July 26, 2024
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GWAR Releasing New Deck Building Game “GWAR vs. Time!”

I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t play board games. I’m not into roll playing games or deck building games. I used to play Monopoly on my SNES but that’s because the computer was really easy to beat, even on difficult. I’m probably the last ninja that should be writing this post but a shit-ton of Juggalos love roll-playing games and card games so here we go. Big breath.

GWAR is going to be releasing their own deck building game called “GWAR vs. Time!” It features the band’s characters, items and locations as well as their enemies taken from songs done throughout their decade long career. It’s for 3-5 players and you definitely do not need to be a GWAR fan to play and have fun. It’s even sorta kinda family friendly as long as your entire family are GWAR fans!

The game was created by Matthew Grau who was a protege of Dave Arneson. That’s the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, y’all! Matthew has worked on several different licenses, including Dungeons & Dragons, Frank Herbert’s Dune, Star Trek, and Star Wars. So holy shit!

All the art is done by the members of the band and includes new pieces.

GWAR vs. Time is 100% complete but as of right now they need backing to manufacture and distribute. So they’ve done what anyone that needs their supporters financial help does and started a KickStarter campaign! Check that out right now at KickStarter.com by CLICKING HERE.

Different pledges get you different rewards including copies of the game, signed copies of the game, guitar picks used by the band, backstage passes, and more items involved with the game itself. They explain the set up and rules of the game and I was going to give a quick run-down but I think that’s pretty much impossible after reading half of it. So hit up the link and check that out, Bohabs!



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Carnivalkilla44


    Comment posted on Tuesday, July 30th, 2019 08:01 am GMT -5 at 8:01 am


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