October 23, 2024
34 Guests and Online

Corpse Collector

Corpse Collector - "All I Really Want" Corpse Collector - "Some 1 Like U"

What’s Up Fam? That’s right, I’m Johnny O and it’s that time once again for another edition of the Underground Spotlight. Of course before we get to that, I have to wish everyone a late HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! I hope you all got to drink something, smoke something, eat something, and spend time with family or whatever else you might enjoy. Basically, I just hope everyone out there had a great holiday. Anyway, back to the topic at hand I suppose.

This time around we get a chance to talk with Corpse Collector, who is probably best known as one half of The Dead Dirty Carnies. Fresh off the recent release of his “Rough Draft” EP, Corpse sits down to discuss The DDC, his solo endeavors, Dead N Dirty Productionz and The Gathering of the Juggalos. Well, I’m sure we’re already tired of my rambling… so here we go.


Johnny O: So, before we really get into things can you introduce yourself to everyone out here who may not have heard of Corpse Collector before?

Corpse: Well my name is Corpse, which is short for Corpse Collector. I have blue eyes. I enjoy long walks on the beach, watching the sunset, bubble baths, and I am an avid bird watcher. I believe that I am also the son of Ted Bundy. Before I settled on the name “Corpse Collector” I was known for several years as The Breastfed Killa, Cuntmouth, Kirk Killabitch, The Radioactive Tampon Eater, and the notorious Beef Pony. On the real though, I’ve been rapping since 2003, and I have been attempting to progress musically my entire life. My label dropped its first record in 2006, and since then I have accomplished pretty much every goal I had ever set for myself. I pride myself on attempting to be different from what every other artist is doing in every way possible. I see a lot of up and coming artists who try to play the celebrity role any chance they get. That ain’t me. Any person that is down enough to give us a chance, and who actually becomes one of our fans, they usually have ended up becoming a true friend of mine. There are still people who have tattooed me on them that I have never met, but thanks to the internet we have been friends for years. The music has brought me so many amazing memories, moments, and friends. That’s exactly why I don’t have an ego. It’s why I don’t desire fame or money. In reality I only do this because I love music. It’s become a therapy to me. I love playing shows and kicking it with the down ass people who come to them. The only dream on my list of goals that I haven’t accomplished is completing a nationwide tour, and that would be why I am still going.

JO: I know that you originally started as one half of The Dead Dirty Carnies, is the group still a priority or are you solely focused on the solo aspect at the moment?

Corpse: Well since it is where I started I will always put the group as a priority over myself. I am just not a selfish person at heart. Same goes for the side projects we have. The thing is that I can’t force the other members of any of those groups to do anything. If any of my partners hit me up, and want to proceed with a release from the groups, I will be all over that opportunity with the quickness. Until that time though, I have to do something musically. So for the time being the only thing I have going on is solo projects. I have several laid out, and I am working on quite a few things right now. I won’t call them “big things/thangs”, but I am definitely excited for the future.

JO: No one likes to be placed in a box, but if you had to describe your solo sound to perspective fans, how would you describe your sound?

Corpse: If you listen to any album prior to my first solo, “Self-Titled” LP, there’s a different sound there. Our older stuff was the wicked shit horror music stuff that you would expect to hear from us. I did the “Self-Titled” record in 2011, and that’s where I found this new “style” I guess. Really I can’t label it as any specific sound. What I did on “Self-Titled” was pour my heart and soul onto paper. I let people feel my pain, and somehow that played a part in curing my pain. That album had very few wicked tracks on it, and was mostly depressing, down stuff. I still love the wicked shit, and giving our deaditez a good horror story here and there, but I’ve mostly been sharing my life through the music. Good, bad, positive, negative, ups, downs, hopes, dreams, and all that kinda stuff. Really, I have just been trying to expand my dimensions as an artist. I didn’t want to be known for just doing one type of thing. Plus as I said above, since I started sharing my feelings (mostly pain) it has actually become a therapy for me. I had my heart crushed by my former fiancée out in California. The only thing that stopped me from overdosing myself on heroin was music, and the people who I would be letting down if I returned to the casket for good.


JO: You’ve had a couple solo releases now, most recently the “Rough Draft EP” dropped on May 13th of this year, so how has the response been?

