June 16, 2024
22 Guests and Online

FREE ABK VIP Package for New Mexico Juggalos at May 25th show!

Are you New Mexico Juggalos ready for this monster hookup?  Well listen up, because this is important!  Tickets for the May 25th ABK Warrior Party in Gallup, NM are available for only $15.00 at ABKVIP.com!  Guess what you get for that measly 15 bucks?  An Entire VIP Package!  Here’s what it includes:

  1. One General Admission Ticket
  2. Meet and Greet with ABK
  3. ABK Sticker
  4. Warrior Sticker
  5. VIP Laminate
  6. ABK 8×10 Flat
  7. Warrior Tattoo
This is all taking place at:
The Juggernaut
412 9th St.
Gallup, NM 87301
Get your tickets by clicking right here!  Don’t sleep on this deal!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. wonka69


    Comment posted on Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 05:50 pm GMT -5 at 5:50 pm

    free v.i.p.? that’s the shit! good 4 A.B.K.! show sum luv 4 da fam.!

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