July 27, 2024
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Bid On Pakelika’s Weed Championship Belt and Help Benefit Asthma Treatment

I’m just finding out about this now but over on Pakelika‘s personal Facebook page an auction has been going down with all proceeds going to the Pakelika Memorial Fund for the OSU Asthma Center! Pakelika’s Mom started the fund after his death to honor his memory, which is an amazing thing to do. The items being auctioned off are personal memorabilia that he kept as part of The Kottonmouth Kings.

This item being auctioned off is one his two Weed Championship Belts! The top bid as I type this now is $700. Oh snap. Bidding ends on July 16th (I know, not a lot of notice) and all bids must be in $50 increments. Keep in mind where this money is going, ninjas.

Here is a brief message from Pakelika’s Mom, Julie:

Pakelika loved his fans! He enjoyed meeting you, performing for you, rallying you and being a symbol for marijuana legalization. He saved everything he wore on stage and memorabilia from the band. After his death, I established the Patrick W. Cochrun (Pakelika) Memorial Fund for Asthma Research at The Ohio State University, one of the leading research facilities in the United States. If there is a way to stop severe attacks, prevent another death or even cure asthma, I wanted to honor his memory with this fund. Please participate in the auction in his memory. He was happiest on stage and loved you all!

Hit up his official Facebook page, find that post and comment your bid, or DM them and do the same.

Check out the post below.

The Weed Championship Belt is actually the second item up for auction. We missed the first one but for those interested it was his Kottonmouth Kings “Band of the Year” award from the High Times Doobie Awards! Check that out below.

It looks like the winning bidder on this one took it home for $1150. Worth it.

Hit up Pak’s Facebook page and place your bids, ninjas!

Find out more about the Ohio State Asthma Center by CLICKING HERE.

RIP homie.



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Jake Jeckel

    Jake Jeckel

    Comment posted on Monday, July 15th, 2019 02:22 am GMT -5 at 2:22 am

    I’m betting on this.

  2. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Monday, July 15th, 2019 12:09 pm GMT -5 at 12:09 pm

    Stupid shit!!!

  3. FuckmeFuck


    Comment posted on Monday, July 15th, 2019 10:27 pm GMT -5 at 10:27 pm

    R.I.P. Pakelika I love you bro and I respect the fuck outta your Mom for doing this!!! I just wish I could afford to make a bid/pledge. I’m sorry homie. R.I.P.
    Don’t listen to these weak ass bitch ass haters like Btkstrangler. He’s just a bitch.

  4. HahahaWooo


    Comment posted on Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 08:46 am GMT -5 at 8:46 am

    kMk was so dope live back in the day. From Pak, to Lou Dog to Bobby B. Weed plants all over the place. Pakelika definitely brought it to another level. RIP brother!

  5. BtkStrangler


    Comment posted on Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 09:15 am GMT -5 at 9:15 am

    Lmao, such a bitch!! Lmao!! I’m a bitch for thinking something is stupid. U must be one of those new age juffalos!! Judging and talking shit on OG juggalos! Buddy make something out of ur pathetic life!! Be somebody!!! Not a fucking puppet!!! So strong behind a keyboard!!!!

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