Whoop! Whoop! The awaited Source Point Press debut Blaze Ya Dead Homie comic is now available for pre-order over at the official MNEStore. Fans can scoop up the retail cover variant autographed by Blaze Ya Dead Homie in two weeks on Wednesday, June 21st at your own local comics shops. Or you can grab the MNEStore exclusive cover variant drawn by Jamie Madrox. That are displayed in standard, virgin, chromium, and metal covers!

But that’s not all! In addition to those options, Majik Ninja entertainment are now holding live auctions that will be ending on Monday, June 12th right at noon est. Each includes original pencil artwork drawn by comic book artist Austin McKinley, a retail cover variant, a Cherry Capital Comic Con cover variant, and a certificate of authenticity! You can bid now through https://mnestore.com/

Faygoluvers Comments
Mr. Popo
Comment posted on Thursday, June 8th, 2023 09:18 am GMT -6 at 9:18 am
Shame Chaos! Comics died.
Comment posted on Thursday, June 8th, 2023 05:37 pm GMT -6 at 5:37 pm
I guess it’s maybe a weird hang up for me but does anyone else feel this way?
Magik Ninja does cool ideas like this from time to time but no part of me thinks this feels original. The “Blaze” gimmick was most popular and successful at Psychopathic and this always feels like someone selling a stolen product. Like if Psychopathic were dicks and copyrighted everything, MNE would have to be come up with new gimmicks and names for Twiztid, Blaze, AMB, Boondox… But they don’t. Because creating things is really hard and if they really had the pride in themselves to make something new and better, they’d have scrapped all the names and gimmicks and said “we can do this better”. The easy option is to coast off of existing novelty and exposure which is why, to me, all the MNE stuff feels hollow. It’s WCW or TNA to WWE in a sense.
Im not hating, it’s just a choice they made to take existing, established, characters and acts and change them in no way. The risk is alienating people like me, who appreciate creativity.
But who am I? lol
Comment posted on Friday, June 9th, 2023 09:36 am GMT -6 at 9:36 am
I see what you’re saying and I would agree if it was all psychopathics work in creating these gimmicks but we don’t know how much of a collaborative effort it was. It could have been a huge brainstorming session where they spent days coming up with the right thing, with multiple individuals involved, then the artist works for years putting out projects under that name. At that point, it kind of becomes theirs. You literally cannot own an idea. Copyright law does not cover concepts or ideas in any sense so the artist IS the gimmick and in these instances, blaze put in way more work to the whole blaze thing than whoever came up with the original idea so I say let him have it.
In my opinion the blaze gimmick has always been a bit too “Pantomime” for my liking and I choose to ignore the gimmick and enjoy the rest of what he offers. I will not, however, be buying any comics coz I dont get down like that. Not my thing.
Comment posted on Friday, June 9th, 2023 09:55 am GMT -6 at 9:55 am
Saying this is like saying Violent J owns Shaggy 2 Dope and the concept of Shaggy 2 Dope because he came up with the whole clown thing, the dark carnival and joker cards concepts and wrote most of the lyrics.
Comment posted on Saturday, June 10th, 2023 12:08 am GMT -6 at 12:08 am
This is a fair critique of what I said but it’s also sort of ignoring the part I have a problem with. I guess in a sense it’s better to use a different analogy.
If Dodge bought Ford and they started marketing the F-150 as their creation, or at least didn’t acknowledge its prior popularity that they had nothing or little to do with, it would feel weird to see the “Best selling truck of all time” phrase being used by a company that had nothing to with with that.
I understand it’s factual and its like “Well now we have that truck” but it would be totaly valid for “Ford guys” to not want to now buy a Dodge F-150 if that makes sense.
That’s more how I feel – Twiztid in my mind left and stole everything that ICP had a huge hand in creating. And if that’s not the story – It’s odd that Twiztid have never “set the story straight” but it’s more likely because ICPs version is true and they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I think a lot of juggalos are like me – It’s hard to be interested in anything Twiztid does because of that feeling.
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