April 30, 2024
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Help Out Faygoluvers Ninja Chad Carsten After His House Was Robbed

It’s been a great year so far, ninjas. It would be much greater if all this stale news would stop trickling in.
Unfortunately Faygoluver’s resident interviewer Chad Carten’s house in Laurel, Montana got robbed while he was in Michigan on his Faygoluvers grind. These assholes stole everything from Chad. I’m talkin’ even childhood shit like pictures and old Christmas cards that don’t mean shit to anybody but Chad! That’s messed up right?

Although a lot of stuff got jacked, Chad really just wants his HP Pavilion laptop and external hard drive back. Since he knows that’s probably not happening this is where you can help. Hit up his GoFundMe link by CLICKING HERE.
After enough donations Chad should have another dope laptop and be able to continue on with his journalism career as normal.

Help a family member out, homies.




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. randy gall

    randy gall

    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 06:21 pm GMT -5 at 6:21 pm

    hey man I got robbed so give me some money before this guy becuase mine was way more worser

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