Corpse: As with anything we do there is an army of deaditez who support us, and I was just happy to deliver this record to them. I started working on it originally in 2011. It was just supposed to be tracks that didn’t make it onto the “Self-Titled” record, but it ended up becoming something entirely different. Now that I think of it I don’t think any of the scrapped tracks from “Self-Titled” even made it onto this record. What made it big to me was that I finished it sometime in the early part of 2013, and it took so much time just to actually get it out. So after all the waiting it was just a good thing to finally get it released. I am a giver, and I put a lot of effort into trying to make sure it was front to back greatness. To have even 2 or 3 people tell me that they loved it front to back made it worth all the struggle. As sad as it may sound it also made it worth every ounce of pain that I suffered to be able to write those songs.

JO: Now, back in 2011 you recorded an EP entitled “Talkin’ Shit,” which was given away in various ways, but has never been officially available. Any plans to make an official release?

Corpse: Well the bad part is that even my label mates didn’t know about this record. I literally did it as soon as “Self-Titled” dropped. Again, at this point and time I discovered that putting my real emotions into the songs I was making was a therapy. So we had these other locals hating on us for years. Literally like 3 or 4 years, and I never acknowledged their existence. Just when I forgot these guys I get a random message, and I decided I was going to smash their lives. I only sent the album to them, and our true fans. In 2013 I gave it to everyone who entered this crazy contest I put on. The album will never be released on Dead N Dirty Produktionz, but in the face of expanding to my own solo ventures I can definitely say that when I make the transition I will include it along with my 2 main releases. I have even went as far as plotting a follow up to it as well. Much like pain I also accumulated a lot of rage/hatred during my stay in California, and there are things that still eat at me daily. So at some point I feel like the only way to get it out will be to unleash it onto a beat, and share it with anyone who is willing to listen. This will also probably be the album that ruins what little reputation I do have. Remember this word… Kamikaze… Someday you’ll know why I am saying it.

JO: Dead N Dirty Productionz is certainly a unique label, one reason being that every album has released for free. Can you tell us how this strategy has worked out for the label as well as yourself as an artist?

Corpse: It is really a hard thing to address actually. When people ask why we do it, that’s a simple question. First and foremost, we all grew up poor. Probably most people reading this did also. Nothing is more lame then dying to hear a record, and not being able to afford it. I grew up so far in the sticks it required an hour drive just to get explicit albums. So besides from the $18.00 CD price in the past, there was also getting a ride. We started giving our albums away free just so that people who were in our shoes didn’t have to deal with that pain. Not only that, but we were obviously too poor to afford a distribution deal. We have pressed hard copies of albums, but we probably lost money on that too. Just because we can’t tell a kid who truly wants a copy, “No”. As much of a blessing as it is to be able to provide our followers with everything for free, it has also been a curse that has caused us to not lose multiple management opportunities. I know that one of these companies has an act that is kind of blowing up right now. I even just played a show with him. They’re even based out of the state I am located in (Kentucky). They approached us at one of the shows we did last year. I gave them a call. They didn’t see eye to eye with my logic on the topic. They pretty much said that we would have to stop giving our records away for free so that they could make some money, and at this point that just isn’t an option anymore. I tried to make it clear that if people are going to pay for an album then even if it is free online they’ll buy the hard copy of it. The same goes for if someone is not going to pay for it. I have heard so many artists (some of which were just blaming their lameness on something) talking about different ways to try and make their product un-pirate-able. It just makes you look like a douche really. At the end of the day, sure it costs us from getting some greedy old guy having a mid life crisis from trying to use us to pay his bills, and that might cost us some awesome opportunities. But I won’t sacrifice my morals for that. If I had backed down off my stance, and became another artist who only wants to make money I won’t be any different from anyone else on this scene. So ya know. The same thing that made us is also the same thing that breaks us. Just like with the face paint. It is what it is.


JO: Another unique aspect of the label is that none of the artists have ever collaborated outside of the label, how would you say this has affected your music?

Corpse: Again, this is probably something that actually hurts us. I look at some people’s albums, and when you do an album that has 30 collabs on a 15 track deal what is the point? When the majority of your album is someone else I don’t see how you can even feel good about yourself. My stand has always been one of independence. We have always done all our own artwork, beats, mixing/mastering, webmaster, management, booking, and all the stuff that it takes. The thing is that we didn’t want to taint our name by jumping on a track with anyone that asks. It’s the fact that we stay something exclusive that makes it something dope when we do open our doors and work with other artists. To this day, outside of my label/friends I have only collaborated with The R.O.C., Myzery, Project Born, & I have a track with a current Psychopathic Records artist that hasn’t been released yet. The only reason I collaborated with any of the above were because they were fucking legends to me. These are people I grew up listening too. My friend out in Cali named Jackie, her Dad told me something, and that is exactly how I feel about collaborations. “Don’t hang with people that are already on your level. Hang with people who are better than you.” or something like that. At the end of the day there are a large group of people who might even be blowing up right now, but it’s mostly because they invested money into it. All these years in “the game” I’ve learned one thing. You can rap with anyone, play a show with anyone, and it’s all if you got money. I have some sort of personal pride at the fact that I can’t be bought. I couldn’t tell you one other person who can legitimately say that. They might say it on a record, but that’s about it. No doubt it probably hurts me as far as expanding the name, and stuff like that, but again. It is what it is.

