April 27, 2024
39 Guests and Online

Insane Clown Posse and Juggalos an official answer on Jeopardy! [With Video!]

Well Juggalos…we’ve officially made it!  The Insane Clown Posse was an official answer to a question on Jeopardy! on yesterday’s episode!

The category was called “Only Fans”, and talked about rabid fan bases.

Having Mayim Bialik talk about “The Juggla” and Juggalos/Juggalettes is definitely out there, but the fact that the contestant knew the answer was fresh as fuck too!

I found the clip on the official Jeopardy Youtube page, so there’s no chance of it getting pulled down.  Check it out here:

Props to Jeopardy for showing Juggalos and ICP some love!


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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Thursday, June 29th, 2023 02:47 am GMT -5 at 2:47 am

    That’s dope af. AND it was the $1k question too.

    It rains diamonds nightly.

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