April 28, 2024
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Now Booking: Blind Insanity’s “City To City” Tour

Pyro Promotions is currently booking Blind Insanity’s upcoming tour. The tour is entitled, “City To City.” This tour will also feature Killator and Sketch.

If you are a promoter, talent buyer or agent that is interested in booking this tour send an email to [email protected]





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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Sean Law

    Sean Law

    Comment posted on Saturday, December 27th, 2014 08:17 pm GMT -5 at 8:17 pm

    To the facebookers above, I also found no trace of music. His latest tweet says he is accepted in the hood! Lol. I asked him where to find his music at, and got no response. Submitted a track for a mix tape he was putting together but heard nothing since. He probaly jacked it and claimed it his. Smh. Dude looks baby soft. Lookin like Andy milinakos

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