July 27, 2024
17 Guests and Online

Happy Friday everyone!  Today’s 120 Seconds segment is a review of the album “Banished” by Exile Twin.

Check out the video and the link to hear the album for yourself, comment and let me know if you think I’m right or wrong in my review.

Generally speaking, I do these in 1 or 2 takes because I want it to be genuine and not an edited/scripted video.  So, I made a mistake that I’d like to apologize to Exile Twin for, in stating the album name as “Playing God” in the video.  I had the track list in front of me, and read the first track, instead of the title of the album, which is “Banished.”





Video Details

  • Views:
  • 107
  • Runtime:
  • Minutes Seconds
Submitter: N/A

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