pop” version of “The Mighty Death Pop,” one of three versions of the album. Other guests due on the “White Pop” set include the Geto Boys , Three 6 Mafia and Kreayshawn .

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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Ypsi Foolish

    Ypsi Foolish

    Comment posted on Friday, May 18th, 2012 09:01 am GMT -5 at 9:01 am

    man fuck all this “bonus disk” bullshit. they shouldve put ice cube on the actual album

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