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Chris Webby

Chris Webby - "Webster's Laboratory 2" Preview Tour

Upstate Concert Hall in Clifton Park, New York

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On April 27th, Chris Webby returned to Upstate Concert Hall in Clifton Park, New York as a part of his “Webster’s Laboratory 2″ Preview tour.

When I first heard about the show, we reached out to Chris Webby’s management to see about acquiring a press pass for the show. They told us to contact them closer to the show date and they would have no problem giving me a pass. Fast forward a couple weeks. I reached out to Webby‘s management via email and Twitter to see if I was still going to be able to get the pass. Ryan (Webby’s manager) contacted me and said,”I had a pass waiting for me.”

Before I go on too much further I just want to state that even if I was not able to get a press pass, I was still going to this show. With me it’s half and half with shows that I attend with or without a press pass. As much as I love photography and am very thankful about being able to shoot photos at shows, I also enjoy just going to watch them.

With that said let’s move onto the show. The day before the show I reached out to the venue to see if a local smoke shop still had tickets, or if I should just purchase them at the door. I was trying to avoid paying the outrageous fees that you get charged online. Either way they replied back that I won a set of tickets which was awesome and unexpected.

My wife and I got to the venue around 45 minutes or so early, so we chilled in our car for a little bit until the doors were set to open. The doors opened around 7 pm. After getting patted down and searched we proceeded into the venue. At this point I ran into my first problem of the night.

I was on Chris Webby‘s list so they had no problem with me coming in, but not with my camera. For whatever reason the venue did not have my press pass. I talked to the main promoter of the show and he was telling me there was nothing he could do since Chris and his crew were not at the venue. At this point I reached out to Ryan, and needless to say, he was not happy. He told me the venue knew I was to get a press pass and they also knew the they went back to the hotel to relax before the show. I felt bad about bothering them at their hotel. Sorry Ryan and Chris. Moving forward…after a few conversations I was given my pass and the evening continued.

The show started around 8 pm. The first three performances were by the following artists: Entreband, Swaggertown Records, and Three Kings Entertainment. Before this show I had not heard of any of them.


Entreband, who are a three man group, was first to take the stage. They seemed a little nervous to start off…but after a couple songs they started getting comfortable. They tried to get the crowd involved as much as they could. The set was decent, but seemed a little quick.


Swaggertown Records took the stage next. The set featured multiple artists performing from the label. As someone who had never heard of or been to a Swaggertown Records show…it was hard for me to tell if they were all solo artists or a group. They were talented and the crowd seemed to enjoy their performance.

Next up was Three Kings Entertainment, who I will give credit to.  They did a great job of not shoving all of their artists up on stage at once. They gave each of their groups/solo artists a certain amount of time to perform. So, their overall performance was enjoyable.

There was a short (20 minute or so) intermission between the local openers and tour openers. After the intermission was over, it was time for the tour openers M.A.R, Danny Evans, and Anoyd to perform.


First up was M.A.R, who stormed the stage and instantly started rocking the the place. You could tell by the way he was performing all over the stage and on top of the speakers that he knew how to get the crowd into his set. He did a great job overall and his performance made me want to look into his music more.

After M.A.R was done, it was time for Danny Evans to take the stage.

As I was getting ready to head to the photo pit, I was stopped by a security guard telling me I could not go to the photo area. I was thinking what the fuck are you talking about?, I had already been up there for every performance since the beginning. But as I have learned, being respectful always works better.  So I explained to the guy that I had a pass via Chris Webby and that I had been shooting the whole show up to this point. Another security member who happened to be working the photo area came over and this situation was quickly fixed.


I proceeded to start capturing photos while taking in the performance of another “new to me” artist: Danny Evans. The crowd really seemed to be into his performance. I enjoyed his set, and overall Danny did a good job. My wife ended up picking up a mixtape he made available at the show, so I plan to give it a listen soon!


Next up to take the stage was was Anoyd. After the trouble I had getting to the photo pit with Danny, I decided to hang out in the back and watch his performance. I regret this decision for multiple reasons. First reason is Anoyd put on a very energetic and great performance. Song after song his energy was rising. It would have been great to be up front for some of his set. You could see he was putting on the best show he possibly could, which was dope. I really look forward to checking him out more.

