July 27, 2024
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THEY LIVE, B. Jones, & 100 Proof Added to The Nomadz “Wasteland Tour”! THEY LIVE LP Drops Feb 18th!

Here’s some more freshness from the Wicked Underground via Force 5 Records! They Live, B. Jones, and 100 Proof are now officially direct opening support for The Nomadz (Chucky Chuck, The DRP, & Insane Poetry) “The Wasteland Tour” Winter 2023 tour on select dates. officially kicks off on Friday, February 17th in Watertown, Wisconsin at the Plattdeutscher Hall. And looks to be fully concluding in Santa Ana, California at the FTG venue on Saturday, March 4th, 2023! Hit up your own local venues for ticket information. Peep the updated “The Wasteland Tour” flyer below!

But that’s not all. THEY LIVE (featuring Jaysin Logik, King Relik, and Prolifik) will be dropping their self-titled debut LP through Force 5 Records on Saturday, February 18th. With a release party happening in at Club 300 on February 18th in Watertown, Wisconsin. Preorder bundles for the debut THEY LIVE LP are now live here: https://www.force5records.com/shop




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