JO: Having performed at the Gathering on several occasions, I have to ask how that experience was for you and would you be up for it again?

Corpse: Absolutely amazing. My first show ever was actually on the 2nd stage at the 2008 GOTJ. I remember the crew that’s backstage were kinda assholes to us. When they heard our stuff, and we returned, they were hella cool to us. I’ve had some other amazing moments there. I remember one of them being at the farewell for Club Chaos. We were actually supposed to open the show, but girls stripping were drawing a crowd. All the artists on the bill kept jumping in front of us just because they wanted a crowd. Then Violent J and Scott Hall showed up. So that just meant that the former headliners were jumping in front of us. We got to headline because of it so we weren’t hating at all. Right after Mike E. Clark actually came up to DJ, and they debuted “Juggalo Island”. All of that was just really fresh to me. Basically, it is just hands down the dopest place to perform at. On the regular we are limited to the areas we can get gigs at. So to be able to perform for a new crowd is always something dope.

JO: Would you consider yourself a Juggalo?

Corpse: Without a doubt. I got down when I was in 5th grade. I know that for my year 2000 millennium school pictures in 8th grade I was rocking one of the Jeckel Brothers T-Shirts. Considering I am from the sticks, and this was back in the mid/late 90’s I’m pretty proud that the Dark Carnival still was able to find me. I have spent the better part of my life representing the hatchet, and I am happy that I have. I won’t just blame it on my expected short life span, but I am fairly sure that I’ll be buried with my hatchet charm on. Despite the “Dead Dirty Carnies” name we never rocked hatchet gear in any of our photo shoots, or said Juggalo on our records, but that’s only because we know that shit is copyrighted, and we were trying to show some respect. As mentioned in the bio I sent to you, we even had regrets that our 15-16 year old selves decided on “Dead Dirty Carnies” as a name, but that we weren’t going to sell out our younger selves to change it because it made some people shit talk us. So even though I don’t represent in photos or by relentlessly mentioning it in music. I am still definitely very much so down.


JO: Even though you’ve just released your latest EP, is there anything on the horizon for Corpse Collector that you can let us in on?

Corpse: Well as I said above. I have hopes to release the “Talkin’ Shit” EP & a part 2 for it sometime. I don’t know if it will be this year. I literally have like 4 or 5 solo projects that I am dying to do. Right now my main focus is another EP. It’s called, “Final Copy” and I’ve lightly mentioned it while making “Rough Draft”. I don’t plan to make it big, but then again I didn’t plan on making either of my previous releases as big as they ended up being. My big future plan is an LP entitled, “5150” which will be my masterpiece. I got these other 3-4 projects I want to do as I build up to it so that I can make sure it’s the best I can do. Practice makes perfect. So I am looking to knock out as much stuff as I can. Besides from the stuff mentioned above I have 2 more EP’s, and a “Forgotten Freshness” lost tracks style thing called “Blood, Sweat, & Years” that I’ve got on my mind. I’ve already compiled 2 discs of this project. But, I want to accumulate a few more before I actually release it. So you know, “Final Copy” will be the next album I drop. It will be an EP. Hopefully it will be this year. I’ve almost got it entirely wrote. My biggest issue will be getting it mixed/mastered. After that album, it’s up in the air, but I do have something to follow it with for sure.

JO: Having performed with so many of the underground’s biggest names I have to ask, if you could reach out for collaboration with any artist, who would it be?

Corpse: I used to answer this question on radio interviews with “ODB”, or someone else who is dead. In all honesty though, there is a huge list of people that I would be down to work with. The top of that list would have to consist a tie between Esham & Mastamind or Bone Thugz N Harmony. Right under that first place tie would be 2Dirte. He was in the underground psycho’s contest. I’ve been a fan since I heard his entry into that. He hasn’t done anything in years. I almost landed the track once, but never got it. Which is how we ended up working with Str8Jaket, who shortly after joined our label. 3rd place would be another tie. Either Brotha Lynch or Hopsin.

JO: Who have been your inspirations throughout the years?

