May 21, 2024
24 Guests and Online

(HED)P.E. launches new webstore!

To make things in the world of Suburban Noize Records even more confusing, the homies in (HED)P.E. have decided to start their own webstore outside of the  It’s being done through a site called, and features most of the shirts you’ve seen on tour with them, a few bandanas, and some hats.  I’m sure more will be added to the selection soon.  Also, if you check out the flyer about it, you can get free shipping on any orders within the continental US by putting in the promo code HPE01 at checkout!  Here’s the flyer with details:


Click to visit the all new (HED)P.E. webstore!

Now that’s cool and everything, but the BIGGER question is: why would they start their own webstore?  Are they leaving Sub Noize?  I’m sure we’ll have more on all of this soon.




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