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Insane Clown Posse Showers Sa’fyre with Gifts

By now I’m sure you have heard the story of Sa’fyre Terry, if you have not CLICK HERE.

Needless to say this story has gone viral worldwide, with everyone from Hulk Hogan, Blink 182, and even Insane Clown Posse sharing this story. Which I am so glad it has, because this little girl is one of the sweetest children I’ve ever met.

When Violent J first heard about this on tour, he quickly jumped into action and started gathering items to send to her personally. He sent Sa’fyre a card, toys, Visa gift cards, 2 ICP blankets, toys, and an autographed ICP flat.

TMZ picked up on the story and posted the following article:

Insane Clown Posse has joined the chorus to bring a smile to the little girl who was horribly burned in an arson fire, and turns out the group has a familial connection.

ICP is asking Juggalos to send Christmas cards to Safyre Terry — the 8-year-old who lost her family in the fire. Turns out Safyre’s dad — who died in the blaze — was part of the Juggalo community.

Violent J tells us he saw a pic of Safyre and her dad, David, and noticed he had a tattoo of the group’s album cover on his forearm.

J was moved and sent Safyre an autographed ICP photo, two fuzzy ICP blankets, a bunch of toys and an XMAS card filled with money.

ICP is asking all Juggalos to send Safyre some Juggalo holiday love.

From Insaneclownposse.com

You’ve probably already seen this news story about the little girl who survived an apartment fire in New York. But did you know that her daddy–who laid down his life protecting her from the flames–was a Juggalo?? All Princess Safyre wants for Christmas after her unspeakable loss is Christmas cards. We’ll definitely be sending her a Christmas cards, some extra flavor and encourage the rest of our Juggalo brothers and sister to send Safyre some Juggalos holiday love via Christmas cards, so she knows that no matter what, she has a family all over the world who will be there for her should she ever need us. We love you, Safyre!

When Violent J heard about Safyre’s story while on the RassleRap Charity Festival Tour, he was deeply moved sent Safyre not only a card, but toys, Visa gift cards, 2 ICP blankets, toys, and an autographed ICP flat (since Shaggy couldn’t sign the card due to not being on the tour from having back surgery). TMZ heard about the story about did a dope story about it: http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/13/insane-clown-posse-burn-victim/

Here’s a pic of Violent J getting ready to send Safyre her card as well as images of the card itself

 If you would like to send Sa’fyre Terry a card or anything else you can do so by mailing it to:

Princess Safyre
P.O. Box 6126
Schenectady NY 12306



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. the-juggla


    Comment posted on Monday, December 14th, 2015 01:50 am GMT -5 at 1:50 am

    i love icp so much

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