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Ask a Juggalo: What is a “joker’s card?”

It’s that time of the week again, Metro Times Detroit has released their latest “Ask a Juggalo” column. This week’s column question is being answered by Vinnie Monastiere.

In this column, Vinnie answers the questions: What is a “joker’s card?

If you would like to send a question in to be answered, you can do so by emailing [email protected].

From Metro Times Detroit:

Q: Can you tell non-Juggalos what a “joker’s card” is?

A: It’s what they promised us from the beginning: There will be six eras, six sets of “joker’s cards.”A joker’s card is another way of saying the major full-length albums by the Insane Clown Posse. The ICP guys have already delivered six of their first set of joker’s cards. That was Carnival of Carnage, The Ringmaster, Riddle Box, The Great Milenko, The Amazing Jeckel Brothers, and then two full-length albums representing one joker’s card: The Wraith: Shangri-La and The Wraith: Hell’s Pit. And that was six official full-length solid complete albums. And after those first six joker’s cards fell, it’s been explained that a vision — basically like a dream — came to Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, and they were able to take the vision and put it into lyrical format and create a full-length album explaining that era. All six cards fell and they decided to make a second set of joker’s cards. So far they have released two-and-a-half, and the second half of the third joker’s card is actually out this summer, and it’s called The Marvelous Missing Link Found. First came Bang! Pow! Boom! Then there was The Mighty Death Pop! The next one was half-and-half, like The Wraith: The first card, the darker, more wicked of the two, The Marvelous Missing Link Lost. Now comes The Marvelous Missing Link Found. It is going to be a way more upbeat, and a way more in-your-face fun second half of the third album. Then we have three more to look forward to and, hopefully, another one will be a Shangri-La, meaning heaven, and Hell’s Pit, meaning hell. With this concept, the first one will be the darker, the second one will be the lighter. Hopefully they’ll go for a third set of joker’s cards.



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. twiztid_ruiner


    Comment posted on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 07:14 am GMT -5 at 7:14 am

    a 3rd deck would be dope

  2. djscrubb


    Comment posted on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 12:04 pm GMT -5 at 12:04 pm

    I’m completely expecting 6 sets of 6 joker cars now.

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