September 20, 2024
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Ask a Juggalo: Faygo mixed drinks and Juggalo Day

It’s that time of the week again, Metro Times Detroit has released their latest “Ask a Juggalo” column. This week’s column question is being answered by Vinnie Monastiere.

In this column, Vinnie answers the questions: Can you recommend any particularly delicious mixed drinks to make with Faygo? and Is there a Juggalo holiday?

If you would like to send a question in to be answered, you can do so by emailing [email protected].

From Metro Times Detroit:

Q: Can you recommend any particularly delicious mixed drinks to make with Faygo?

A: Absofuckinglutely. Rock & Rye and Hennessey is absolutely delicious. Cotton Candy and plain Absolut Vodka — I know there are 50 fucking million flavors these days, but by all means the brand-new cotton candy and Absolut vodka is absolutely amazing. I care for Silver Patron and Moon Mist. That’s absolutely tasty if you will. And then my personal drink of choice would be traditional, straight-up Crown Royal and Faygo Cola. Those are definitely all wonderful, delicious beverages and alcoholic mixtures that are Vinnie the ICP kid-tested and Juggalo-approved. Delicious. Make it a little softer if you will. I mean with those concoctions, the main ingredients — that’s the focal point. Ultra delicious.

Q: Is there a Juggalo holiday?

A: Yes. The Juggalo holiday is “Juggalo Day.” It is Feb. 17. It started a few years back and it’s been really fucking awesome since they have decided to team it up with a concert, kind of like a weekend shindig. Juggalo Day is our annual holiday and that’s just our way of remembering our importance in the Juggalo community. It’s something we look forward to each and every year. It’s something that I wish would’ve started many years ago, but you look forward to the future and, hey, who knows what this next Juggalo day will offer?



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