June 16, 2024
17 Guests and Online

ICP talks to MTV.ca about The Mighty Death Pop!

Here’s some flavor!  There’s a new article on MTV.ca (MTV Canada) that includes a 3 minute interview with Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope! They talk about The Mighty Death Pop, how every bit of media exposure they get has NOTHING to do with their music, and J lets the interviewer know that if people have always hated ICP, then this new album will do nothing to change that.  Here’s a quote from the article:

“We’re coming full-circle on this record, we did the Wicked Shit for years, that’s what we call our brand of music, Wicked Shit – pardon my French. We’re getting back to that wicked, it’s just insane, wicked. That’s it.” Violent J adds: “We know exactly who we are, we know exactly how we want to sound, we know exactly what we want to deliver, and this is us as polished prodfessionals, seasoned vets! We deliver fat doses of that, without the bullshit.”

To view the full article and the video, click right here!



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