Corpse: Well I was exposed to Psychopathic Records pretty young as I said above. I strayed away into an Eminem phase for a year or so, and then I got into Slipknot back when IOWA was the latest thing they had out. I notice that anyone who is actually big named I either liked them when people hated them and they were on the come up, or when they fell off. After Slipknot I went back into Psychopathic when it was at it’s dopest, around the Shangri-La release. I haven’t changed my genre since. I’ve actually been pretty closed mind, and sheltered to music. Luckily around the time of Twiztid’s “The Green Book” album some of the collaborations on that allowed me to open up, and discover artists like Bone Thugz N Harmony, Tech N9ne, and further my music collection. So now I listen to all past/present Strange Music, and some of the artists they work with like Hopsin, Snow Tha Product, & Irv Da Phenom. I have had big phases where I spend months just bumping one certain person. Esham has taken that spot a lot, and the same goes for Mastamind & NaTaS. Strange Music had me for a good 3-4 year period. & Twiztid does the same. More recently I’ve found that I can enjoy other types of music, and some stuff that no one would expect. If it’s good music I can enjoy it. I’m sure my definition of good definitely varies from others. I can’t help but slap some Guns N Roses here and there. All in all I still have a select music library, but it’s far more versatile than it was 10 years ago.

JO: Currently, who are you listening to?

Corpse: I had been in a big Strange Music phase for the last several years. It had kind of overtaken my Psychopathic Records jamming for a good while. Probably ever since Tech released Sickology 101. Before that it was a pretty even mix, minus a few Bone Thugz & Esham phases. I remember Genius from Krizz Kaliko came out right around the same time as Sickology, and from then on they have just been dropping greatness like K.O.D. & the little EP’s like Seepage & The Lost Scripts. As of lately though I just truly gave Hopsin a good listen. Like, there’s so much stuff and so many artists pushing their stuff that taking the time to actually check out someone new doesn’t happen often. Most stuff I do listen to is just not for me. So the only Hopsin stuff I had previously heard was his verses on Am I A Psycho, and Stabbed from Brotha Lynch’s last Strange album. Which were both dope. Finally, with some of my limited free time, I gave him a chance. & I’ve pretty much been slapping his 3 albums for the last few months.

JO: I always like to end with a little thank you, so how about a few shout outs to end this thing?

Corpse: Well you know. In the life story above I never got a chance to mention that I have relied on faygoluvers.net since I first found it online in 2002 or 2003. So I have to thank you for taking any time at all for me. I greatly respect what you guys do, and it is always an honor to have anything featured on here amongst the greats of the underground. So definitely thank you, and all of my crew. Both the Dead N Dirty Produktionz crew, and the few select people who are with me on my little solo operation here. I appreciate all of you deeply. Like balls deeply. & just generally regardless of our current status I always like to thank anyone who has helped me in anyway musically. People like Str8Jaket from Flint, MI or Invectrum from Canada. Thank you all. Lloyd, Ash, Aaron Strayer aka CUTTHROAT, Lil Wicked, and any other deadite in the dead army. Thank you. Thanks to anyone who has the free time to read this damn thing. And all the killaz who stay in touch with me on the reg. Thank you for everything. For more thank yous, just refer the the artwork of my album “Rough Draft” which you can get for free right here: www.deadndirty.com/audio/rough_draft.zip

Pandoras Box Flyer

So, that will do it for another edition of the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight. I want to thank Corpse, Rhonda and everyone else at Dead N Dirty Productionz. As Corpse mentioned, be sure to grab a free copy of his latest release at the link above or simply click here. If you’d like to keep up with the latest or simply reach out to the man himself check out the links below. In fact, Corpse is the first artist to send over his PSN name as well. So, for all you PlayStation gamers out there make sure to hit the man up.

As always, a big THANK YOU to everyone out here in Faygoluvers land for taking the time out to read another Underground Spotlight. There are plenty more to come, in fact they’re piling up. So to all of you artists out there, if you would like to be featured right here on the Faygoluvers’ Underground Spotlight just hit me up at [email protected]. Make sure to include a short bio, why you want to/should be featured, a pic or two and a couple tracks. Of course don’t forget to include UGS or something similar in the subject line. So, until next time…


Johnny O.



Dead N Dirty Productionz Website

Dead N Dirty Productionz YouTube

Corpse Collector Facebook

Corpse Collector Instagram

Corpse Collector Twitter

PSN – MrMeanMugz5150



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. randy gall

    randy gall

    Comment posted on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 04:51 am GMT -5 at 4:51 am

    man this guy is even worse then warlock

  2. twiztidkillaxxx2


    Comment posted on Wednesday, July 30th, 2014 09:58 pm GMT -5 at 9:58 pm

    Hahaha Randy

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