Now comes the stalest part of the whole night.

It was just about time for Chris Webby to hit the stage, so, I started to head up front and another security guard STOPPED ME and told me I could not go to the photo area. I was pissed! I mean come the fuck on…at this point everyone had to see me at least once snapping photos up front during the show. Looking back, I wonder if my choice of not going up there for Anoyd played any part in them stopping me.

I hit up Ryan (Webby’s Manager) via Twitter, which honestly I never thought he would see, since he was busy handling the show. But, luckily for me he quickly replied and came over and told the security I was with them and allowed to go to the pit. Once again being respectful and calm paid off!

As I was walking to the pit area I chatted with the member of Webby‘s crew… he apologized, which was cool, but unneeded for the hassle with the security. I told him it was cool and no big deal as I understood what happened.

Enough of the staleness and drama…I went to the pit and started capturing Chris‘ performance from about the second song on. Which is right after he took off his signature mask. I’m kind of bummed about not being able to capture images of him in his mask.


This was my second time seeing him live in concert. The last time he was an opener on Tech N9ne‘s “Special Effects” tour in 2015. Chris really knows how to not only put on a great show, but how to get the crowd involved. He had the crowd eating out of his hands…song after song the crowd was singing along.

During his performance, while I was still taking photos, a cool thing happened…he reached out to me from the stage for a Fist Bump, which was pretty cool. After all, I’m still a fan. I just happen to be able to shoot photos at some shows. The overall performance was dope and no matter how lame the earlier drama was, it was quickly forgotten!

As my time in the pit was finishing up…I was headed out to join the crowd and finish enjoying the rest of the night. I was stopped by the same member of Webby‘s crew that I talked to before I started snapping photos. He informed my that if i wanted to I could get up on stage with Webby and snap more photos. I was stunned!  With the few shows that I have had a press pass for…no one has ever allowed me to get up on stage. So, I quickly asked, “Are you sure?” He responded with a even quicker YES. As he put it, I could do whatever I wanted.

I decided to head up and stand off to the side of the stage and capture some shots and shoot a quick video. After two songs or so I decided I wanted to go and watch the rest of the show and enjoy the music. Chris performed a wide variety of songs from his multiple projects including his upcoming album/mixtape “Webster’s Laboratory 2.” Hearing the new songs from “Webster’s Laboratory 2” has made me even more hype for the release.

The show was winding down and Webby thanked us for coming out and he left the stage. Some of the crowd started to leave..but as normal I always wait a little bit before I head out to avoid the crowds at the doors. I noticed his DJ was still on stage, so I had a feeling the show was not over just yet. The remaining members of the audience started chanting ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE! His DJ started chanting too.

After a minute or two, the back door flew open and Chris hit the stage again to perform a couple more songs to the delight of everyone in the crowd. After those songs, the show came to an end. I’m already looking forward to the next time Webby invades Upstate Concert Hall. You should go check him out, if you get the chance.

I went to look for Ryan so I could personally thank him, but I could not find him. So, since it had worked before, I hit him up via Twitter to thank him and Chris for allowing me to shoot the photos.

I want to first thank my wife, Linzie for always being there for me and encouraging me. Without her I would be lost. A thank you goes out to our friend Heather for always being down to watch our kids, so we can attend select show. I want to say thanks to Scottie D because without him allowing me to be part of the Faygoluvers team, I doubt I would get these chances and for editing all of my reviews so they make sense and are readable.

Finally, I want to thank Chris Webby, Homegrown Music Group, Ryan, and the other member of your team (which I can not remember his name…sorry) for giving me the chance to cover the show and snap photos. A double thank you to Ryan for helping me deal with the drama surrounding the security and press pass and once again sorry for the added stress of having to deal with bullshit.


Be on the looking out for my full photo gallery and some videos coming in due time. Stay tuned for more details and information about the release of “Webster’s Laboratory 2.” Until next time…PEACE! and thank you for reading.


  • Upstate Concert Hall
  • New York
  • United States


  • M.A.R, Danny Evans, Anoyd, Entreband, Swaggertown Records, Three Kings Entertainment


  • "Webster's Laboratory 2" Preview Tour

Record Label:

  • Homegrown Music Group



Review Date:

  • 04/27/2016 - 04/27/2016


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