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On The Rise: Molly Gruesome

Juggalo News recently conducted an interview with Molly Gruesome. In this interview Molly discusses if it is hard being a female artist, the drawbacks and perks, why she decided to do wicked shit instead of rapping about girlie stuff, her influences and more.

You can check out part of this interview below.



First off, how is it being from Canada and pursuing a career in the horrorcore world?

It’s so different than in the US. There isn’t much of a horrorcore “scene” here in Canada at all. In all of Canada, there are only two women seriously doing the wicked shit and that’s me and Pixy. It’s a few of us holding it down for the wicked among a whole lot of 90’s style hip hop and club rap, so some of the shows are kind of awkward. Like one time the Canadian horrorcore band So Sick Social Club opened up for Everlast. Everyone’s there to see Everlast play acoustic guitar and out comes these dudes with blood and gore and electric guitar and face paint and I’m one of their stage props so I’m up there covered in blood looking like a murder victim. And their fans are loving it but the rest of the crowd is like, what the fuck? There’s always these weird mixes of wicked and not wicked, and not many shows that are a whole lineup of horrorcore. The US supports this genre a lot more and there’s a way bigger scene there. I have a bigger fan base in the US than I do in Canada. I do shows in Canada and they’ll be OK, but I do shows in the US and they treat me like a celebrity. The crowds are way bigger, people react better. There are more opportunities to tour. It’s just better all around.

How far have you traveled to do shows?

The farthest I’ve traveled for a show is to Cave-In-Rock, IL for the Gathering Of The Juggalos, that’s a 14 hour drive. I counted the hours that I’ve spent in my lifetime driving to and from Cave-In-Rock for the Gathering and it came to 168 hours. That’s a full week. But I love it. I did a couple shows in the US this year and Pittsburgh is my new favorite place, they gave me a lot of love.

Is it hard being a female artist? What are some of the drawbacks?

I will try not to make a novel out of this answer. Being a female artist is strange. I get people say to me, “I don’t usually like female rappers, but you’re good!” or “You’re the only decent female rapper out there” and it’s almost like people expect female rappers to be shitty. If a female rapper sucks, it’s not just because she sucks, it’s because she’s a woman. They’ll hate on you if you’re ugly, but if you’re too sexy you start getting accused of being a whore just to get fans. There are weird double standards. Snow Tha Product for example won’t even rap about sex, at all, because she says she doesn’t want to come off as using sex to sell records, but male rappers rap about sex all the time and nobody questions it. So there’s a lot of things you have to worry about that I think male rappers don’t have to worry about. There is a lot less room to be yourself and more pressure to be what people want you to be. Then working with male artists can be tough because they’re used to females as groupies, not females as equals, so they’re not always respectful. Some of them will try to work with you in the hopes that they’ll get to sleep with you, and I doubt that male artists have to worry about that very often unless there’s way more gay rappers than I know about. I can’t just go to any dudes studio and work with him because that has led to some creepy situations, so I have to either know them really well or bring someone with me. Oh… and sometimes rapper’s girlfriends hate me. There aren’t many chicks who are okay with their man hanging out with another woman, even if it’s just business and we’re just doing a track together they won’t stand for it. So that doesn’t help.

You can check out the full interview by clicking the link below.

On The Rise: Molly Gruesome @



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    Faygoluvers Comments

  1. sketchez

    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 01:23 pm GMT -5 at 1:23 pm

    The u.s. treats her like a celebrity. .. umm I seriously doubt that. She would be really lucky to ever get recognized

  2. The Notorious, L.T.B.


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 10:22 pm GMT -5 at 10:22 pm

    I like her sht ive heard, would love to see her live. Her and Ill E. Gal r my fav chick rappers.

  3. ILLmortal


    Comment posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 10:54 pm GMT -5 at 10:54 pm

    Fuck a bitch rapper bitches are only good for fuckin and that’s another chapter.

  4. sketchez

    Comment posted on Wednesday, November 13th, 2013 02:16 am GMT -5 at 2:16 am

    I wanna give her a rim job

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