May 3, 2024
63 Guests and Online

Media Coverage For ICP’s Custom Clown Clips

So as most of you already know, ICP recently dropped their Cameo dedicated website Since its announcement there have been multiple news articles written about the site. Forbes actually had the opportunity to interview ICP it and here is what they had to say…

This stuff makes sense for us, stuff like Custom Clown Clips, because I mean we do a lot of stuff that isn’t necessarily for Juggalos. A lot of it is for people that know of ICP and want us to say something funny or want us to threaten somebody or say were going to kick somebody’s ass on their birthday. These people aren’t necessarily Juggalos, but I get it, I get what they’re doing.

Make sure you go check out the full interview below and while you’re at peep through the other fresh articles.


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