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The Violent J Interview: Heart Failure, Slowing Down ICP's Touring, Going to Rehab & More

From Adam 22: “ICP’s Violent J is back on the program to give an update on the future of the group, slowing down the tours, taking care of their health, challenges Eminem to a Verzuz and more!”

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  • Runtime:
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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. PutOutYourLight


    Comment posted on Monday, November 1st, 2021 07:12 pm GMT -5 at 7:12 pm

    Love Adams interviews. Another good one.

  2. NephiLo


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 01:53 am GMT -5 at 1:53 am

    This is a breath of fresh air, but a bit of anxiety because I now even more am anticipating something happening to VJ. Anyone else noticed his hands were shaking like old man, or nerves? I am glad that he is doing better though.

  3. dribblybob


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 04:12 am GMT -5 at 4:12 am

    This vid took place awhile ago (you can tell by the promotions and he hadn’t had his scrub life tatt yet) he might have been in early stages still of rehab?
    So happy to see him say he’s happy and on point again either way. Hallowicked set was pretty on point. J may have even cried about the Violent J chant at Hallowicked afterwards…. I know I felt the love and I was just watchin Replicon live

  4. NephiLo


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 03:47 pm GMT -5 at 3:47 pm

    Pretty sure the band he mentioned from Europe that has the black and white guy is Dope D.O.D.

  5. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 08:23 pm GMT -5 at 8:23 pm

    Same. And dope dod are fire

  6. Mr. Fucker

    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 08:23 pm GMT -5 at 8:23 pm

    I’m not a big no jumper fan, but I’ll occasional fuck w him if he’s got somebody I like on. This was a dope interview tho. I wish shaggy was on it too. Also his hand shaking, I noticed that too. Personally I think it was just him being kinda nervous, in combination w his other shit going on. Also he mentioned the heart problem again. I’m pretty sure it’s real still. Hope this kinda clearifies this to those who were claiming it’s just a cover up for his oxy rehab. He’s looking healthier than he has been lately, glad to see he’s getting better.

  7. kukluxklown


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 09:36 pm GMT -5 at 9:36 pm

    Look VJ you are an amazing icon but fuck you are a communist fool!! You proudly voted for pedophile panty sniffer Joe Biden and you rap about underage women. Yet you call Trump supporters racist! That is so fucking stupid. And ofcourse you are from a leftist run hell-hole slum city of Detroit! The murder capital?? Hmmm maybe its the wicked leftist that are the real racists! We know for a fact thats the truth and its more obvious than ever. Oh and btw , we know you took the poison shot, which is well known to cause blood clots and heart failure! Why dont you wake the fuck up and speak truth. Quit defending and promoting the communist left that has betrayed everyone

  8. dribblybob


    Comment posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 03:24 am GMT -5 at 3:24 am

    Pedophilist. That’s not cool.
    Get woke

  9. jrw

    Comment posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 06:18 am GMT -5 at 6:18 am

    Sounds like you’ve drank the political kool-aid. Your the sheep for believing the Republican scare tactics. Its sad that we can’t do anything with out you fools bring politics into everything. By the way both sides are fucked the Republicans are for the rich people and cater to corporations and the democrats think they can buy there votes from the poor. Think for your dam self stop repeating these
    political scripts. Poison shot? How stupid of you you think the people in power would want to kill there basically slave population? Wake up dumb ass. You’ve been gotten but the system. They want the us population to fight against each other. Its easier to take over a population id there fighting amongst themselves. You are a fool.

  10. mikeysinder

    Comment posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 10:15 am GMT -5 at 10:15 am

    Jesus christ some of you people, yes I wonder why the guy whose talking about how hes in REHAB has shaking hands?? Hmmm I just cant quite figure it out…smh someone oughta slap u people. He talks specifically about why hes in rehab and then you cant connect the dots and figure out why his hands might be shaking? Lmfao

  11. Noawareness


    Comment posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 11:58 am GMT -5 at 11:58 am

    Fixed this for you:

    “Hello, fellow human beings. Allow me to respectfully add my opinions to this conversation because I understand that not every single disagreement or discussion has to be violent or irate. I beleive that J’s hands may have been shaking because this interview was recorded during the earlier days of his stay in the rehab facility and he was possibly still going through some kind of withdrawal. I don’t think there is anything else to it than that. Have a great day everyone.”

  12. NephiLo


    Comment posted on Friday, November 5th, 2021 06:17 am GMT -5 at 6:17 am

    Obviously. I simply pointed out what was clearly something we havent seen before and opened a door for discussion about it.

  13. NephiLo


    Comment posted on Friday, November 5th, 2021 06:18 am GMT -5 at 6:18 am

    Obviously. I simply pointed out what was clearly something we havent seen before and opened a door for discussion about it.

  14. NephiLo


    Comment posted on Friday, November 5th, 2021 06:19 am GMT -5 at 6:19 am

    Obviously. I simply pointed out what was clearly something we havent seen before and opened a door for discussion about it.

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