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New Lette’s Respect column about a truly inspiring Miss Juggalette!

This morning I woke up to a link that was sent to me by Rachel Paul, of the DC Tarot, and FLH’s own “Lette’s Respect” section.  The link was to a new article about the 2014 Miss Juggalette winner: Queen Dominique.

Now, while there has NEVER been a “fluff piece” published by Rachel in her respective section, I think that every Juggalo or ‘lette that reads it will connect with Queen Dominique, and really identify with her struggles.  From being ousted from her school (as an honor roll student to boot) for being a Juggalette, to finding success in the unlikeliest of places, our reigning Miss Juggalette is truly an inspiration!

Read her story, complete with pictures from myself, our homies Hazin of TrueJuggaloFamily, and Nik of MonkeysOnCrack, by clicking the link below:

Levitation 101: Class Is In Session With Miss Juggalette 2014 @

I know that at the time I post this, THOUSANDS of you have already seen the article, and it’s actually already the most read article in the short history of Lette’s Respect!  So thank you for liking, sharing, and commenting on it!  Much love to you all!




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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. Novocaine, The Blue Collar King


    Comment posted on Monday, October 27th, 2014 11:28 pm GMT -5 at 11:28 pm

    Congrats to Queen Dominique for winning the miss juggalette pagent without sticking bowling pins in her pooter. but honestly, provoking people by painting your face in permanent marker is just stupidity.

    you KNOW juggalos a treated like shit for some bullshit excuse, but don’t provoke it. whatever happened to uniforms in schools? there was none of that wear what you want shit when i was a kid.
    Hate to say it but provoking teacher/school just propagates the stereotype of juggalos.

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